LVC Blue & White High School Invite - CANCELLED 2022

Annville, PA

Athlete Entries

Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Krall, Ayden Northern Lebanon
JOHNSON, Adam Plymouth Whitemarsh
Brassart, Ben Northern Lebanon
Balasko, Adam Plymouth Whitemarsh
Gutekunst, Braden Great Mills High School
Helferty, Luke Plymouth Whitemarsh
Davis, Zachary Great Mills High School
Derfler, Sean Plymouth Whitemarsh
Sturtevant, Michael 4:50.00 Glenelg High School
Mckee, Connor 4:50.80 Southern (AA) High School
Walsh, Bennett 4:55.00 Glenelg High School
Penkala, Eric 4:55.31 Southern (AA) High School
Seskar, Alexander 4:59.10 Great Mills High School
Dubè, Keegan 4:59.20 Minersville Area
Kurtek, Alex 5:25.19 Minersville Area
Kurtek, Ayden 5:39.29 Minersville Area
Perzel, Logan 5:45.84 Minersville Area
Houser, Mason 5:46.50 Minersville Area
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Quinton Palmyra
Tillery, Brandon Plymouth Whitemarsh
Clarke, Khaleef Plymouth Whitemarsh
Maroon, Michael Plymouth Whitemarsh
Rodriguez, Zed Northern Lebanon
Simeral, Ethan Plymouth Whitemarsh
Myers, Hayden 23.50h Southern (AA) High School
Turner, KaVon 23.90 Great Mills High School
Holaus, Nathan 24.00 Southern (AA) High School
Epperson Jr, Jonathan 24.22 Great Mills High School
Collins, Jaden 24.40 Cardinal O'Hara
Tran, Xaviar 24.45 Cardinal O'Hara
Harter, Rogan 24.74 Annville-Cleona
Hawkins, Khalil 25.00 Southern (AA) High School
Pippenger, Samuel 25.00h Glenelg High School
Vanzego, Elijah 25.13 Great Mills High School
Smith, Rickhi 25.7 Great Mills High School
Okyne, Kobe 26.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Soles, Bryce 26.20h Minersville Area
Stolzer, CJ 27.00 Cardinal O'Hara
Yoon, Samuel 27.00 Glenelg High School
McGrath, Spencer 28.00 Glenelg High School
Aso, Jaedon 28.3 Great Mills High School
Baroni, Vinnie 29.78 Cardinal O'Hara
Hansen, Jax 34.00 Southern (AA) High School
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Boys 3000 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gutekunst, Braden Great Mills High School
Bertrand, Aidan Northern Lebanon
Seskar, Alexander Great Mills High School
Reardon, Timothy Great Mills High School
Krall, Ayden Northern Lebanon
Lacey, Chris 10:00.00 Cardinal O'Hara
Bingley, Christian 10:10.00 Southern (AA) High School
Kurtek, Alex 10:45.00 Minersville Area
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bembry, Jayon Great Mills High School
Green, Nickyi Great Mills High School
Meyer, Tyler Northern Lebanon
Bertrand, Aidan Northern Lebanon
Dommel, Owen 1:02.08 Elizabethtown Area
Tannas Jacobson, Jonah 1:03.4 Great Mills High School
Nolen, Aidan 1:03.52 Cardinal O'Hara
Yoon, Samuel 1:04.00h Glenelg High School
Houser, Mason 1:05.00h Minersville Area
Tompkins, Gavin 1:06.00 Southern (AA) High School
McGrath, Spencer 1:06.00 Glenelg High School
Steill, Jayden 1:06.5 Great Mills High School
Hansen, Jax 1:09.00 Southern (AA) High School
Gray, Shane 1:21.0 Great Mills High School
Collins, Jaden 52.50h Cardinal O'Hara
Myers, Hayden 54.00 Southern (AA) High School
Maloney, Logan 55.10 Cardinal O'Hara
Sharretts, Noah 55.15 Cardinal O'Hara
Watson, Chase 56.0 Annville-Cleona
Roman, Dominic 56.20 Cardinal O'Hara
Hammond, Andrew 58.00 Glenelg High School
N'Dikwe, Taidou 58.00h Elizabethtown Area
Tobin, Colin 59.00h Minersville Area
Burgess, Jacob 59.00h Minersville Area
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:34.00 Plymouth Whitemarsh
Relay Team A 1:35.43 Southern (AA) High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Relay Team A 1:38.24 Great Mills High School
Relay Team B 1:41.30 Great Mills High School
Relay Team B 1:43.93 Plymouth Whitemarsh
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northern Lebanon
Relay Team A Plymouth Whitemarsh
Relay Team A Great Mills High School
Relay Team B Plymouth Whitemarsh
Relay Team B Great Mills High School
Relay Team A 3:40.73 Southern (AA) High School
Relay Team A 3:49.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Relay Team A 3:55.00 Glenelg High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northern Lebanon
Relay Team B Northern Lebanon
Relay Team B 10:20.00 Southern (AA) High School
Relay Team A 9:44.63 Southern (AA) High School
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Boys 55 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Kieran Plymouth Whitemarsh
Townsend, Quinton Palmyra
Vanzego, Elijah Great Mills High School
McKay, Bryant Plymouth Whitemarsh
Epperson Jr, Jonathan Great Mills High School
Ajuz, Daniel Plymouth Whitemarsh
Clark, George Plymouth Whitemarsh
Holiday, Amar Great Mills High School
Turner, KaVon 6.97 Great Mills High School
Hawkins, Khalil 7.06 Southern (AA) High School
Soles, Bryce 7.10h Minersville Area
Holaus, Nathan 7.11 Southern (AA) High School
Harter, Rogan 7.20 Annville-Cleona
Carlson, Michael 7.23 Bermudian Springs
Aso, Jaedon 7.52 Great Mills High School
TEVIS, Keith 7.53 Southern (AA) High School
Maloney, Logan 7.80 Cardinal O'Hara
Knox, Zion 7.90 Cardinal O'Hara
Baroni, Vinnie 8.15 Cardinal O'Hara
Tran, Xaviar 9.68 Cardinal O'Hara
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Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grossman, Joseph Great Mills High School
Green, Nickyi Great Mills High School
Brown, Ryan Great Mills High School
Williams, Zavion 10.22 Southern (AA) High School
Carlson, Michael 8.10h Bermudian Springs
Groves, Travis 8.28 Southern (AA) High School
Schikel, Danny 8.40 Cardinal O'Hara
Roberts, Dallas 8.88 Great Mills High School
Garrett Jr, Cortez 9.32 Great Mills High School
Nolen, Aidan 9.40 Cardinal O'Hara
Foster, Mike 9.60 Cardinal O'Hara
Ellis, Luke 9.80 Cardinal O'Hara
Downs, Evans 9.90 Cardinal O'Hara
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Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brassart, Ben Northern Lebanon
Hughes, William Great Mills High School
Walden, Regent 1:58.00 Plymouth Whitemarsh
Mckee, Connor 2:10.31 Southern (AA) High School
Seskar, Alexander 2:13.12 Great Mills High School
Carbajal, Axel 2:15.00 Plymouth Whitemarsh
duCellier, Jake 2:15.52 Southern (AA) High School
Dubè, Keegan 2:15.70 Minersville Area
Penkala, Eric 2:16.77 Southern (AA) High School
Walsh, Bennett 2:18.00 Glenelg High School
Carmo, Eric 2:19.10 Susquenita
Burgess, Jacob 2:20.00h Minersville Area
Tobin, Colin 2:20.00h Minersville Area
Deshpande, Varun 2:23.00 Glenelg High School
Umanzor Solorzano, Rony 2:24.44 Great Mills High School
Kurtek, Ayden 2:34.56 Minersville Area
Derrick, Will 2:38.40 Southern (AA) High School
Perzel, Logan 2:42.62 Minersville Area
PARKS, Luke 2:45.12 Southern (AA) High School
Roman, Dominic 4:48.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Lacey, Chris 4:58.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Sheltin, John 5:10.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Collins, Billy 5:15.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Harris, Maasai 5:20.00h Cardinal O'Hara
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Boys High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spruill, Seve 5-10 Plymouth Whitemarsh
Weigle, Aaron 5-6 Bermudian Springs
Bambara, Karmon 5-6 Cardinal O'Hara
Dolley, Aaron 5-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Alston, David 5-0 Cardinal O'Hara
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Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carlson, Michael 18-8 Bermudian Springs
Hawkins, Khalil 17-7 Southern (AA) High School
Bambara, Karmon 17-6 Cardinal O'Hara
Holt, Harrison 17-3 Great Mills High School
Maloney, Logan 17-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Tran, Xaviar 16-10 Cardinal O'Hara
Okyne, Kobe 16-6 Cardinal O'Hara
Stumpf, Jason 16-5.25 Plymouth Whitemarsh
Pettaway, Kamarion 12-11.75 Great Mills High School
Stolzer, CJ Cardinal O'Hara
Storti, Vincent Plymouth Whitemarsh
Garrett Jr, Cortez Great Mills High School
Quicho, Rogelio Great Mills High School
Steill, Jayden Great Mills High School
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Boys Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carlson, Michael 10-6 Bermudian Springs
Bingley, Christian 8-6 Southern (AA) High School
Derrick, Will 7-6 Southern (AA) High School
Foster, Mike Cardinal O'Hara
Nolen, Aidan Cardinal O'Hara
Baroni, Vinnie Cardinal O'Hara
Stolzer, CJ Cardinal O'Hara
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Boys Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tobin, Luke 39-7 Minersville Area
Lozowicki, Xavier 36-6 Cardinal O'Hara
Pippenger, Samuel 36-0 Glenelg High School
Weigle, Aaron 35-5 Bermudian Springs
Temple-Hudson, Kendan 35-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Clark, George 32-10 Plymouth Whitemarsh
Rizzardi, Josh 32-2.25 Minersville Area
Spahr, Jake 30-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Hines, Tye Plymouth Whitemarsh
Thomas-Payne, Jared Plymouth Whitemarsh
Morffiah, Shi-obi Plymouth Whitemarsh
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Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schikel, Danny 37-11.5 Cardinal O'Hara
Kutufaris, Mike 37-1.75 Cardinal O'Hara
Bambara, Karmon 35-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Dolley, Aaron 34-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Garrett Jr, Cortez 33-2 Great Mills High School
Pettaway, Kamarion Great Mills High School
Quicho, Rogelio Great Mills High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Hope Catoctin High School
Frazier, Elana Great Mills High School
Bell, Katelyn Catoctin High School
Brotherton, Carter Great Mills High School
Conley, Jenna 5:51.36 Catoctin High School
Masser, Samantha 5:57.33 Minersville Area
Mitchell, Paige 6:21.77 Minersville Area
Bowers, Cecilia 6:28.49 Southern (AA) High School
Law-Knotts, Quinn 6:29.87 Catoctin High School
James, Evelyn 6:35.84 Southern (AA) High School
Taylor, Keira 6:39.75 Catoctin High School
Betancourtcantu, Ava 8:43.62 Great Mills High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horner, Layna Northern Lebanon
Kasprowicz, Jade Northern Lebanon
BLUNDELL, Mackenzie 28.00 Southern (AA) High School
Bradford, Jessica 28.00h Glenelg High School
Sharrow, Samantha 28.09 Cardinal O'Hara
Thompson, Ava 29.0 Catoctin High School
CONRY, Catherine 29.00 Southern (AA) High School
Tucker, Robyn 29.50 Catoctin High School
Ellis, Maddie 29.55 Cardinal O'Hara
McDonald, Genevieve 29.77 Elizabethtown Area
Hamilton, Nadine 30.3 Great Mills High School
Perhach, Kacey 30.50 Catoctin High School
Glass, Jenna 31.0 Catoctin High School
Hall, Diamantae 31.00 Cardinal O'Hara
MUDD, Emmie 31.00 Southern (AA) High School
Donnelly, Rebecka 31.00h Minersville Area
Hutton, Molly 31.00h Glenelg High School
Kelly, Allison 31.50 Catoctin High School
Love, Maria 32.00 Southern (AA) High School
Cha, Eliza 32.2 Great Mills High School
Ronquillo, Veronica 33.9 Great Mills High School
NEILL, Siena 34.00 Southern (AA) High School
Logan, Velencia 37.4 Great Mills High School
Hart, Lakenya 38.5 Great Mills High School
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Girls 3000 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brotherton, Carter Great Mills High School
Betancourtcantu, Ava Great Mills High School
Marlowe, Alyssa Northern Lebanon
Frazier, Elana Great Mills High School
Murray, Lauren Northern Lebanon
Lorenz, Sarah 11:45.15 Cardinal O'Hara
Gurvich, Milana 12:09.00 Glenelg High School
Burkit, Sarenity 12:19.70 Northampton Area
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horner, Layna Northern Lebanon
Spence, Kaila 1:02.00h Glenelg High School
Burgee, Hannah 1:03.00 Southern (AA) High School
Rivenbark, Kara 1:05.00h Glenelg High School
Ellis, Maddie 1:05.90 Cardinal O'Hara
Thompson, Ava 1:08 Catoctin High School
Bora, Sophia 1:08.96 Cardinal O'Hara
BURGEE, Rebecca 1:10.00h Southern (AA) High School
PennyPacker, Jaelyn 1:10.32 Minersville Area
Perhach, Kacey 1:11.5 Catoctin High School
Kelly, Lauren 1:12 Catoctin High School
Donnelly, Rebecka 1:12.00h Minersville Area
Kelly, Alayna 1:13 Catoctin High School
GRIGG, Sophie 1:13.00h Southern (AA) High School
Shabazz-Scott, Nyiera 1:13.22 West York Area
Johnson, Katelyn 1:19.0 Great Mills High School
Hart, Lakenya 1:42.0 Great Mills High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:52.00 Glenelg High School
Relay Team A 1:55.67 Southern (AA) High School
Relay Team A 2:09.35 Great Mills High School
Relay Team A 2:12.00 Cardinal O'Hara
Relay Team B 2:15.50 Great Mills High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:24.00 Glenelg High School
Relay Team A 4:34.00h Cardinal O'Hara
Relay Team A 4:35.71 Southern (AA) High School
Relay Team B 4:45.00 Glenelg High School
Relay Team A 4:46.54 Catoctin High School
Relay Team A 5:25.00h Great Mills High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:42.00 Glenelg High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Minersville Area
Relay Team A 11:20.00 Cardinal O'Hara
Relay Team A 11:31.71 Catoctin High School
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Girls 55 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chase, Jaziyah Great Mills High School
Rorie, Kayla Great Mills High School
Horner, Layna Northern Lebanon
Strand, Jaelyn Great Mills High School
Miller, Delaney Palmyra
Cha, Eliza Great Mills High School
Magers, Emma Catoctin High School
Bradford, Jessica 7.52 Glenelg High School
Johnson, Sarah 7.58 Glenelg High School
Callahan, Carleigh 7.70 Glenelg High School
McDonald, Genevieve 8.14 Elizabethtown Area
Hamilton, Nadine 8.14 Great Mills High School
Cherry, Sarah 8.20h Glenelg High School
Hutton, Molly 8.30h Glenelg High School
Miller, Kyiah 8.35 Cardinal O'Hara
Thompson, Ava 8.36 Catoctin High School
Tucker, Robyn 8.36 Catoctin High School
Talbott, Emma 8.40 Southern (AA) High School
Love, Maria 8.47 Southern (AA) High School
Glass, Jenna 8.51 Catoctin High School
MUDD, Emmie 8.51 Southern (AA) High School
CONRY, Catherine 8.64 Southern (AA) High School
Myles, Kiernan 9.13 Catoctin High School
NEILL, Siena 9.23 Southern (AA) High School
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Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hart, Lakenya Great Mills High School
Tucker, Robyn Catoctin High School
Strand, Jaelyn Great Mills High School
Hall, Diamantae Cardinal O'Hara
Ronquillo, Veronica Great Mills High School
Bennett, Tianna Cardinal O'Hara
Myles, Kiernan Catoctin High School
Owens, Abiola 10.40h Glenelg High School
BLUNDELL, Mackenzie 11.16 Southern (AA) High School
Stumm, Grace 12.24 Great Mills High School
Meja, Rebekah 12.24 Great Mills High School
Watts, Alison 9.49 Bermudian Springs
Zulu, Alysia 9.60h Glenelg High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brotherton, Carter Great Mills High School
Betancourtcantu, Ava Great Mills High School
Frazier, Elana Great Mills High School
Zentz, Jenna 2:28 Catoctin High School
Sheehan, Tara 2:32.14 Cardinal O'Hara
Durand, Alexandra 2:40.00 Glenelg High School
Burgee, Hannah 2:41.02 Southern (AA) High School
Conley, Jenna 2:42.65 Catoctin High School
Kelly, Lauren 2:43 Catoctin High School
Burgess, Julia 2:48.00h Minersville Area
GRIGG, Sophie 2:51.08 Southern (AA) High School
Brown, Hope 2:51.35 Catoctin High School
Foster, Kylie 2:52.00h Catoctin High School
Bray, Erin 2:57.20 Cardinal O'Hara
James, Evelyn 2:58.00 Southern (AA) High School
Bowers, Cecilia 2:58.17 Southern (AA) High School
Bassinger, Maddie 3:01.00h Cardinal O'Hara
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Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Marie 4-8 Cardinal O'Hara
Meja, Rebekah 4-4 Great Mills High School
GRIGG, Sophie 4-4 Southern (AA) High School
Owens, Abiola 4-4 Glenelg High School
Dejesus, Maryann 4-2 Great Mills High School
Rorie, Kayla 4-2 Great Mills High School
Rich, Ash Northern Lebanon
Boyer, Toccoa Northern Lebanon
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Girls Long Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watts, Alison 16-9 Bermudian Springs
Hubler, Devin 16-0 Minersville Area
Sharrow, Samantha 15-3.25 Cardinal O'Hara
Brown, Marie 14-6.5 Cardinal O'Hara
CONRY, Catherine 13-2 Southern (AA) High School
Brown, D'Naysjha 13-0 Great Mills High School
Love, Maria 13-0 Southern (AA) High School
Dejesus, Maryann 12-0 Great Mills High School
Strand, Jaelyn Great Mills High School
Hart, Lakenya Great Mills High School
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Girls Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watts, Alison 9-0 Bermudian Springs
Guerra, Isabella 7-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Rich, Ash Northern Lebanon
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Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hneleski, Ava 32-0 Cardinal O'Hara
Evertt, Molly 31-10 Cardinal O'Hara
Raczka, Kaycee 30-0 Minersville Area
Bussey, Meghan 28-8
Rice, Sydney 28-4 West York Area
Smith-Geisbert, Breeanna 26-0 Great Mills High School
Williams, Lea 23-8 Catoctin High School
Magers, Emma 20-2 Catoctin High School
DeVaughn, Miniyah 19-0 Cardinal O'Hara
COLLIER, Journei 19-0 Southern (AA) High School
Lyons, Jocelyn 14-7 Great Mills High School
Craft, Jasmine 14-4 Great Mills High School
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Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watts, Alison 38-2 Bermudian Springs
Hubler, Devin 36-0 Minersville Area
Sharrow, Samantha 33-11 Cardinal O'Hara
Brown, Marie 32-10.25 Cardinal O'Hara
Smith-Geisbert, Breeanna Great Mills High School
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