Philadelphia Catholic League Championships 2010 vs Philadelphia Catholic League Championships 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +215 354 139
Overall Average -29.66 22:08.22 22:37.88
1st-10th Place -54.23 16:49.10 17:43.33
1st-25th Place -1:00.30 17:15.70 18:16.01
1st-50th Place -1:12.77 17:47.15 18:59.91
1st-100th Place -2:12.13 18:27.38 20:39.51
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 47 55 8
Ran Season Best -- 63 63
Average Time -1:19.68 20:22.51 21:42.19
Median Time -2:00.14 19:23.44 21:23.58
Middle 80% Times -1:16.53 20:17.23 21:33.76
Top 10% Times -1:21.31 16:42.88 18:04.19
Top 25% Times -1:25.62 17:07.26 18:32.88
Top 50% Times -1:28.41 17:55.20 19:23.61
Bottom 50% Times -1:08.47 22:11.62 23:20.08
Bottom 25% Times -1:24.53 24:35.61 26:00.14
Bottom 10% Times -1:37.64 25:59.60 27:37.24
Average Difference -1:19.68 -- --
Median Difference +0.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:16.03 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:14.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:20.54 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:05.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:20.54 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:16.33 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:23.55 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:00.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Chris Garrity Cardinal O'Hara -1:39.46 16:25.46 18:04.92
Chris Muldoon Archbishop Wood -1:28.10 16:34.51 18:02.61
Tom Trainer La Salle College HS -1:09.55 16:40.49 17:50.04
Christian Ostrowski Cardinal O'Hara -2:39.28 16:44.91 19:24.19
Owen Glatts Saint Joseph's Prep -2:09.80 16:46.99 18:56.79
Dan Savage Cardinal O'Hara -1:23.67 16:51.69 18:15.36
Chris Pastore Cardinal O'Hara -1:59.82 16:56.14 18:55.96
Brian Wolff Saint Joseph's Prep -1:09.33 16:57.47 18:06.80
Mike Bilotta Cardinal O'Hara -1:05.24 17:04.00 18:09.24
Seamus Morgan La Salle College HS -47.77 17:12.60 18:00.37
Mike Hess Cardinal O'Hara -1:53.40 17:18.68 19:12.08
Jonathan Schmidt Archbishop Wood -2:03.80 17:22.13 19:25.93
Jake Sacchetti Cardinal O'Hara -2:19.23 17:36.82 19:56.05
Mike Ciavarelli MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -3:20.53 17:47.85 21:08.38
Stephen Monaghan Roman Catholic -1:13.15 17:48.08 19:01.23
Joey Travaline Roman Catholic -2:16.38 17:48.40 20:04.78
Mike Cosenza Archbishop Wood -28.05 18:01.72 18:29.77
Craig Gonzaga Archbishop Ryan -2:46.16 18:09.75 20:55.91
Khari Golson Roman Catholic -25.29 18:18.11 18:43.40
John Dipierro Roman Catholic -1:03.50 18:23.34 19:26.84
Paul Gennaro Saint Joseph's Prep -25.12 18:30.04 18:55.16
Jimmy Boligitz Archbishop Wood -1:05.53 18:30.67 19:36.20
Roman Golebiowski Archbishop Carroll -2:10.90 18:36.53 20:47.43
Quadree Counsel MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -2:44.10 18:44.32 21:28.42
Tim Goodwin Archbishop Wood -2:07.26 18:45.35 20:52.61
Clay McDermott MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -1:08.98 18:45.85 19:54.83
Francis Kelly Saint Joseph's Prep +11.80 19:03.93 18:52.13
John Smart Father Judge -14.00 18:56.21 19:10.21
Matt Moyer Conwell-Egan -1:06.15 18:58.89 20:05.04
Niall Pacedes Roman Catholic -25.85 19:01.37 19:27.22
Brian Pinder Lansdale Catholic -2:02.48 19:20.63 21:23.11
Tom Kitzinger Archbishop Carroll -2:03.51 19:23.44 21:26.95
Katie Rodden Archbishop Carroll -1:58.20 19:40.41 21:38.61
Will Mcdermott MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast +58.41 20:55.86 19:57.45
Teresa Ortiz St. Hubert's -2:34.69 20:08.18 22:42.87
Dan McCalley Conwell-Egan -1:35.38 20:08.53 21:43.91
Ryan Schwalm Archbishop Carroll -1:10.89 20:13.75 21:24.64
Katie Boligitz Archbishop Wood -1:07.42 20:47.59 21:55.01
Fiona Egan Cardinal O'Hara -35.87 21:08.61 21:44.48
Claire Del Casale St. Hubert's -1:09.09 21:18.16 22:27.25
Nicole DelGrosso Cardinal O'Hara +0.40 21:23.98 21:23.58
Brittany Boyer Cardinal O'Hara -42.66 21:26.51 22:09.17
Meghan Hotz Cardinal O'Hara -1:23.88 21:30.40 22:54.28
Martin Dwyer Archbishop Ryan +4:00.55 25:33.47 21:32.92
Jessica Cosenza Archbishop Wood -3:02.44 21:38.89 24:41.33
Emily Creighton Cardinal O'Hara -11.41 21:51.15 22:02.56
Maura Nolan Archbishop Wood +8.70 22:10.00 22:01.30
Gina Montgomery St. Hubert's -2:08.45 22:19.97 24:28.42
Sinead Egan Cardinal O'Hara -1:22.46 22:24.00 23:46.46
Erin Love St. Hubert's -1:33.72 22:42.86 24:16.58
Erin Brady Archbishop Ryan -2:43.20 23:08.84 25:52.04
Bridget Golato MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -2:15.75 23:16.93 25:32.68
Ashley Sexton St. Hubert's +4.65 23:32.62 23:27.97
Emily Prybella Archbishop Ryan -1:55.25 23:35.59 25:30.84
Sarah Moleski MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -2:10.05 23:46.66 25:56.71
Talia Shaw Archbishop Wood +58.81 25:10.00 24:11.19
Adam Drabinski MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast +26.15 24:48.13 24:21.98
Russell Heasley Archbishop Carroll -2:33.98 24:21.98 26:55.96
Renae Keeley MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -1:33.81 24:43.00 26:16.81
Chelsea Morrison Archbishop Ryan -1:12.22 25:39.89 26:52.11
Kaitlyn Smith Archbishop Carroll -1:35.79 25:55.42 27:31.21
Julie Krecko Bishop McDevitt (Closed 2021) -2:23.27 26:01.60 28:24.87
Paige Kozeniewski Lansdale Catholic -2:34.35 28:48.70 31:23.05