PIAA District 6 Championships 2022

Reedsville, PA

Meet Information

Registration help:


Varsity (7), Unseeded (Unlimited)

Meet Fee:

$50 per school + $10 per student-athlete entered in the Varsity and Unseeded races. Make checks payable to PIAA District 6.

Mail Entry check to:

Tish Maclay, Athletic Director

Mailing Address:  Mifflin County High School, 501 Sixth Street, Lewistown, PA 17044

Race Schedule:

9am - 3A Girls, Remaining races immediately in the following order:

3A Boys

3A Unseeded Girls & Boys (Combined)

2A Girls

2A Boys

2A Unseeded Girls & Boys (Combined)

1A Girls

1A Boys

1A Unseeded Girls & Boys (Combined)