Freshman Boys

Courtesy of John McShay and the Philadelphia Catholic League

 Philadelphia Catholic League - Organization License        HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                       Demo Meet - 9/8/2010 to 10/25/2010                        
                             9/8/2010 to 10/25/2010                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 26  Boys 5k Run CC boys fresh
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Belfatto, Jim              9 Cardinal Ohara        18:41.49    1             
  2 Sullivan, Joe              9 Monsignor Bonner      18:55.47    2             
  3 Brown, Matt                9 Roman Catholic        18:58.00    3             
  4 Booker, Jamal              9 Archbishop Ryan       19:07.25    4             
  5 McCarry, Matt              9 Lasalle               19:09.28    5             
  6 McCloskey, Patrick         9 Roman Catholic        19:19.77    6             
  7 Sweeney, Paul              9 Archbishop Wood       19:22.42    7             
  8 Delaney, Will              9 Lasalle               19:26.09    8             
  9 johnson, joe               9 Cardinal Ohara        19:29.67    9             
 10 Wilson, Steve              9 Archbishop Wood       19:37.07   10             
 11 Stefanski, Kevin           9 Lasalle               19:45.85   11             
 12 Wommer, Jonathon           9 Archbishop Ryan       19:58.21   12             
 13 Smith, Zach                9 Cardinal Ohara        20:00.75   13             
 14 Welte, Matthew             9 Father Judge          20:04.91   14             
 15 Peel, Steve                9 Lasalle               20:15.23   15             
 16 Worthington, James         9 Lasalle               20:19.97   16             
 17 Archie, John               9 St Joseph's Prep      20:34.95   17             
 18 DiFiore, Luke              9 Father Judge          20:39.32   18             
 19 Keller, Jeremy             9 Cardinal Ohara        20:40.85   19             
 20 Gerardi, Anthony           9 St Joseph's Prep      20:41.73   20             
 21 Bowren, Erik               9 Archbishop Wood       20:43.61   21             
 22 Mcdonnell, Dan            12 Cardinal Ohara        20:44.41   22             
 23 Barton, Alec               9 Roman Catholic        20:46.60   23             
 24 Fennessey, Colin           9 Archbishop Wood       20:49.84   24             
 25 Opdyke, Matt               9 St Joseph's Prep      20:59.54   25             
 26 Speranza, Nick             9 Archbishop Wood       20:59.85   26             
 27 Donnelly, Christian        9 Cardinal Ohara        21:25.32   27             
 28 Mulville, Ryan             9 Father Judge          21:43.93   28             
 29 Curry, Marshall            9 Roman Catholic        21:45.35   29             
 30 Pearson, Pat               9 Archbishop Carroll    21:46.69   30             
 31 Donnelly, Kyle             9 St Joseph's Prep      21:48.26   31             
 32 Lee, Keith                 9 Lasalle               21:49.89   32             
 33 Benner, Barry              9 Archbishop Ryan       21:59.37   33             
 34 Whelihan, Liam             9 Archbishop Wood       22:01.35   34             
 35 Sheller, Eric              9 Cardinal Ohara        22:03.70   35             
 36 Larkin, Chris              9 St Joseph's Prep      22:43.01   36             
 37 Ernst, Greg                9 St Joseph's Prep      22:45.38   37             
 38 Callahan, Drew             9 St Joseph's Prep      22:53.63   38             
 39 Haiou, Yesusera            9 Roman Catholic        23:06.29   39             
 40 Hilferty, John             9 St Joseph's Prep      23:18.79                  
 41 Reynolds, Tom              9 St Joseph's Prep      23:22.75                  
 42 DeVos, Jacob               9 Roman Catholic        23:23.59   40             
 43 Buchanan, Ian              9 Archbishop Ryan       23:23.84   41             
 44 Herriman, Seamus           9 St Joseph's Prep      23:34.60                  
 45 Panetta, Alex              9 Lasalle               23:40.31   42             
 46 Brehony, Jack              9 St Joseph's Prep      23:41.70                  
 47 LaMorte, Nick              9 Lasalle               23:51.09                  
 48 Meyers, Max                9 Lasalle               23:56.28                  
 49 Childress, Tyee            9 Archbishop Ryan       24:43.87   43             
 50 Birch, John                9 Archbishop Ryan       25:00.75   44             
 51 Stewart, Phillip           9 Roman Catholic        25:23.85   45             
 52 Lowson, Matt               9 Roman Catholic        26:25.44                  
 53 Korlewala, Emanuel         9 Roman Catholic        26:38.69                  
 54 johnson, james             9 Cardinal Ohara        27:03.73                  
 55 Majewski, Steve            9 Cardinal Ohara        27:47.90                  
 56 McGranaghan, John          9 Lasalle               27:48.12                  
 57 Mcdermott, Frank           9 St Joseph's Prep      28:15.09                  
 58 Murphy, Quentin            9 St Joseph's Prep      28:15.09                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Lasalle College High Scho    55    5    8   11   15   16   32   42          
      Total Time:  1:38:56.42                                                    
         Average:    19:47.29                                                    
   2 Cardinal Ohara               64    1    9   13   19   22   27   35          
      Total Time:  1:39:37.17                                                    
         Average:    19:55.44                                                    
   3 Archbishop Wood              88    7   10   21   24   26   34               
      Total Time:  1:41:32.79                                                    
         Average:    20:18.56                                                    
   4 Roman Catholic              100    3    6   23   29   39   40   45          
      Total Time:  1:43:56.01                                                    
         Average:    20:47.21                                                    
   5 St Joseph's Prep            129   17   20   25   31   36   37   38          
      Total Time:  1:46:47.49                                                    
         Average:    21:21.50                                                    
   6 Archbishop Ryan             133    4   12   33   41   43   44               
      Total Time:  1:49:12.54                                                    
         Average:    21:50.51