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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/10/2021 04:57 PM
Delco Relays - 4/10/2021
Strath Haven HS
Event 1 Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle
Records: ! 1:02.74 1999 , Penn Wood
Bobo, Johnson, Nickerson, Logan
School Finals H#
1 Garnet Valley 'A' 1:13.23 3
2 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 1:14.53 2
1) Chisholm, Jordyn 12 2) Brown, Bianca 9
3) Fofanah, Nina 10 4) Gates, Madonna 9
3 Penncrest 'A' 1:17.18 2
1) Hanson, Jada 12 2) Gilligan, Molly 9
3) Andersen, Maddie 11 4) Liebman, Sarah 10
4 Marple Newtown 'A' 1:28.00 1
-- Strath Haven 'A' DQ 3
Event 2 Girls 800 Sprint Medley
Records: ! 1:45.61 2016 , Penn Wood
Moore, Pitt, Turner, Mansaray
School Finals H#
1 Garnet Valley 'A' 1:53.56 4
2 Strath Haven 'A' 1:57.41 4
3 Radnor 'A' 1:59.07 3
4 Haverford Township HS 'B' x2:00.05 4
1) O'Brien, Erin 11 2) Durfee, Tess 10
3) Gillespie, Maddie 9 4) Weidman, Tessa 9
5 Haverford Township HS 'A' 2:01.30 4
1) Outland, Kennedy 9 2) Olsavsky, Erin 11
3) Sealy, Camille 12 4) Doran, Emma 11
6 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 2:05.43 3
1) Barlam, Emily 9 2) McBride, Gavin 9
3) Gordon, Sha'xaria 9 4) DeLone, Alex 11
7 Delaware County Christian Scho 'A' 2:07.92 1
8 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 2:08.47 2
9 Penncrest 'A' 2:10.05 3
1) Lutz, Veronica 10 2) Casey, Hannah 11
3) O'Neill, Harper 9 4) Troy, Lauren 9
10 Upper Darby 'A' 2:10.68 2
11 Upper Darby 'B' x2:15.16 2
12 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'B' x2:20.03 1
13 Ridley 'A' 2:24.51 3
14 Marple Newtown 'A' 2:29.20 2
15 Chichester 'A' 2:46.87 1
Event 3 Girls 4x1600 Meter Relay
Records: ! 20:55.52 2014 , Strath Haven
Kennedy, Mesyngier, Wilson, Miller
School Finals
1 Strath Haven 'A' 23:28.93
5:57.340 (5:57.340) 11:52.062 (5:54.722) 17:55.779 (6:03.717)
23:28.929 (5:33.150)
2 Haverford Township HS 'A' 24:08.74
1) Plunkett, Mairead 11 2) Thompson, Olivia 10
3) Murray, Kelly 10 4) Orner, Lindsay 10
5:55.624 (5:55.624) 11:48.350 (5:52.726) 17:47.880 (5:59.530)
24:08.734 (6:20.854)
3 Haverford Township HS 'B' x25:00.69
1) Taggert, Lauren 11 2) Rodriguez, Nicole 12
3) DiMatteo, Sophie 12 4) Scotti, Mia 9
6:31.486 (6:31.486) 12:39.155 (6:07.669) 12:39.155 (0.000)
25:00.690 (12:21.535)
4 Penncrest 'A' 25:04.51
1) Sleutaris, Ella 10 2) Puckett, Hannah 10
3) Andersen, Maddie 11 4) Greco, Evanthia 10
5:52.771 (5:52.771) 12:03.712 (6:10.941) 12:03.712 (0.000)
25:04.503 (13:00.791)
5 Ridley 'A' 26:23.57
6:04.732 (6:04.732) 12:39.794 (6:35.062) 19:14.066 (6:34.272)
26:23.566 (7:09.500)
6 Garnet Valley 'A' 26:35.17
6:12.610 (6:12.610) 13:07.130 (6:54.520) 19:56.604 (6:49.474)
26:35.165 (6:38.561)
7 Radnor 'A' 27:19.50
12:07.842 (12:07.842) 27:19.492 (15:11.650)
8 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 27:35.06
1) Bauer, Emma 11 2) Cardie, Grace 11
3) Luistro, Jamie-Nicole 11 4) Hurley, Mia 9
6:27.752 (6:27.752) 13:12.893 (6:45.141) 20:17.230 (7:04.337)
27:35.058 (7:17.828)
Event 4 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
Records: ! 48.14 2002 , Upper Darby
McGarrell, Lewis, Brown, Bridgeford
School Finals H#
1 Ridley 'A' 50.04 5
2 Haverford Township HS 'A' 50.60 5
1) Leneweaver, Aubrey 10 2) Bloxton, Alyssa 9
3) Elliott, Morgan 10 4) Olsavsky, Erin 11
3 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 51.01 3
1) Chisholm, Jordyn 12 2) Gallagher, Mairin 11
3) Schearer, Beth 10 4) Walters, Carly 11
4 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 51.34 5
1) Love, Misa 9 2) Johnson, Taylor 11
3) DelGiorno, Lucia 9 4) Ogunbiyi, Omotayo 12
5 Upper Darby 'A' 51.49 5
6 Strath Haven 'A' 52.60 4
7 Garnet Valley 'A' 53.25 4
8 Haverford Township HS 'B' x53.97 4
1) Outland, Kennedy 9 2) O'Brien, Erin 11
3) Gillespie, Maddie 9 4) Weidman, Tessa 9
9 Upper Darby 'B' x54.39 4
10 Delaware County Christian Scho 'A' 54.98 1
11 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'B' x55.50 3
12 Penncrest 'A' 55.70 3
1) Sotiropoulos, Olivia 10 2) Coyne, Gwyneth 11
3) Saulino, Sofia 11 4) Clark, Zoe 9
13 Radnor 'A' 58.45 3
14 Marple Newtown 'B' x1:03.80 1
15 Chichester 'A' 1:03.91 2
16 Marple Newtown 'A' 1:05.91 2
-- Springfield (Delco) 'B' DQ 2
1) Dyitt, Samantha 11 2) DeLone, Alex 11
3) Duggan, Layla 9 4) McBride, Gavin 9
Event 5 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Records: ! 9:18.79 2012 , Strath Haven
Herrera, Grossman, Miller, A Wilson
School Finals
1 Strath Haven 'A' 9:48.04
2:28.492 (2:28.492) 4:56.467 (2:27.975) 7:26.079 (2:29.612)
9:48.039 (2:21.960)
2 Penncrest 'A' 10:01.00
1) Fonarov, Anna 12 2) Aiken, Keeley 9
3) Scholtz, Julia 11 4) Robinson, Kelsie 11
2:29.744 (2:29.744) 4:55.811 (2:26.067) 7:34.637 (2:38.826)
10:00.995 (2:26.358)
3 Haverford Township HS 'A' 10:21.43
1) McAdams, Lauren 12 2) Milius, Francesca 10
3) Gillespie, Mackenzie 9 4) Goodman, Rachael 12
2:38.830 (2:38.830) 5:12.036 (2:33.206) 10:21.421 (5:09.385)
4 Upper Darby 'A' 10:22.29
2:32.516 (2:32.516) 5:04.360 (2:31.844) 7:37.883 (2:33.523)
10:22.287 (2:44.404)
5 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 10:25.63
1) Fallon, Mara 9 2) Hay, Marin 10
3) Forrest, Elizabeth 10 4) Henry, Catherine 11
2:33.130 (2:33.130) 5:08.299 (2:35.169) 7:48.117 (2:39.818)
10:25.629 (2:37.512)
6 Garnet Valley 'A' 10:33.03
2:31.225 (2:31.225) 5:10.384 (2:39.159) 7:56.407 (2:46.023)
10:33.022 (2:36.615)
7 Strath Haven 'B' x11:20.60
2:45.481 (2:45.481) 5:32.588 (2:47.107) 8:29.640 (2:57.052)
11:20.598 (2:50.958)
8 Marple Newtown 'A' 11:43.04
2:49.846 (2:49.846) 5:41.807 (2:51.961) 11:43.034 (6:01.227)
9 Haverford Township HS 'B' x11:59.37
1) Flynn, Taylor 9 2) Kunigas, Emily 11
3) White, Julia 9 4) Scotti, Mia 9
2:57.629 (2:57.629) 5:51.816 (2:54.187) 9:05.334 (3:13.518)
11:59.363 (2:54.029)
10 Marple Newtown 'B' x14:10.08
3:12.775 (3:12.775) 6:45.385 (3:32.610) 10:38.471 (3:53.086)
14:10.071 (3:31.600)
Event 6 Girls 1600 Sprint Medley
Records: ! 4:02.01 2017 , Penn Wood
Laylor, Brickle, Pitt, Turner
School Finals H#
1 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 4:28.36 3
1) Ogunbiyi, Omotayo 12 2) Johnson, Taylor 11
3) Pierre-Mathieu, Destiny 12 4) Ezzie, Ava 9
54.387 (54.387) 1:54.321 (59.934) 4:28.353 (2:34.032)
2 Radnor 'A' 4:41.95 3
54.793 (54.793) 1:59.870 (1:05.077) 4:41.945 (2:42.075)
3 Strath Haven 'A' 4:46.43 3
57.364 (57.364) 2:03.828 (1:06.464) 4:46.427 (2:42.599)
4 Marple Newtown 'A' 4:49.79 3
1:00.563 (1:00.563) 2:08.740 (1:08.177) 4:49.790 (2:41.050)
5 Haverford Township HS 'A' 4:58.01 1
1) Gillespie, Maddie 9 2) Olsavsky, Erin 11
3) Weidman, Tessa 9 4) Kent, Maddie 11
5) Outland, Kennedy 9 6)
57.278 (57.278) 2:08.086 (1:10.808) 4:58.006 (2:49.920)
6 Penncrest 'A' 4:58.31 3
1) Saulino, Sofia 11 2) Clark, Zoe 9
3) O'Brien, Michaela 12 4) Greco, Evanthia 10
56.541 (56.541) 2:06.135 (1:09.594) 4:58.309 (2:52.174)
7 Radnor 'B' x5:02.69 2
58.301 (58.301) 59.484 (1.183) 5:02.681 (4:03.197)
8 Upper Darby 'A' 5:04.20 2
1:02.419 (1:02.419) 2:13.057 (1:10.638) 5:04.191 (2:51.134)
9 Garnet Valley 'A' 5:05.82 2
57.986 (57.986) 3:40.556 (2:42.570) 5:05.816 (1:25.260)
10 Springfield (Delco) 'B' x5:08.01 2
1) Campbell, Lauren 9 2) Gates, Madonna 9
3) Grose, Heather 10 4) Shovlin, Brianna 11
2:18.567 (2:18.567) 5:08.001 (2:49.434)
11 Delaware County Christian Scho 'A' 5:12.45 1
1:05.031 (1:05.031) 2:24.690 (1:19.659) 5:12.449 (2:47.759)
12 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 5:12.57 3
1) Brown, Bianca 9 2) Barlam, Emily 9
3) Dyitt, Samantha 11 4) Duffy, Emma 11
1:00.506 (1:00.506) 2:16.138 (1:15.632) 5:12.567 (2:56.429)
13 Ridley 'A' 5:40.05 2
1:00.725 (1:00.725) 2:20.166 (1:19.441) 5:40.045 (3:19.879)
14 Chichester 'A' 6:12.49 1
1:15.411 (1:15.411) 2:43.210 (1:27.799) 6:12.490 (3:29.280)
Event 7 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
Records: ! 1:41.57 2017 , Penn Wood
Turner, Moore, Laylor, Pitt
School Finals H#
1 Garnet Valley 'A' 1:50.92 4
2 Upper Darby 'A' 1:54.16 3
3 Strath Haven 'A' 1:56.92 4
4 Delaware County Christian Scho 'A' 1:59.29 1
5 Ridley 'A' 1:59.75 2
6 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 2:00.40 2
1) Gordon, Sha'xaria 9 2) Gates, Madonna 9
3) Dyitt, Samantha 11 4) Duggan, Layla 9
7 Strath Haven 'B' x2:00.61 3
8 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 2:01.05 4
9 Springfield (Delco) 'B' x2:04.98 1
1) DeLone, Alex 11 2) McBride, Gavin 9
3) Barlam, Emily 9 4) Campbell, Lauren 9
10 Haverford Township HS 'A' 2:08.02 4
1) Potter, Julie 12 2) O'Brien, Erin 11
3) Gray, Madilyn 9 4) Myers, olivia 9
11 Marple Newtown 'A' 2:10.60 3
12 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'B' x2:11.88 1
13 Haverford Township HS 'B' x2:14.08 2
1) Vandevere, Sarah 9 2) Womack, Elizabeth 12
3) Yerger, Catherine 9 4) Lanciano, Isabella 9
14 Marple Newtown 'B' x2:16.40 3
15 Chichester 'A' 2:25.98 2
Event 8 Girls Distance Medley
Records: ! 12:14.62 2006 , Strath Haven
Hickcock, McKeithan, Wright, Vienneau
School Finals
1 Strath Haven 'A' 13:18.08
4:07.200 (4:07.200) 5:11.219 (1:04.019) 7:43.263 (2:32.044)
13:18.075 (5:34.812)
2 Garnet Valley 'A' 13:42.03
4:08.530 (4:08.530) 5:16.252 (1:07.722) 8:01.728 (2:45.476)
13:42.026 (5:40.298)
3 Penncrest 'A' 14:00.96
1) Aiken, Keeley 9 2) Fonarov, Anna 12
3) Robinson, Kelsie 11 4) Puckett, Hannah 10
4:18.605 (4:18.605) 5:21.323 (1:02.718) 7:58.039 (2:36.716)
14:00.955 (6:02.916)
4 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 14:09.45
1) Engler, Jackie 12 2) O'Brien, Erin 11
3) Perkins, CeCe 11 4) O'Brien, Allison 10
4:20.623 (4:20.623) 5:27.920 (1:07.297) 8:14.842 (2:46.922)
14:09.441 (5:54.599)
5 Haverford Township HS 'A' 14:45.46
1) Wilson, Annika 12 2) Doran, Emma 11
3) DiMatteo, Sophie 12 4) Barycki, Shannon 10
4:27.236 (4:27.236) 5:36.022 (1:08.786) 8:38.374 (3:02.352)
14:45.457 (6:07.083)
6 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 15:17.09
1) Hurley, Mia 9 2) McMonagle, Mary 12
3) Urglavitch, Julia 9 4) Fallon, Mara 9
4:44.560 (4:44.560) 5:59.102 (1:14.542) 9:06.622 (3:07.520)
15:17.082 (6:10.460)
7 Upper Darby 'A' 15:21.27
4:23.700 (4:23.700) 5:36.791 (1:13.091) 8:28.674 (2:51.883)
15:21.264 (6:52.590)
8 Marple Newtown 'A' 15:35.40
4:44.804 (4:44.804) 6:02.708 (1:17.904) 9:00.482 (2:57.774)
15:35.400 (6:34.918)
9 Marple Newtown 'B' x16:16.18
4:57.942 (4:57.942) 6:23.538 (1:25.596) 9:30.594 (3:07.056)
16:16.176 (6:45.582)
Event 9 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Records: ! 3:51.23 2016 , Penn Wood
Moore, Pitt, Turner, Mansaray
School Finals H#
1 Haverford Township HS 'A' 4:04.41 4
1) Bloxton, Alyssa 9 2) Leneweaver, Aubrey 10
3) Sealy, Camille 12 4) Elliott, Morgan 10
1:01.076 (1:01.076) 2:02.612 (1:01.536) 3:05.846 (1:03.234)
4:04.406 (58.560)
2 Ridley 'A' 4:10.90 4
1:00.721 (1:00.721) 2:02.742 (1:02.021) 3:07.897 (1:05.155)
4:10.895 (1:02.998)
3 Springfield (Delco) 'A' 4:11.15 3
1) Gallagher, Mairin 11 2) Schearer, Beth 10
3) Walters, Carly 11 4) Walters, Caroline 11
1:03.560 (1:03.560) 2:08.152 (1:04.592) 3:10.516 (1:02.364)
4:11.143 (1:00.627)
4 Strath Haven 'A' 4:12.99 4
1:05.059 (1:05.059) 2:08.604 (1:03.545) 3:10.892 (1:02.288)
4:12.984 (1:02.092)
5 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'A' 4:14.46 4
1:00.086 (1:00.086) 2:04.849 (1:04.763) 3:10.868 (1:06.019)
4:14.460 (1:03.592)
6 Upper Darby 'A' 4:14.98 4
1:05.439 (1:05.439) 2:05.587 (1:00.148) 3:10.770 (1:05.183)
4:14.974 (1:04.204)
7 Radnor 'A' 4:27.74 2
1:02.809 (1:02.809) 2:13.018 (1:10.209) 4:27.735 (2:14.717)
8 Strath Haven 'B' x4:29.96 3
1:08.926 (1:08.926) 2:16.778 (1:07.852) 3:24.857 (1:08.079)
4:29.952 (1:05.095)
9 Upper Darby 'B' x4:33.54 3
1:07.236 (1:07.236) 2:13.881 (1:06.645) 3:21.695 (1:07.814)
4:33.540 (1:11.845)
10 Marple Newtown 'A' 4:39.02 1
1:06.365 (1:06.365) 2:15.706 (1:09.341) 2:28.171 (12.465)
4:39.015 (2:10.844)
11 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast 'B' x4:52.63 2
1:06.616 (1:06.616) 2:16.624 (1:10.008) 3:34.775 (1:18.151)
4:52.621 (1:17.846)
12 Springfield (Delco) 'B' x5:03.18 1
1) DeLone, Alex 11 2) Dyitt, Samantha 11
3) Duggan, Layla 9 4) McBride, Gavin 9
1:12.944 (1:12.944) 2:28.165 (1:15.221) 3:42.814 (1:14.649)
5:03.178 (1:20.364)
13 Haverford Township HS 'B' x5:17.08 2
1) Potter, Julie 12 2) Myers, olivia 9
3) Gray, Madilyn 9 4) Outland, Kennedy 9
5) O'Brien, Erin 11 6)
1:11.777 (1:11.777) 2:26.334 (1:14.557) 3:53.429 (1:27.095)
5:17.078 (1:23.649)
14 Delaware County Christian Scho 'A' 5:22.01 1
2:50.893 (2:50.893) 4:01.186 (1:10.293) 5:22.007 (1:20.821)
Event 10 Girls Shot Put Relay
Records: ! 74-10.50 2008 Shump, Merk, Penncrest
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Brown, Alexa 10 Strath Haven 38-09.50 2
2 Poindexter, Kalila 12 Upper Darby 30-07.00 2
3 Spielman, Hannah 11 Strath Haven 30-02.50 2
4 Omuyeh, Evezi 10 Delaware Cou 30-00.50 1
5 Rodgers, Ashley 12 Penncrest 28-07.00 2
6 Borbi, Erica 12 Haverford To 28-02.00 2
7 Moran, Mairead 12 Marple Newto 27-07.00 2
8 Quinn, Hannah 10 Msgr Bonner 26-09.00 2
9 Walters, Cathleen 12 Springfield 25-09.50 1
10 Dath, Taylor 12 Ridley 25-02.50 2
11 Fallows, Julia 12 Marple Newto 25-01.00 1
12 Borcky, Jaclyn 10 Ridley 24-11.50 1
13 Loan, Samantha 11 Garnet Valle 24-00.00 2
14 Kakarla, Sujana 10 Garnet Valle 23-09.50 1
15 Urglavitch, Julia 9 Springfield 22-08.00 1
16 Rajan, Varsha 12 Haverford To 22-01.00 1
17 Margis, Tess 11 Penncrest 21-05.00 1
18 Ellison, Azuri 9 Msgr Bonner 20-03.50 1
19 Denis, Ketsia 10 Upper Darby 20-01.00 1
Event 11 Girls Discus Throw Relay
Records: ! 226-06 2008 Shump, Merk, Penncrest
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Seflin, Geena 11 Strath Haven 95-00 2
2 Borbi, Erica 12 Haverford To 91-11 2
3 Omuyeh, Evezi 10 Delaware Cou 85-02 1
4 Borcky, Jaclyn 10 Ridley 81-08 2
5 Quinn, Hannah 10 Msgr Bonner 79-05 1
6 Loan, Samantha 11 Garnet Valle 78-07 2
7 Rodgers, Ashley 12 Penncrest 78-04 2
8 Brown, Alexa 10 Strath Haven 75-09 2
9 Ross, Allison 12 Haverford To 75-04 1
10 Bauer, Emma 11 Springfield 69-10 1
11 Borcky, Anna 12 Ridley 69-07 2
12 Moran, Mairead 12 Marple Newto 69-04 2
13 Walters, Cathleen 12 Springfield 68-00 2
14 May, Stephanie 11 Garnet Valle 61-07 1
15 Jacobson, Bridget 10 Msgr Bonner 57-09 1
16 Margis, Tess 11 Penncrest 46-02 1
17 Rasmussen, Audrey 11 Radnor 45-01 1
18 Stanley, Olivia 12 Marple Newto 36-05 2
Event 12 Girls Javelin Throw Relay
Records: ! 255-05 1998 Lohn, Carman, Penncrest
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Dumont, Olivia 12 Strath Haven 119-07 2
2 Rodgers, Ashley 12 Penncrest 105-00 2
3 Borcky, Anna 12 Ridley 95-03 2
4 DeFruscio, Natalie 12 Haverford To 85-07 2
5 Walters, Cathleen 12 Springfield 82-08 2
6 Loan, Samantha 11 Garnet Valle 79-00 2
7 Smith, Gracie 12 Haverford To 78-06 2
8 May, Stephanie 11 Garnet Valle 78-04 2
9 Borcky, Jaclyn 10 Ridley 78-00 2
10 Kauffman, Anna 12 Strath Haven 75-02 2
11 Cisco, Ava 9 Upper Darby 63-02 1
12 Hopson, Morgan 11 Marple Newto 59-07 1
13 Quinn, Hannah 10 Msgr Bonner 57-00 1
14 Rasmussen, Audrey 11 Radnor 54-02 1
15 Engler, Jackie 12 Msgr Bonner 53-08 1
16 Margis, Tess 11 Penncrest 47-07 1
17 Moulder, Lilian 9 Upper Darby 42-10 1
18 Omuyeh, Evezi 10 Delaware Cou 41-02 1
19 Schaub, Kelsey 11 Marple Newto 40-07 1
20 Henry, Catherine 11 Springfield 39-08 1
Event 13 Girls Long Jump Relay
Records: ! 33-04.50 2004 Ryan, Auritt, Strath Haven
Name Year School Finals
1 Foster, Brianna 12 Ridley 16-00.00
2 Chisholm, Jordyn 12 Springfield 15-05.50
3 Harper, Jazzy 12 Strath Haven 15-03.50
4 Heyward, D'Nayzah 12 Upper Darby 14-10.50
5 Hennessy, Ava 11 Springfield 14-08.50
6 Kitzinger, Adria 10 Ridley 14-08.00
7 Cofield, Destiny 10 Upper Darby 14-06.00
8 Faggioli, Marin 9 Strath Haven 14-03.50
9 O'Brien, Erin 11 Msgr Bonner 13-09.00
10 Kondo, Marina 10 Garnet Valle 13-08.50
11 DelGiorno, Lucia 9 Msgr Bonner 13-05.50
12 Small, Kellyn 10 Garnet Valle 13-03.50
13 Matty, Elizabeth 9 Delaware Cou 12-02.00
14 Potter, Julie 12 Haverford To 11-11.50
15 Durfee, Tess 10 Haverford To 11-10.50
16 Dhavele, Olivia 9 Radnor 11-08.50
17 Moreland, Margarita 9 Radnor 11-06.50
18 Impriano, Madilyn 9 Marple Newto 11-05.50
19 Mento, Sarah 9 Delaware Cou 9-03.50
-- Stoy, Lana 12 Marple Newto FOUL
Event 14 Girls Triple Jump Relay
Records: ! 70-07.25 2012 Johnson, Rankine, Upper Darby
Name Year School Finals
1 Etienne, Alice 11 Upper Darby 34-11.50
2 Winward, Emma 11 Ridley 32-03.50
3 Bey, Nija 12 Upper Darby 32-02.50
4 Hennessy, Ava 11 Springfield 31-11.50
5 Kitzinger, Adria 10 Ridley 31-11.00
6 Harper, Jazzy 12 Strath Haven 31-10.00
7 Saboja, Anna 10 Garnet Valle 31-09.00
8 Faggioli, Marin 9 Strath Haven 30-05.00
9 Small, Kellyn 10 Garnet Valle 28-00.50
10 Gilligan, Molly 9 Penncrest 27-08.00
11 Van Eerden, Brooke 12 Delaware Cou 27-06.50
12 Lebourgeois, Amelie 11 Penncrest 27-03.00
13 Mento, Sarah 9 Delaware Cou 26-05.00
14 Duffy, Emma 11 Springfield 25-08.00
Event 15 Girls High Jump Relay
Records: ! 10-02 2000 Click, Redding/ Womack, Harron, PNC/COH
Name Year School Finals
1 Leneweaver, Aubrey 10 Haverford To J5-01.00
2 Sealy, Camille 12 Haverford To J4-08.00
3 Kaplinsky, Eden 10 Strath Haven J4-08.00
4 Addy, Sandahya 11 Delaware Cou J4-06.00
5 DiTrolio, Kayley 9 Msgr Bonner J4-04.00
6 Falk, Izzy 9 Strath Haven J4-02.00
-- Duffy, Emma 11 Springfield NH
-- Matty, Elizabeth 9 Delaware Cou NH
Event 16 Girls Pole Vault Relay
Records: ! 18-06 2008 McDonald, Marinelli, Upper Darby
Name Year School Finals
1 Hill, Sophia 9 Radnor J9-00.00
2 Bierling, Hailey 12 Msgr Bonner J7-00.00
3 Kondo, Marina 10 Garnet Valle J6-06.00
3 Kuhn, Annalise 10 Strath Haven J6-06.00
4 Poindexter, Kalila 12 Upper Darby J6-06.00
4 Davis, Maeve 12 Strath Haven J6-06.00
5 Anfuso, Natalie 10 Radnor J6-00.00
5 Troy, Lauren 9 Penncrest J6-00.00
5 Ellis, Jacey 9 Garnet Valle J6-00.00
6 Hudnut, Cierra 10 Upper Darby J5-00.00
7 Engler, Jackie 12 Msgr Bonner J5-00.00
-- Duffy, Emma 11 Springfield NH
Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
1) Strath Haven 112 2) Haverford Township HS 68
3) Garnet Valley 58 3) Ridley 58
5) Upper Darby 36 5) Springfield (Delco) 36
7) Msgr Bonner & Abp Prenderg 30 8) Penncrest 28
9) Radnor 24 10) Marple Newtown 16
11) Delaware County Christian 10