August 25, 2005 --
Ten minutes from her uncle's home.
Training: 70 minutes with a 30 minute tempo in the middle at about
3:30 pace per km. (Fritz has a gps gadget so I constantly hear him
taking my kilometre splits.
Where: Thun
Comments: Nice and flat today!!!!
Quotes: Me: "How fast should I run?" Fritz: "Fast enough that you
can say ja und nein, yes and no."
Running Sayings
I originally composed this list for one of my best friends' mom (who isn't from here and has the cutest accent). One time at a race she started yelling to her daughters, in her sweetest accent, to "SPREAD YOUR LEEEEGS…" Of course she meant to say, open up your stride, but it came out spread your legs. I STARTED this list for her….Feel free to add to this list. E mail me at And I use she just because…Feel free to substitute he…
Runner Language: We were hitting a pretty good clip.
Plain English: We were running a pretty fast pace.
Runner Language: She is a two-stepper!
Plain English: Another runner who runs two steps ahead of you, instead of right
next to you.
Runner Language: Relax your arms or shoulders.
Plain English: You heard me.
Runner Language: She was my workout bitch!
Plain English: Another runner who paces your workouts for you and you just have to follow them.
Runner Language: I'm going to go pound her.
Plain English: Basically, you are going to go out on a run and kick someone's ass...or run them into the ground.
Runner Language: I am going to go on a shake out run.
Plain English: Mostly spoken pre race day or the morning of a race…just a little run to stretch out to get the legs moving.
Runner Language: I logged 70 miles last week.
Plain English: I ran 70 mile last week.
Runner Language: etc…etc….etc…..
Plain English:
I look foward to hearing what other things you all come up with.....I got one, Is your pee clear??? Good, you are hydrated. That one is thanks to Skinny.
NEXT: August 26, 27, 28 – Send steak... I'm starving!
PREVIOUS: August 22, 23, 24 -- Half of Switzerland Under Water -- (...from newspaper headline)
INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.