Lansdale Invitational 2024

Lansdale, PA

Lansdale Invitational 2024 vs Lansdale Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +61 179 118
Overall Average -53.58 22:13.48 23:07.06
1st-10th Place -27.70 16:25.00 16:52.70
1st-25th Place -1:00.28 16:53.96 17:54.24
1st-50th Place -1:28.23 17:40.35 19:08.58
1st-100th Place -2:21.21 19:20.15 21:41.35
Common Athletes -- -- 37
Ran Faster 31 34 3
Ran Season Best 27 27 --
Average Time -2:15.02 20:30.22 22:45.24
Median Time -2:33.00 19:01.00 21:34.00
Middle 80% Times -2:18.29 20:16.54 22:34.83
Top 10% Times -1:02.00 16:06.75 17:08.75
Top 25% Times -1:46.40 16:33.90 18:20.30
Top 50% Times -1:57.46 17:24.06 19:21.53
Bottom 50% Times -2:25.47 22:31.63 24:57.11
Bottom 25% Times -3:14.10 25:44.40 28:58.50
Bottom 10% Times -3:25.50 27:52.75 31:18.25
Average Difference -2:15.02 -- --
Median Difference +48.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:19.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference -56.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:40.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:44.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:40.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:40.26 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:45.70 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:52.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Justin Landis North Penn -52.00 15:47.00 16:39.00
Achilles Shui North Penn -43.00 15:54.00 16:37.00
Joey Sharkey North Penn -1:20.00 16:20.00 17:40.00
Shane Myers North Penn -4:18.00 16:26.00 20:44.00
Owen Cary North Penn -3:09.00 16:35.00 19:44.00
Charlie Pearson North Penn -2:27.00 16:48.00 19:15.00
Charles Reith Methacton -49.00 16:50.00 17:39.00
Tyler Rifkin Methacton -2:35.00 16:51.00 19:26.00
Jason Xi Upper Dublin -1:56.00 17:01.00 18:57.00
Quinn Kumfert Methacton -2:02.00 17:07.00 19:09.00
Benjamin Freese Methacton -2:23.00 17:26.00 19:49.00
Jacob Keenan Upper Dublin -4:03.00 17:56.00 21:59.00
Gregory Siegel Upper Dublin -1:31.00 18:01.00 19:32.00
Neven Plower Methacton -3:53.90 18:25.10 22:19.00
Kevin Lim Upper Dublin -3:06.90 18:27.10 21:34.00
Michael Burcik North Penn -3:03.00 18:28.00 21:31.00
Gabe Jackson Upper Dublin +1:23.00 19:52.00 18:29.00
Thomas Hazleton Methacton -1:29.00 18:36.00 20:05.00
Garrett Haggar Upper Dublin -1:19.00 18:38.00 19:57.00
Aaron Sensenig Dock Mennonite -51.00 19:01.00 19:52.00
Ryan Alzamora Methacton -9:31.00 19:48.00 29:19.00
Anson Thomas Methacton +48.00 21:58.00 21:10.00
Juliana Trigone Methacton -1:14.00 21:14.00 22:28.00
Glenn Xavier North Penn -2:05.00 21:17.00 23:22.00
Lance Yang Upper Dublin -6.00 21:57.00 22:03.00
TJ Butler Methacton -1:39.00 22:00.00 23:39.00
Margaret Mead Methacton -6:26.00 22:31.00 28:57.00
Lily McMullin Mount Saint Joseph -1:03.00 23:23.00 24:26.00
Emily Yeh Methacton +8.00 24:12.00 24:04.00
Grace Daly Mount Saint Joseph -58.00 24:09.00 25:07.00
Annabelle Caldwell Methacton -1:30.00 24:23.00 25:53.00
Gemma Petruzzelli Mount Saint Joseph -3:38.00 24:52.00 28:30.00
Georgia Bartolo Mount Saint Joseph -2:21.00 24:54.00 27:15.00
My-Lan Pham Methacton -3:14.00 25:36.00 28:50.00
Eleanor Rothgeb Methacton -6:00.00 25:55.00 31:55.00
Maya Lafferty Methacton -1:48.00 29:42.00 31:30.00
Charlotte McDaid Mount Saint Joseph -2:11.00 30:18.00 32:29.00