September 26

Monday– September 26, 2005
Training: 50 mins am, 20 minspm exercises
Where: Wimmis
Quotes: "What perfect weather! 64, sunny, with a light breeze." Me
Am still getting back into the routine so Fritz is breaking me in again! My workout is going to be on Thursday this week.

Little things that make me happy…from a long distance runner's viewpoint of course

• A sprinkler on the street on a hot, humid day to run through…
• 65 degrees and sunny
• Dirty sneakers (I hate when they are so bright and white when you first wear them…I don't want people to think I am some recreational runner with my brand new sneakers so nice and shiny all the time…I like them to be really worn and dirty, so if someone were to raid my room like that show "Room Raiders," one could guess that I used them a lot! Hahahah Love my crazy head???? Hahah)
• Summer rain (IF it isn't too humid)
• Running on different trails
• Food of any kind…especially after a long run
• The way my footsteps sound on bridges
• New racing spikes
• Conversatoinal runs (as we called them at N.C. State)
· Teammates and running friendships
• Once a Runner All distance runners have to read this…It is like a distance running Bible…
• T-shirts! You know the ones I mean…'Distance runners do it longer,' 'faster farther, farther faster' (by Skinny) and the like…Those great distance runner's shirts with some weird phrases on them…or weird words like Fartleks etc…
• Hardware
• Water fountains in the middle of the forest
• Cars that don't run you over when you cross the street….(I have many stories of close-calls!)
• Running Movies…the few that are out there!!!
• Pump-up music before meets
• Huge SWEATS after a hot shower after running in the freezing cold when your knees are just so achy and your fingers are so numb it hurts to shampoo your hair because the water feels like it is scalding!!! I am sure I will have a few of those runs here in Switzerland…

I am sure this list will continue…

Quote of the day: All or NOTHING.

NEXT: September 27, 28, 29 - Cousin Vera wants to race...

PREVIOUS: September 24, 25 - I can trust my training because I trust my coaches.

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.