November 26, 27, 28, 29

Saturday–November 26, 2005
Training: Previewed the course, 25 mins and strides
Where: Val de Marnes (right outside of Paris)?Quotes: "Finally, a REAL cross country course."

Sunday–November 27, 2005
Training: 12 minutes warm up, 4 short strides, race 4.4k 9th place: elite women
2 loops

Women's Meet Results

Men's Meet Results

Not a bad city for a good race.

Where: Val de Marnes?Quotes: "OMG, I am TOTALLY ON TOP OF THE EIFFEL TOWER!!!!" Me
The course: The start was nice and open before it funneled down. Two series of short hills and then up about a steep, 100 meter hill and down the other side, circled around a field to go up a couple more hills and then back down around another field and then it looped around by the start and back on the same loop again.
Both junior boys and junior girls ran great! As did the only two men we brought along. Here are the results…
Astrid, my training buddy (18 yrs old) placed 7th and totally kicked my ass and I LOVE her for it! I placed 9th and Livia, my other training partner, placed 11th. Livia and I were able to race together for a while and it was a really good feeling because my training partners and I are not competitive with each other AT ALL. In college, it was a lot different. With these girls, if one beats the other, we aren't mad or upset, we are so happy for the other person! It is important to each one of us that the OTHER two are happy with their races, rather than their own. I think it is an amazing relationship among the three of us because we are obviously competitive people, but when we work out, train, or race together, we work with each other and we really don't compete against each other. And I am not even just saying this to be nice, this is really how it is, which is just wonderful! It makes for a really awesome training environment and I couldn't ask for more!

Monday–November 28, 2005
Training: 56 minutes 6:45am
Where: Val de Marnes?Quotes: "Let's just go back the way we came." Me after the boys I ran with discussed beside a traffic circle what way we had to go to do a loop back to the hotel for 3 minutes. Hahaha I love you boys!!!

Tuesday–November 29, 2005
Training: 75 minutes easy
Where: Back at home, baby. Beside the Aare, despite the snow. With the pace I was running, the snow didn't matter!!! ?Quotes: "Yaay for eating." Me… Livia, Astrid and I went to this Symposium where "athletes and nutrition" was discussed in detail from Olympians! It was really interesting and very informative! Markus Ryffel was the main speaker, who was the silver medalist in the 5,000 in 1984. Yay Switzerland!

Wednesday–November 28, 2005
Training: 8minutes hard, 4mins recovery, 8 mins hard, 4 mins recovery. 4 mins hard, 2 mins rec., 4 mins hard 5k warm up with strides 5k cooldown
Where: Bern…somewhere where the roads were plowed because it was snowing like mad!?Quotes: "I bi n