Harrisburg CAA All League Meet 2024

Harrisburg, PA
Timing/Results MAC-FAT, LLC.

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bentz, Thomas St. Catherine Laboure
Zerance, Oliver St. Patrick
Himmelwright, Aston St. Theresa School
Sherman, Jackson St. Margaret Mary
Oberto, Daniel St. Catherine Laboure
Schuckman, Jacob St. Theresa School
Kushner, Caleb St. Patrick
Green, Caiden St. Margaret Mary
Trepiccione, Christian St. Theresa School
Nguyen, Justin St. Catherine Laboure
Malloy, Mark St. Patrick
Sharp, Jacob St. Margaret Mary
Towles , Greysyn 14.00h St. Joan of Arc
Heimbuch, Jackson 15.00h St. Joseph
Jacob, Pinti 16.10h St. Joan of Arc
Uchendu, Onyekachi 16.20h St. Joseph
Kyle, Swallow 16.80h St. Joan of Arc
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JV Boys 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gervasio, Troy St. Patrick
Trepiccione, Cael St. Theresa School
Garrity, Finbarr St. Patrick
Rogers, Benjamin St. Catherine Laboure
Adams, Ren St. Catherine Laboure
Curtis, Luke 5:52.00h St. Joseph
Curtis, Sam 6:17.00h St. Joseph
Elliot, Fritz 6:19.21 St. Patrick
Fox, Ryan 6:55.42 St. Margaret Mary
Iannacine, Gabe 6:58.77 St. Margaret Mary
Roman, Benjamin 7:05.00h St. Joseph
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JV Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beish, Abel St. Patrick
Zerance, Oliver 14.66 St. Patrick
Kenyon, Kieran 17.82 St. Patrick
Hnatishion, Leo 31.4 St. Margaret Mary
Towles , Greysyn 31.7 St. Joan of Arc
Simons, Jevyn 31.85 St. Catherine Laboure
Fox, Ryan 32.1 St. Margaret Mary
Schuckman, Jacob 32.66 St. Theresa School
Arroyo, Emmanuel 32.89 St. Catherine Laboure
Glavas, Anthony 33.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Trepiccione, Christian 35.00 St. Theresa School
Morgan, William 35.90h St. Joseph
Fetterman, Robert 36.50 St. Theresa School
Kyle, Swallow 37 St. Joan of Arc
Hoover, Henry 38 St. Joan of Arc
Fisher, Jay 40.10h St. Joseph
Gonzalez, Zion 41.10h St. Margaret Mary
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JV Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bricknell, Charles St. Patrick
Brogan, Sheehan St. Joan of Arc
Beish, Abel 1:10.88 St. Patrick
McGruder, Caelan 1:15.81 St. Catherine Laboure
Cancel, Kevin 1:17.38 St. Patrick
William, Zakovitch 1:18.00h St. Joan of Arc
Sprow, Mitchell 1:20 St. Margaret Mary
Curtis, Ben 1:20.00h St. Joseph
Hoover, Henry 1:21.00h St. Joan of Arc
Whittaker, Antonio 1:22 St. Margaret Mary
Carter, Edward 1:26.50 St. Theresa School
Pena, Aiden 1:27 St. Margaret Mary
Roman, Benjamin 1:28.42 St. Joseph
Fetterman, Robert 1:29.37 St. Theresa School
Ranney, Collin 1:32.05 St. Theresa School
Senoski, Marcus 1:34.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Nguyen, Xavier 1:50.00h St. Catherine Laboure
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JV Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Joan of Arc
Relay Team A 1:01.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 1:02.63 St. Patrick
Relay Team A 1:04.00h St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A 1:04.30 St. Theresa School
Relay Team A 1:06.00h St. Joseph
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JV Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:19.78 St. Patrick
Relay Team A 2:24.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 2:29.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 2:40.00h St. Margaret Mary
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JV Boys 50 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Glavas, Anthony St. Catherine Laboure
Malloy, Mark St. Patrick
Sharp, Jacob St. Margaret Mary
Lutz, Ayden St. Catherine Laboure
Deatrick, Luke St. Patrick
Patel, Nish St. Joan of Arc
Ranney, Collin St. Theresa School
Alicea, Rafael St. Margaret Mary
Washington, Kevon St. Catherine Laboure
Himmelwright, Aston St. Theresa School
Cancel, Kevin St. Patrick
Green, Caiden St. Margaret Mary
Schuckman, Jacob St. Theresa School
Uchendu, Onyekachi 7.80h St. Joseph
Heimbuch, Jackson 8.20h St. Joseph
Thomas, Luke 9.60h St. Joan of Arc
Underhill, Dalton 9.70h St. Joan of Arc
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JV Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brogan, Sheehan St. Joan of Arc
Curtis, Luke 2:50.00h St. Joseph
Elliot, Fritz 2:54.75 St. Patrick
Curtis, Sam 2:56.00h St. Joseph
Gervasio, Troy 2:56.59 St. Patrick
Krebs, Benjamin 2:56.60 St. Patrick
Curtis, Ben 2:57.00h St. Joseph
William, Zakovitch 2:59.00h St. Joan of Arc
Sprow, Mitchell 3:01 St. Margaret Mary
Trepiccione, Cael 3:04.10 St. Theresa School
Rogers, Benjamin 3:08.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Jacob, Pinti 3:12.00h St. Joan of Arc
Carter, Edward 3:12.18 St. Theresa School
Iannacine, Gabe 3:15 St. Margaret Mary
Pena, Aiden 3:20 St. Margaret Mary
Nguyen, Justin 3:39.34 St. Catherine Laboure
Nguyen, Xavier 3:55.00 St. Catherine Laboure
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JV Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team B St. Patrick
Relay Team B St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A St. Patrick
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JV Boys Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alicea, Rafael 67-3 St. Margaret Mary
Fox, Ryan 58-9 St. Margaret Mary
Beish, Abel 54-9 St. Patrick
Petrou, Anthony 52-0 St. Margaret Mary
Morgan, William 50-7 St. Joseph
Roman, Benjamin 48-1 St. Joseph
Swarney, Brett 41-9 St. Catherine Laboure
Fisher, Jay 41-0 St. Joseph
Lutz, Ayden 40-6 St. Catherine Laboure
Nguyen, Xavier 36-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Malloy, Mark St. Patrick
Finkenbinder, Evan St. Patrick
Kaminsky, Noah St. Joan of Arc
Underhill, Dalton St. Joan of Arc
Carter, Edward St. Theresa School
Trepiccione, Christian St. Theresa School
Schuckman, Jacob St. Theresa School
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JV Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Caiden 11-11 St. Margaret Mary
Sprow, Mitchell 11-9 St. Margaret Mary
Washington, Kevon 11-8 St. Catherine Laboure
Davis, Nicolas 11-4 St. Margaret Mary
Simons, Jevyn 11-3.75 St. Catherine Laboure
McGruder, Caelan 11-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Curtis, Sam 10-1 St. Joseph
Green, Liam 5-11 St. Joseph
Zerance, Oliver St. Patrick
Elliot, Fritz St. Patrick
Gervasio, Troy St. Patrick
Towles , Greysyn St. Joan of Arc
Kyle, Swallow St. Joan of Arc
Jacob, Pinti St. Joan of Arc
Himmelwright, Aston St. Theresa School
Ranney, Collin St. Theresa School
Schuckman, Jacob St. Theresa School
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JV Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Petrou, Anthony 24-3 St. Margaret Mary
Lutz, Ayden 22-3.75 St. Catherine Laboure
Macioce, Christopher 22-1 St. Patrick
Vucetic, Antoni 21-7.5 St. Catherine Laboure
Heimbuch, Jackson 20-5 St. Joseph
Robinson, Elijah 20-3 St. Margaret Mary
Ring, Mathias 19-1 St. Margaret Mary
Festa, Evan 15-7 St. Joseph
Cirelli, Joseph 13-7 St. Joseph
Noss, Clinton 12-3 St. Catherine Laboure
Major, Kamden St. Patrick
Krebs, Benjamin St. Patrick
Underhill, Dalton St. Joan of Arc
Thomas, Luke St. Joan of Arc
Brogan, Sheehan St. Joan of Arc
Carter, Edward St. Theresa School
Trepiccione, Cael St. Theresa School
Trepiccione, Christian St. Theresa School
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JV Boys Softball Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Macioce, Christopher 118-9 St. Patrick
Vucetic, Antoni 111-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Bennett, Austin 108-0 St. Margaret Mary
Rogers, Benjamin 107-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Sharp, Jacob 106-0 St. Margaret Mary
Davis, Nicolas 102-0 St. Margaret Mary
Curtis, Luke 95-8 St. Joseph
Uchendu, Onyekachi 95-1 St. Joseph
Senoski, Marcus 93-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Curtis, Ben 82-3 St. Joseph
Ranney, Collin 72-3 St. Theresa School
Major, Kamden St. Patrick
Deatrick, Luke St. Patrick
William, Zakovitch St. Joan of Arc
Kyle, Swallow St. Joan of Arc
Carter, Edward St. Theresa School
Trepiccione, Cael St. Theresa School
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JV Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dick, Julia St. Catherine Laboure
Lewis, Jolene St. Patrick
Blayney, Gwyneth St. Theresa School
Mosley, Briani St. Catherine Laboure
Brennen, Elliana St. Joseph
Bickel, Isla St. Margaret Mary
Trispagonas, Kathryn St. Patrick
Ruell, Alyce St. Theresa School
Cooper, Jayla St. Margaret Mary
Smalanskas, Ellen St. Theresa School
Herr, Aubrey St. Joseph
Zerance, Avielle St. Patrick
Gonzalez, Zamora St. Margaret Mary
Gingrich, Adelyn St. Joan of Arc
Dolan, Finleigh 13.31 St. Catherine Laboure
Sample, Isabella 13.5 St. Joan of Arc
Frantz, Catherine 15.20h St. Joseph
Romberger, Ryan 16.2 St. Joan of Arc
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JV Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gora, Zayla St. Theresa School
Haskins, Emma St. Catherine Laboure
Masi, Stella St. Catherine Laboure
Schmitt, Nora St. Catherine Laboure
Morgan, Daniella 5:55.44 St. Patrick
Smithmyer, Claire 6:34.00 St. Theresa School
Orcutt, Coralie 6:51.19 St. Patrick
Stinnett, Emerson 7:00.00h St. Joseph
McGraw, Maeve 7:01 St. Margaret Mary
Wright, Paige 7:03.00h St. Joseph
Breen, Clare 7:13 St. Joan of Arc
Dwyer, Gracie 7:41.86 St. Margaret Mary
Lehman, Emma 7:49.50 St. Patrick
Perry, Sheyle 8:00 St. Margaret Mary
Ruell, Julia 8:55.00h St. Theresa School
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JV Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Iacone, Natalina St. Joseph
Matthews, Gianna St. Joseph
Snow, Eleanor St. Patrick
Rodriguez, Jamielyn 30.28 St. Catherine Laboure
Ferris, Kate 30.5 St. Joan of Arc
Frantz, Catherine 31.00h St. Joseph
McCahan, Emerson 32.07 St. Catherine Laboure
Romberger, Ryan 33 St. Joan of Arc
Lanham, MC 33 St. Joan of Arc
Johnson, Amani 34 St. Margaret Mary
Delp, Guinevere 35.2 St. Margaret Mary
Diehl, Peyton 36.36 St. Catherine Laboure
Hoffman, Blake 37.57 St. Patrick
Smalanskas, Ellen 38.00 St. Theresa School
Blayney, Gwyneth 39.00 St. Theresa School
Johannes , Sophie 39.23 St. Patrick
Gora, Zayla 40.40 St. Theresa School
D'Souza, Michaela 40.9 St. Margaret Mary
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JV Girls 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ostronic, Charleigh St. Joseph
Futrell, Ella 1:10.18 St. Catherine Laboure
Rye, McKinley 1:16.94 St. Patrick
Smithmyer, Claire 1:17.00 St. Theresa School
Bailey, Mia 1:17.21 St. Patrick
Hanner, Susie 1:21 St. Joan of Arc
Roman, Olivia 1:21.00h St. Joseph
Kintner, Reagan 1:22.00h St. Joan of Arc
Sidella, Lacey 1:23.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Haskins, Emma 1:25.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Ashman, Danielle 1:27.00h St. Joseph
Schell, Brynee 1:28 St. Margaret Mary
Sanders, Allison 1:29 St. Margaret Mary
Catherine, Halstead 1:30 St. Joan of Arc
Ritter, Nora 1:30.56 St. Theresa School
Wilson, Emma 1:31.19 St. Patrick
D'Souza, Michaela 1:36 St. Margaret Mary
Ruell, Alyce 1:45.00 St. Theresa School
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JV Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Joan of Arc
Relay Team A 1:05.00h St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A 1:06.21 St. Patrick
Relay Team A 1:09.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 1:10.09 St. Theresa School
Relay Team A 58.01 St. Catherine Laboure
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JV Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Patrick
Relay Team A St. Joan of Arc
Relay Team A 2:23.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 2:32.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 2:35.00h St. Margaret Mary
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JV Girls 50 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smalanskas, Ellen St. Theresa School
Brockman, Grace St. Patrick
Gonzalez, Zamora St. Margaret Mary
Gabrielle, Koury St. Joan of Arc
Mosley, Briani St. Catherine Laboure
Chaudrue, Claire St. Patrick
Powell, Rayne St. Theresa School
Stauffer, Molly St. Catherine Laboure
Cooper, Jayla St. Margaret Mary
McPeake, Peri St. Patrick
Gora, Zayla St. Theresa School
Edwards, Kamdyn St. Margaret Mary
Szeles, Gabriella St. Catherine Laboure
Isabella, Sample 7.74 St. Joan of Arc
Moser, Sophia 8.00h St. Joseph
Lanham, MC 8.23 St. Joan of Arc
Herr, Aubrey 8.30h St. Joseph
Carr, Fallyn 9.00h St. Joseph
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JV Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Daniella 2:31.65 St. Patrick
Ferris, Kate 2:38 St. Joan of Arc
Smithmyer, Claire 2:49.00h St. Theresa School
Shannon, Halle 2:51.85 St. Patrick
Stinnett, Emerson 3:00.00h St. Joseph
Breen, Clare 3:06 St. Joan of Arc
Rodriguez, Kaylyn 3:09.18 St. Catherine Laboure
Dwyer, Gracie 3:15 St. Margaret Mary
McGraw, Maeve 3:15 St. Margaret Mary
Wright, Paige 3:16.00h St. Joseph
Hanner, Susie 3:20 St. Joan of Arc
Ritter, Nora 3:23.00h St. Theresa School
Savaglio, Elena 3:29.38 St. Catherine Laboure
Cantos, Grace 3:30.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Czarnecki, Madison 3:44.64 St. Patrick
Ruell, Julia 3:49.00 St. Theresa School
Krall, Ella 4:00 St. Margaret Mary
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JV Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A St. Patrick
Relay Team B St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team B St. Patrick
Relay Team A St. Joan of Arc
Relay Team A St. Margaret Mary
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JV Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Mia 57-1 St. Patrick
Cantos, Grace 47-8 St. Catherine Laboure
Mugisha, Isla 46-6 St. Margaret Mary
Morris, Molly 43-10 St. Margaret Mary
Rodriguez, Kaylyn 41-9 St. Catherine Laboure
Hamilton, Cheyenne 38-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Grella, Meghan 36-3 St. Margaret Mary
Iacone, Natalina 34-6 St. Joseph
Frantz, Catherine 33-1 St. Joseph
Ostronic, Charleigh 20-8 St. Joseph
Smalanskas, Ellen St. Theresa School
Powell, Rayne St. Theresa School
Klauer, Sophie St. Joan of Arc
Gingrich, Adelyn St. Joan of Arc
Kintner, Reagan St. Joan of Arc
Gora, Zayla St. Theresa School
Brockman, Grace St. Patrick
Forestieri, Teresa St. Patrick
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JV Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Jamielyn 13-3.5 St. Catherine Laboure
Stinnett, Emerson 11-10 St. Joseph
McCahan, Emerson 11-1 St. Catherine Laboure
Delp, Guinevere 11-0 St. Margaret Mary
Szeles, Gabriella 10-11 St. Catherine Laboure
Moser, Sophia 10-4 St. Joseph
McGraw, Maeve 9-8 St. Margaret Mary
Wright, Paige 9-7 St. Joseph
Krall, Ella 8-8 St. Margaret Mary
Smithmyer, Claire St. Theresa School
Ritter, Nora St. Theresa School
Ferris, Kate St. Joan of Arc
Lanham, MC St. Joan of Arc
Romberger, Ryan St. Joan of Arc
Ruell, Julia St. Theresa School
Zerance, Avielle St. Patrick
McPeake, Peri St. Patrick
Shannon, Halle St. Patrick
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JV Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bickel, Isla 22-4 St. Margaret Mary
Dolan, Finleigh 20-7.5 St. Catherine Laboure
White, Kylee 20-6.75 St. Catherine Laboure
Gonzalez, Zamora 18-8 St. Margaret Mary
Hunter-Chapman, Londyn 17-11 St. Margaret Mary
Diehl, Peyton 17-8.25 St. Catherine Laboure
Roman, Olivia 17-8 St. Joseph
Czarnecki, Madison 15-0 St. Patrick
Herr, Aubrey 12-8 St. Joseph
Brennen, Elliana 12-2 St. Joseph
Powell, Rayne St. Theresa School
Blayney, Gwyneth St. Theresa School
Moses, Eva St. Joan of Arc
Novak, Isabella St. Joan of Arc
Kintner, Colette St. Joan of Arc
Ruell, Julia St. Theresa School
Brockman, Grace St. Patrick
Bailey, Mia St. Patrick
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JV Girls Softball Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sattizahn, Olivia 97-6 St. Catherine Laboure
White, Kylee 95-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Stauffer, Molly 91-1 St. Catherine Laboure
Morris, Molly 90-0 St. Margaret Mary
Carr, Fallyn 83-7 St. Joseph
Johnson, Amani 75-0 St. Margaret Mary
Rye, McKinley 74-11 St. Patrick
Mugisha, Isla 74-0 St. Margaret Mary
Isabella, Sample 64-6 St. Joan of Arc
Ashman, Danielle 59-7 St. Joseph
Smalanskas, Ellen St. Theresa School
Ruell, Alyce St. Theresa School
Novak, Isabella St. Joan of Arc
Moses, Eva St. Joan of Arc
Powell, Rayne St. Theresa School
Werzyn, Anna St. Joseph
McPeake, Peri St. Patrick
Hill, Hadley St. Patrick
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Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Middendorf, Jackson St. Catherine Laboure
Jablonski, Jaxon St. Margaret Mary
Gassis, Emanuel St. Theresa School
Baker, Dominic St. Catherine Laboure
Okindo, Andrew St. Margaret Mary
LaCour, Jacob St. Theresa School
Sypolt, Jace St. Catherine Laboure
Robinson, Isaiah St. Margaret Mary
Bratcher, Jalyn St. Theresa School
Finkenbinder, Brian St. Patrick
Jerome, Larue 11.80h St. Joan of Arc
Drew, Moore 12.80h St. Joan of Arc
Pham, Khang 13.00h St. Joseph
Logan, Eamonn 13.60 St. Patrick
Clark, Wyatt 13.66 St. Patrick
Keefer, Kinsley 13.70h St. Joseph
Tran, Kevin 16.10h St. Joseph
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arroyo, Ayden St. Catherine Laboure
Bricknell, Joseph 5:18.67 St. Patrick
Billow, Truman 5:52.00h St. Joseph
Brockman, Jack 5:57.19 St. Patrick
Barnes, Aiden 5:58.00 St. Margaret Mary
McNelis, Liam 6:00.00h St. Joseph
Callahan, Finlay 6:16 St. Margaret Mary
Roberts, Callum 6:30.00h St. Joseph
Gervasio, Anthony 6:30.30 St. Patrick
Masi, Kevin 6:32.79 St. Catherine Laboure
O'Hara, Brendan 7:11.00h St. Joan of Arc
Anderson, Landon 9:00 St. Margaret Mary
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bui, Cody St. Catherine Laboure
Sepahpanah, Babak St. Joseph
Jablonski, Jaxon 26.6 St. Margaret Mary
McGruder, Deklen 27.10 St. Catherine Laboure
Pham, Khang 27.50h St. Joseph
Clark, Wyatt 27.80 St. Patrick
Drew, Moore 29 St. Joan of Arc
Smith, Cole 29.38 St. Patrick
McCarthy, Jack 29.4 St. Margaret Mary
Finkenbinder, Brian 29.47 St. Patrick
Christopher, Corona 30 St. Joan of Arc
Barnes, Landon 30.00h St. Joseph
McLaughlin, Quinn 30.9 St. Margaret Mary
RT, Ferris 31 St. Joan of Arc
Green, Jacob 32.28 St. Theresa School
Fetterman, William 34.00 St. Theresa School
Fowler-Pease, Kamden 34.64 St. Catherine Laboure
Ritter, Landon 38.02 St. Theresa School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fazal, Cameron St. Patrick
Jagger, Pennypacker St. Joan of Arc
Whittaker, Eli 1:01.05 St. Margaret Mary
Rye, Melbourne 1:01.44 St. Patrick
RT, Ferris 1:04 St. Joan of Arc
Vergot, Michael 1:07.00h St. Joseph
Arroyo, Ayden 1:09.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Boswell, Dean 1:13 St. Margaret Mary
Okindo, Andrew 1:13 St. Margaret Mary
Brooks, Kennedy 1:15.05 St. Joan of Arc
Schlauderaff, Mason 1:18.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Rossman, Brayden 1:19.25 St. Theresa School
Major, Kingston 1:19.28 St. Patrick
Beamer, Vincent 1:20.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Barnes, Landon 1:20.00h St. Joseph
Ritter, Landon 1:23.00 St. Theresa School
Green, Jacob 1:25.00 St. Theresa School
McNelis, Liam 1:27.00 St. Joseph
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 0:01.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 53.81 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 54.96 St. Patrick
Relay Team A 55.40h St. Margaret Mary
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Varsity Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 0:02.11h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 1:54.34 St. Patrick
Relay Team A 1:54.62 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 2:00.00h St. Margaret Mary
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Varsity Boys 50 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sypolt, Jace St. Catherine Laboure
Bennett, Adam Jr (AJ) St. Margaret Mary
Green, Jacob St. Theresa School
Rye, Melbourne St. Patrick
Myers, Owen St. Catherine Laboure
Whittaker, Eli St. Margaret Mary
Logan, Eamonn St. Patrick
Gassis, Emanuel St. Theresa School
Parson, Layden St. Catherine Laboure
Wierzbicki, Jackson St. Margaret Mary
Bratcher, Jalyn St. Theresa School
Fazal, Cameron St. Patrick
Jerome, Larue 6.10h St. Joan of Arc
Drew, Moore 6.90h St. Joan of Arc
McQuillan , Rowan 7.40h St. Joseph
Lenzo, Matteo 7.40h St. Joan of Arc
Shaffer, Kolby 8.20h St. Joseph
Tran, Kevin 8.70h St. Joseph
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bricknell, Joseph 2:19.60 St. Patrick
Drew, Moore 2:33 St. Joan of Arc
Billow, Truman 2:35.00h St. Joseph
Brockman, Jack 2:37.06 St. Patrick
Brooks, Kennedy 2:38 St. Joan of Arc
Masi, Kevin 2:40.00 St. Catherine Laboure
RT, Ferris 2:43 St. Joan of Arc
Barnes, Aiden 2:48.00 St. Margaret Mary
Rager, Hudson 2:48.87 St. Patrick
Wright, Lucas 2:51.00h St. Joseph
Fetterman, William 2:56.36 St. Theresa School
Beamer, Vincent 2:58.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Roberts, Callum 3:04.01 St. Joseph
Callahan, Finlay 3:05 St. Margaret Mary
Ritter, Landon 3:08.83 St. Theresa School
Rossman, Brayden 3:13.43 St. Theresa School
Pena, Damon 3:20.00h St. Margaret Mary
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A St. Patrick
Relay Team B St. Margaret Mary
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Varsity Boys Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keefer, Kinsley 102-2 St. Joseph
McQuillan , Rowan 99-3 St. Joseph
Middendorf, Jackson 92-1 St. Catherine Laboure
Clark, Wyatt 87-0 St. Patrick
McGruder, Deklen 83-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Vergot, Michael 75-5 St. Joseph
Shelton, Aidyn 66-4 St. Margaret Mary
Bolster, Justin 66-0 St. Margaret Mary
Brockman, Jack 62-6 St. Patrick
Drew, Moore 61-8.5 St. Joan of Arc
Boswell, Dean 58-11 St. Margaret Mary
Brooks, Kennedy 57-8.5 St. Joan of Arc
LaCour, Jacob 55-11 St. Theresa School
Schlauderaff, Mason 49-11 St. Catherine Laboure
Adam, Swallow 46-2 St. Joan of Arc
Gervasio, Anthony St. Patrick
Rossman, Brayden St. Theresa School
Gassis, Emanuel St. Theresa School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wierzbicki, Jackson 15-9 St. Margaret Mary
Pham, Khang 15-5 St. Joseph
Whittaker, Eli 15-1 St. Margaret Mary
Hower, Connor 15-0 St. Catherine Laboure
Benini, Gavin 15-0 St. Joseph
Robinson, Isaiah 14-11 St. Margaret Mary
Marsico-Hernandez, Marco 14-2.25 St. Catherine Laboure
Parson, Layden 13-6.25 St. Catherine Laboure
Wright, Lucas 13-6 St. Joseph
RT, Ferris 13-3 St. Joan of Arc
Finkenbinder, Brian 9-7 St. Patrick
Rye, Melbourne St. Patrick
Hoffman, Austin St. Patrick
Larue, Jerome St. Joan of Arc
O'Hara, Brendan St. Joan of Arc
Rossman, Brayden St. Theresa School
Gassis, Emanuel St. Theresa School
Bratcher, Jalyn St. Theresa School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Nasir 38-5 St. Margaret Mary
Jablonski, Jaxon 38-4 St. Margaret Mary
McQuillan , Rowan 31-2 St. Joseph
Keefer, Kinsley 30-2 St. Joseph
Harper, Logan 30-0.25 St. Catherine Laboure
Shaffer, Kolby 28-4 St. Joseph
Feidt, Cael 28-1 St. Catherine Laboure
Bolster, Justin 27-4.5 St. Margaret Mary
Fowler-Pease, Kamden 24-8.5 St. Catherine Laboure
Smith, Cole 23-0 St. Patrick
LaCour, Jacob 21-11 St. Theresa School
Bricknell, Joseph St. Patrick
Logan, Eamonn St. Patrick
Adam, Swallow St. Joan of Arc
O'Hara, Brendan St. Joan of Arc
Pennypacker, Jagger St. Joan of Arc
Green, Jacob St. Theresa School
Ritter, Landon St. Theresa School
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Varsity Boys Softball Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Feidt, Cael 208-11 St. Catherine Laboure
Wierzbicki, Jackson 190-1 St. Margaret Mary
Baker, Dominic 184-6 St. Catherine Laboure
Masi, Kevin 136-8 St. Catherine Laboure
Benini, Gavin 130-5 St. Joseph
Hnatishion, Reece 126-1 St. Margaret Mary
Fazal, Cameron 121-6 St. Patrick
Barnes, Aiden 112-3 St. Margaret Mary
Schaedler, Owen 106-4 St. Joseph
Abram, Samuel 96-5 St. Joseph
White, Brandon St. Patrick
Rager, Hudson St. Patrick
Lenzo, Matteo St. Joan of Arc
RT, Ferris St. Joan of Arc
Christopher, Corona St. Joan of Arc
Bratcher, Jalyn St. Theresa School
LaCour, Jacob St. Theresa School
Rossman, Brayden St. Theresa School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
D'Agostino, Emily St. Theresa School
Stauffer, Alyssa St. Catherine Laboure
Vernak, Grace St. Margaret Mary
Minnier, Giada St. Theresa School
Adams, Brinlee St. Catherine Laboure
Witmer, Lili St. Margaret Mary
Felter, Lilyanne St. Patrick
McMurray, Tara St. Catherine Laboure
Lauren, Libhart 14.40 St. Joan of Arc
Matthews, Mary 14.48 St. Joseph
Taylor, Sides 14.60h St. Joan of Arc
Burdette, Moira 14.70h St. Joan of Arc
Aubert, Ireland 16.13 St. Joseph
Forestieri, Anna 16.32 St. Patrick
Kline, Grace 16.59 St. Theresa School
McCoy , Allaina 19.03 St. Joseph
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schroeder, Cadence St. Catherine Laboure
Adams, Brinlee St. Catherine Laboure
Aviles, Eurya St. Catherine Laboure
Bielawa, Ava 6:06.19 St. Joseph
Cancel, Kendall 6:14.50 St. Patrick
Peddicord, Molly 6:26.31 St. Patrick
Cancel, Cora 6:28.41 St. Patrick
Baker, Reagan 7:08.00h St. Joseph
Shienvold, Avielle 7:52.04 St. Margaret Mary
Flook, Charlotte 8:11 St. Margaret Mary
Blayney, Ellen 8:51.02 St. Theresa School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kudak, Olyvia 30.51 St. Catherine Laboure
Pena, Genevieve 31.00h St. Joan of Arc
Delaney, Lilly 31.8 St. Margaret Mary
Klepeiss, Faith 32.00h St. Joseph
Crawford, Natalie 32.1 St. Margaret Mary
Curley, Hazel 32.60h St. Joseph
Toke, Savannah 33.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Maddux, Veronica 33.15 St. Patrick
Fackler, Tenley 33.53 St. Catherine Laboure
Felter, Lilyanne 34.72 St. Patrick
Roller, KIersten 35.00h St. Joan of Arc
Cruz, Linda 36.00h St. Joan of Arc
Minnier, Giada 38.69 St. Theresa School
Blayney, Ellen 42.00 St. Theresa School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spahr, Eleanor 1:14.75 St. Patrick
Burdette, Moira 1:15 St. Joan of Arc
Cancel, Cora 1:15.00 St. Patrick
Baker, Reagan 1:15.17 St. Joseph
Rondon, Luna 1:16.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Kline, Aubrey 1:16.00h St. Joseph
Conches, Kiera 1:18 St. Margaret Mary
Eshelman, Phoebe 1:20 St. Joan of Arc
Keller, Lydia 1:21.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Cruz, Linda 1:23 St. Joan of Arc
Budman, Harper 1:23.82 St. Theresa School
Delp, Olivia 1:28.31 St. Margaret Mary
Gelburd, Lillian 1:30.00 St. Theresa School
Murphy, Grace 1:33.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Blayney, Ellen 1:42.00 St. Theresa School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Joan of Arc
Relay Team A 1:00.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 1:00.10h St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A 1:01.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 1:05.13 St. Theresa School
Relay Team A 59.34 St. Patrick
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Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:05.00h St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A 2:07.00h St. Joseph
Relay Team A 2:20.00h St. Margaret Mary
Relay Team A 2:30.41 St. Theresa School
Relay Team A 2:34.69 St. Patrick
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Varsity Girls 50 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ojo, Precious St. Margaret Mary
Neve, Marissa St. Catherine Laboure
Halvorson, Victoria St. Patrick
D'Agostino, Emily St. Theresa School
Butina, Harper St. Theresa School
Dininni-Szekeres, Arianna St. Catherine Laboure
Harvey, Kiera St. Margaret Mary
Flores, Giuliana St. Catherine Laboure
Forestieri, Anna St. Patrick
Kline, Grace St. Theresa School
Lauren, Libhart 6.86 St. Joan of Arc
Pena, Genevieve 7.22 St. Joan of Arc
Matthews, Mary 7.50h St. Joseph
Taylor, Sides 7.50h St. Joan of Arc
McCoy , Allaina 9.50h St. Joseph
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cancel, Kendall 2:46.00 St. Patrick
Hunt, Sophia 2:48.55 St. Margaret Mary
Klepeiss, Faith 2:50.00h St. Joseph
Bielawa, Ava 2:51.16 St. Joseph
Peddicord, Molly 2:51.57 St. Patrick
Shienvold, Avielle 3:08.60 St. Margaret Mary
Eshelman, Phoebe 3:13 St. Joan of Arc
McConnell, Maggie 3:15.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Budman, Harper 3:15.46 St. Theresa School
Aviles, Eurya 3:25.00 St. Catherine Laboure
Flook, Charlotte 3:38 St. Margaret Mary
Weiss, Brynnleigh 3:55.00 St. Catherine Laboure
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B St. Catherine Laboure
Relay Team A St. Patrick
Relay Team A St. Catherine Laboure
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Varsity Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kline, Aubrey 64-9 St. Joseph
Dininni-Szekeres, Arianna 63-8.5 St. Catherine Laboure
Malesic, Isabelle 52-11 St. Catherine Laboure
Symeonidis, Ava 50-2 St. Joseph
Moore, Lillian 48-9 St. Joan of Arc
Nguyen, Zoe 44-10 St. Catherine Laboure
Forlizzi, Brynn 41-10 St. Margaret Mary
McCoy , Allaina 41-0 St. Joseph
Butina, Harper 40-7.5 St. Theresa School
Sheehan, Maire 36-7.5 St. Joan of Arc
Emma, Goklaney 28-2 St. Joan of Arc
Delaney, Lilly 25-0 St. Margaret Mary
Vernak, Grace 22-0 St. Margaret Mary
Minnier, Giada St. Theresa School
Kline, Grace St. Theresa School
Zerance, Lacey St. Patrick
Halvorson, Victoria St. Patrick
Donley, Ella St. Patrick
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunt, Sophia 13-9 St. Margaret Mary
McMurray, Tara 13-7 St. Catherine Laboure
Curley, Hazel 13-4 St. Joseph
Stauffer, Alyssa 13-0.75 St. Catherine Laboure
Baker, Reagan 12-9 St. Joseph
Elby, Lauren 12-4.5 St. Margaret Mary
Witmer, Lili 12-4 St. Margaret Mary
Lauren, Libhart 12-3.75 St. Joan of Arc
Flores, Giuliana 11-11 St. Catherine Laboure
Klepeiss, Faith 11-8 St. Joseph
D'Agostino, Emily 8-0.5 St. Theresa School
Cruz, Linda St. Joan of Arc
Pena, Genevieve St. Joan of Arc
Blayney, Ellen St. Theresa School
Gelburd, Lillian St. Theresa School
Maddux, Veronica St. Patrick
Cancel, Kendall St. Patrick
Zerance, Lacey St. Patrick
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elby, Lauren 24-0.75 St. Margaret Mary
Kline, Aubrey 22-6 St. Joseph
Moore, Lillian 22-1 St. Joan of Arc
Keller, Lydia 22-0.25 St. Catherine Laboure
Emma, Goklaney 21-3.5 St. Joan of Arc
Symeonidis, Ava 20-9.5 St. Joseph
Forlizzi, Brynn 20-4 St. Margaret Mary
Aubert, Ireland 19-8 St. Joseph
Harvey, Kiera 18-10 St. Margaret Mary
Giunta, Alaena 17-4 St. Catherine Laboure
Butina, Harper 13-6.5 St. Theresa School
Rondon, Luna 13-6 St. Catherine Laboure
Eshelman, Phoebe St. Joan of Arc
Minnier, Giada St. Theresa School
Blayney, Ellen St. Theresa School
Forestieri, Anna St. Patrick
Halvorson, Victoria St. Patrick
Donley, Ella St. Patrick
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Varsity Girls Softball Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conches, Kiera 107-6 St. Margaret Mary
Fackler, Tenley 107-2 St. Catherine Laboure
Szeles, Caroline 100-3 St. Catherine Laboure
Matthews, Mary 92-8 St. Joseph
Zapcic, Sami 83-9 St. Catherine Laboure
Bielawa, Ava 80-3 St. Joseph
Aubert, Ireland 79-7 St. Joseph
Butina, Harper 62-4 St. Theresa School
Shienvold, Avielle 58-0 St. Margaret Mary
D'Agostino, Emily 56-11 St. Theresa School
Delp, Olivia 53-10 St. Margaret Mary
Taylor, Sides St. Joan of Arc
Burdette, Moira St. Joan of Arc
Sheehan, Maire St. Joan of Arc
Kline, Grace St. Theresa School
Maddux, Veronica St. Patrick
Donley, Ella St. Patrick
Spahr, Eleanor St. Patrick
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