Bryn Mawr Invitational 2024 vs Bryn Mawr Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -9 111 120
Overall Average +25.84 23:34.45 23:08.61
1st-10th Place +11.37 17:33.66 17:22.29
1st-25th Place +19.70 18:18.60 17:58.90
1st-50th Place +34.67 19:49.08 19:14.41
1st-100th Place +49.11 22:28.47 21:39.36
Common Athletes -- -- 34
Ran Faster -10 12 22
Ran Season Best -7 26 33
Average Time +8.83 21:51.91 21:43.09
Median Time +2.00 21:40.70 21:38.70
Middle 80% Times +5.54 21:51.99 21:46.45
Top 10% Times +7.25 17:31.97 17:24.72
Top 25% Times +4.40 17:38.11 17:33.71
Top 50% Times +13.99 18:46.09 18:32.10
Bottom 50% Times +3.67 24:57.74 24:54.07
Bottom 25% Times +8.16 26:45.33 26:37.18
Bottom 10% Times +31.70 28:45.30 28:13.60
Average Difference +8.83 -- --
Median Difference +51.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +3.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference +6.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference +11.06 -- --
Top 25% Difference +12.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference +11.06 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +6.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +44.13 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Cohen Manges Swarthmore College -2.10 17:23.00 17:25.10
Kenneth Relovsky Swarthmore College +11.70 17:35.30 17:23.60
Matthew Fleming Swarthmore College +1:22.30 18:47.40 17:25.10
Ben Rosin Swarthmore College +10.90 17:36.00 17:25.10
Colin Delaney Swarthmore College +10.30 17:35.40 17:25.10
Spencer Etheridge Swarthmore College +7.70 17:34.90 17:27.20
Joey Alander Swarthmore College -0.70 17:35.00 17:35.70
Joshua Leinwand Swarthmore College -2:31.60 17:35.00 20:06.60
Charlie Schuetz Swarthmore College -36.50 17:35.20 18:11.70
Rob Mirabello Swarthmore College +28.40 18:13.20 17:44.80
Isaac Chu Swarthmore College +40.30 18:52.00 18:11.70
Connor Kakowski Immaculata University +1:18.20 19:38.70 18:20.50
Eric Xing Swarthmore College +26.30 19:26.30 19:00.00
Olivia Montini Swarthmore College +4.70 20:12.50 20:07.80
Matthew Schutz Arcadia University +1:00.60 21:11.80 20:11.20
Aubrey Donahue Immaculata University +42.70 20:58.30 20:15.60
Jimmy Lauer Immaculata University +51.80 21:40.70 20:48.90
Sophia Goodwin Swarthmore College -25.20 21:13.50 21:38.70
Sofie Prieto Bryn Mawr College +1:04.50 23:03.50 21:59.00
Cora Rosin Bryn Mawr College -8.70 22:05.70 22:14.40
Wesley Castelli Arcadia University -3:56.20 22:43.30 26:39.50
Nahshon Harrison-Fobbs Neumann University -7.40 22:53.90 23:01.30
Kieran Brackin Immaculata University +2:52.40 25:57.30 23:04.90
Megan McDonald Bryn Mawr College -3:36.80 23:25.50 27:02.30
Edie Hoganson Swarthmore College -1:19.30 23:33.90 24:53.20
Lucy Valencia Swarthmore College +1:18.80 25:01.50 23:42.70
Isabella Thoen Swarthmore College +23.20 24:07.10 23:43.90
Natasha Kwiatkowski Bryn Mawr College +1:15.30 25:35.00 24:19.70
Mary Steinbicker Immaculata University +8.30 24:29.10 24:20.80
Mckayla Reyer Bryn Mawr College +9.80 24:43.90 24:34.10
Catherine Haas Immaculata University -1:01.10 26:10.30 27:11.40
Emily McGonigle Immaculata University +4:13.10 30:25.70 26:12.60
Katie Baier Neumann University +1:02.80 27:49.40 26:46.60
Sahdahya Addy Neumann University -1:18.30 30:35.80 31:54.10