
Robert Morris University Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-09-14 Robert Morris University Colonial Cross Country Invitational
2024-05-18 Diocese of Pittsburgh JV (Gr. 5-6) T&F Championship Meet
2024-05-11 Diocese of Pittsburgh T&F Varsity (7/8) Championships
2024-04-20 Bennie Benson Memorial
2024-04-19 Benson/Hodge Memorial Invitational
2023-10-14 Bobby Mo Mid-Major Invitational
2023-05-20 Diocese of Pittsburgh JV (Gr. 5-6) T&F Championship Meet
2023-05-13 Diocese of Pittsburgh Dev (Gr 3-4) T&F Championship Meet
2023-05-13 Diocese of Pittsburgh DEV (K-2) TF Champ Meet
2023-04-21 Benson/Hodge Memorial Invitational
2022-09-16 Robert Morris University Colonial Cross Country Invitational
2022-05-21 Diocese of Pittsburgh 2022 T&F Varsity (7/8) Championships
2022-05-21 Diocese of Pittsburgh 2022 JV (Gr. 5-6) T&F Championship Meet
2022-05-14 Diocese of Pittsburgh Dev (Gr 3-4) T&F Championship Meet
2022-05-14 Diocese of Pittsburgh 2022 DEV (K-2) TF Champ Meet
2022-05-07 Diocese of Pittsburgh North Dev. T&F Meet (Grades K-4)
2022-05-07 Diocese of Pittsburgh North Elem. Meet 4 (JV GR 5-6)
2022-05-07 Diocese of Pittsburgh North JV- V T&F Meet (Gr.5-8)
2021-05-22 Diocese of Pittsburgh Track & Field Championships (Grades 7-8)
2021-05-22 Diocese of Pittsburgh Track & Field Championships (Grades 5-6)
2021-04-17 Robert Morris University Track & Field Invitational
2014-05-03 Northeast Conference Championships
2014-04-12 Benny Benson Memorial
2012-04-14 Bennie Benson Memorial Invitational
2011-04-09 Bennie Benson Memorial Invitational
2010-04-10 Bennie Benson Memorial Invitational
2009-04-11 RMU Bennie Benson Invitational
2008-04-12 RMU Bennie Benson Invitational

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00