Galen E. Piper Alumni/Open Cross Country Challenge 2010

Meet Information

1st Annual Galen E. Piper Alumni / Open XC Challenge

Saturday - September 4, 2010
10:30 am - Mens 6k
11:00 am - Womens 4k
11:30 am - 1 mile fun run for the young and young at heart

Location: The Shippensburg University Outdoor Student Recreation Complex

Participating Teams: Dickinson, Frostburg, Gettysburg, Hagerstown, Shippensburg, Alumni and
Open Competitors

Course: 4k (about 2.5 mi) for women and 6k (about 3.75 mi) for men and 1 mile fun run
4k/6k course is a 2 kilometer loop The course is flat and the footing is mostly grass, but there is about 40 meters of black top on each loop and also a stream crossing. Course maps will be provided in your race day packet

Course Records:
Neely Spence(Ship) 13:56 in 2009 and Matt Wagoner(Ship Alum) 18:49 in 2005

College Records: Neely Spence(Ship) 13:56 in 2009 and Bryan Beegle(Ship) 19:04 in 2009

Entry Fee: 4k and 6k competitors - $5.00 per individual with a maximum of $50.00 per team

Mens and Womens teams are separate

Make checks payable to: SU Foundation/Cross Country or pay with cash on race day No entry fee for 1 mile fun run

Awards: The winning mens and womens team will receive a traveling award which will stay in the possession of that team until the following year

The top 10 finishers in the womens 4k and mens 6k will receive T-shirts

All children participating in the fun run will receive awards

Invitational Scoring for the 4k and 6k 5 runners score and 7 displace

Results: Complete 4k and 6k results will be posted at the pavilion shortly after each race and results will also be posted at

No official times will be recorded or posted for the fun run, but times will be read to participants as they cross the line

Race Instructions: Bib numbers will be provided in the race packet and all competitors including the open runners in the 4k/6k races are required to wear a racing type singlet

Showers: Available at Heiges Field House

Lunch: Will not be provided for visiting teams and families. The Shippensburg team, alumni and families will have a post race luncheon at the recreation center pavilion

Football: There is no home football game on this date

Contact: Steve Spence, Head Cross Country Coach

Phone (717)477-1284 ext 1 / Email