Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference 2010 vs Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -4 204 208
Overall Average -22.67 22:16.46 22:39.13
1st-10th Place +10.40 17:36.20 17:25.80
1st-25th Place +13.40 18:02.64 17:49.24
1st-50th Place -1.26 18:31.04 18:32.30
1st-100th Place -11.50 19:34.81 19:46.31
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster -23 20 43
Ran Season Best 47 63 16
Average Time +26.22 22:39.08 22:12.86
Median Time +8.00 22:03.00 21:55.00
Middle 80% Times +29.84 22:30.21 22:00.37
Top 10% Times +38.14 18:17.00 17:38.86
Top 25% Times +41.56 18:46.63 18:05.06
Top 50% Times +39.38 20:00.56 19:21.19
Bottom 50% Times +12.25 24:35.13 24:22.88
Bottom 25% Times -12.44 27:07.13 27:19.56
Bottom 10% Times -33.00 29:11.29 29:44.29
Average Difference +26.22 -- --
Median Difference -2:38.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +35.76 -- --
Top 10% Difference +20.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference +28.28 -- --
Top 25% Difference +33.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference +28.28 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +18.41 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5.94 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -36.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kevin Dailey Westmont Hilltop +30.00 17:47.00 17:17.00
Ravi Desai Somerset Area +2:08.00 19:39.00 17:31.00
Justin Jeffers Central Cambria +1:40.00 19:16.00 17:36.00
Nick Bastian Somerset Area +1:12.00 18:53.00 17:41.00
Grant Gagnon Westmont Hilltop +29.00 18:14.00 17:45.00
Conor Dimond Forest Hills +1:11.00 18:57.00 17:46.00
Ryan Eckenrod Bishop McCort +2:02.00 19:58.00 17:56.00
Charles Troll Somerset Area +25.00 18:24.00 17:59.00
Connor Howard Bishop McCort -40.00 18:03.00 18:43.00
Mike Walsh Westmont Hilltop +1.00 18:04.00 18:03.00
Lane Karns Bedford +3:42.00 21:46.00 18:04.00
Daniel Meyer Somerset Area +2:27.00 20:43.00 18:16.00
Eric Boothman Cambria Heights +29.00 18:53.00 18:24.00
Jake Waggle Somerset Area +3:09.00 21:46.00 18:37.00
Brad Bixel Bishop McCort -41.00 18:39.00 19:20.00
Josh Stoppe Somerset Area +10.00 18:54.00 18:44.00
Derek Dumm Forest Hills -22.00 18:48.00 19:10.00
Tim Kestermont Forest Hills +8.00 19:07.00 18:59.00
Nate Miller Richland -1:38.00 19:06.00 20:44.00
Collin Layton Bishop McCort +2:43.00 21:57.00 19:14.00
Jim deVries Somerset Area +4:15.00 23:31.00 19:16.00
Alyssa Brandis Central Cambria +17.00 19:42.00 19:25.00
Brandon Leech Westmont Hilltop -1:13.00 19:52.00 21:05.00
Chelsea Chizmar Forest Hills -2:38.00 20:24.00 23:02.00
Kacie Erb Forest Hills +34.00 21:00.00 20:26.00
Olivia Lipnic Central Cambria -1:20.00 20:35.00 21:55.00
Tj Rosage Westmont Hilltop +3:14.00 24:00.00 20:46.00
Caroline Heckman Somerset Area -1:08.00 21:08.00 22:16.00
Kaitlynn McGarry Penn Cambria +2:44.00 23:54.00 21:10.00
Mitchell Mirabile Bishop McCort +15.00 21:25.00 21:10.00
Hannah Dorian Westmont Hilltop +49.00 22:00.00 21:11.00
Tim Link Cambria Heights +2:33.00 24:07.00 21:34.00
Lexi Overcash Somerset Area +34.00 22:15.00 21:41.00
Mary Karcher Bishop McCort -6.00 21:44.00 21:50.00
Punjari Vyas Central Cambria -2:00.00 21:45.00 23:45.00
Dawn Craft Central Cambria -1:40.00 21:46.00 23:26.00
Paige Lamberson Westmont Hilltop + 22:03.00 22:03.00
Chloe Battista Somerset Area +3:22.00 25:31.00 22:09.00
Bernard Dunegan Cambria Heights -4.00 22:15.00 22:19.00
Anna Chan Somerset Area +1:05.00 23:27.00 22:22.00
Sarah Clark Westmont Hilltop +1:11.00 23:36.00 22:25.00
Collin Imler Bishop McCort -2:55.00 22:27.00 25:22.00
Melissa Winfield Bishop McCort +1:28.00 24:07.00 22:39.00
Marki Schaefer Cambria Heights +39.00 23:24.00 22:45.00
Leah Mercik Westmont Hilltop +1:09.00 23:59.00 22:50.00
Ashley Smith Central Cambria -1:09.00 23:14.00 24:23.00
Larissa Mihalko Bishop McCort +18.00 23:55.00 23:37.00
Zach Pfeil Bishop McCort +3:14.00 26:54.00 23:40.00
Samantha Podratsky Bishop McCort +2:19.00 26:00.00 23:41.00
Shannon Link Cambria Heights +4.00 24:39.00 24:35.00
Rachael Vigne Bishop McCort +11.00 25:01.00 24:50.00
Karlene Koh Bishop McCort +8.00 25:01.00 24:53.00
Zac Yonko Westmont Hilltop +56.00 25:55.00 24:59.00
Devin Myers Penn Cambria -2:12.00 25:01.00 27:13.00
Amber Koegler Cambria Heights -1:49.00 25:26.00 27:15.00
Jacob Robertson Bishop McCort -20.00 25:44.00 26:04.00
Lauren Ickes Bedford -2:57.00 25:56.00 28:53.00
Jalynn Lopresti Bishop McCort -2:00.00 26:03.00 28:03.00
Stephen Wensel Bishop McCort +47.00 27:31.00 26:44.00
Lauren Grasser Bishop McCort +1:31.00 28:47.00 27:16.00
Danielle Sral Penn Cambria +13.00 27:45.00 27:32.00
Katie Wensel Bishop McCort -3:54.00 29:09.00 33:03.00
Abby Revello Somerset Area +2:02.00 38:10.00 36:08.00