Meet Information
Dear Coach,
We would like to invite you to the 1stAnnual Millersville University Middle School T&F Invitational which will be held at Millersville University onThursday April 14, 2022.
We will be using FAT timing, and will provide awards to the top 6 finishers for individual events and top 3 relay teams. First place team will also be awarded.Later events will be run under stadium lights, an exciting opportunity for your athletes.
The cost will be$250 per school. Individual entry is $20 per person with individual relay $25 per relay. Larger teams can enter a second team for anadditional $250 per school(please contact
Andy Young for the
additional team option).
Checks should be made out to and mailed to:
Cy Fritz Foundation.
Andy Young, 164 W Cottage Ave, Jefferson Hall, Millersville PA 17551-0302
Please email your intent to attend as soon as possible. If you have any, questions please reach out to me.
Andy Young
Head Coach Millersville University Cross Country Track and Field
717-871-5560 office
516-316-0981 cell