Back from Left to right: Rolf Rufenacht, Reto Dietiker, Christoph Menzi, Stephen Stahli
Front: ME, Andrea Durrenberger, Astrid Leutert.
Thursday - January 5, 2006
Training: AM: 8 min hard (about 3:45 pace), 6 min (about 3:35.3:40 pace), 4 min ( about 3:30 pace) TWICE. 2 minutes recovery in between each! Also 2
minutes between set
9 minutes cool down
TOTAL: about 9 miles
Worked out with Livia, Astrid, and Claudia!! (Another one of
Fritz's athletes who lives in Germany. 800 m runner)
PM: 25 minute jog, 20 mins. core and arm strength
Day Mileage: about 12
WEEK Mileage accumulated: about 47
Where: Who knows…ALL over the place! Fritz knows a million different loops and good places to run. He tells me and the girls where to go, and we go!
WEATHER: Cool and windy
Quotes: Remember, focus on what you can control and the rest will work itself out, aight!! -Hernan Lauber, my big brother…I had this up the other day.
Training Details: The workout went well today. Legs are heavy from all the miles and from the roads, but felt pretty decent in the workout anyway. I feel like things are finally coming together. I am beginning to understand my training a little bit more and it is going in the right direction. I am building a very strong foundation to build upon.
Rolf, Reto, Astrid, Christoph (Stephen behind Astrid)
Big Bro Advice…
Like my brother, I also believe it is important to work on the variables under your own control! But of course the advice is better coming from an older brother! I have this sign on my door right now that says, "YOU EITHER RAN TODAY OR YOU DIDN'T…NO EXCUSES." I am not sure if I saw this somewhere or if I thought it up…but it is definitely motivational for me. On those days where it is ugly, cold, or just plain miserable outside and I am all clean and cozy and comfy in my apartment, and I look out of my window (as if to decide if I am going to do this run or not), I always look at that sign and it always gets my butt out the door.! It is very simply put! Control the variables you can…YOU can make yourself go out there and get that run in, you can control that! FritzBoss doesn't come with me on every single run so he probably wouldn't know if I had run or not if I wrote it in on our training log…But I know if I don't go out there and get that run in, then what the hell is the point of me being over here. If I am not going to give it my all, even if on some days it is a drag, why am I even here?!?! I know if I focus on the things I can control, only positive things will come from it. This comes back to the concept of trusting your training. I trust what FritzBoss tells me to do, will help me achieve my goals, so if I don't do what he says, then I might as well throw the training plan out of the window and fly back home. I do EXACTLY what it says on the plan, no more, no less. If I trust my training, why should I do any more or any less? I do what my coach tells me to!
So am I admitting that sometimes it is a drag to run!?!? YES! There aren't many days, BUT they do exist! There are days where, oh no, I am not motivated (okay, time to clap your hand over your mouth in disbelief). LOL An example…So say….I dunno… I have already trained in the morning, say 70 minutes, and I am supposed to double that day…But of course I showered and washed my hair after the morning run and I am all cozy in sweats in my warm apartment and I look out the window and it is cold and rainy and icy and just plain gross…The thoughts in my head normally sound just like this…. "Oh man, I don't feel like changing into different clothes…(I then proceed to stick my arm out of the window to see how cold it is..brrr, it is cold) Maybe I will just add 20 minutes to my run on Sunday so I still hit the mileage…I really don't feel like washing my hair again…Crap, maybe I should just go…Maybe I'll just go…I'm hungry, maybe I will eat something first and then go in like an hour…Nah, "f it," I'm just gonna' go….That way it's done. Yeah….It'll be done. …… " And as I walk out of the door, I see, "YOU EITHER RAN TODAY OR YOU DIDN'T. NO EXCUSES." This, in my head reads…"you either did what you were supposed to do today, or you didn't." There are no excuses. Do you think I was going to go to my coach and say, "it was too cold and I was cozy in my sweat pants, so I decided to not listen to you and not go because I didn't feel like it…." PFFFFF. No way. I either ran today or I didn't. That is it. Simple. You either trust or you don't. Skinny always said, trust your training. I trust my training. If I trust my training, I have to do what "it," says to do, which of course comes from FritzBoss. Focus on what you can control…One thing I can control is kicking my butt out of my door, so that is what I do! On the days it feels like a drag, I suck it up and do it anyway. That's just the way it has to be, and that's the way it is. BIG SMILE. Okay, I have to go to bed!!! I can ALSO control how much sleep I get!!! Goodnight!
NEXT: January 6 – Racing in training leads to no good...
PREVIOUS: January 2, 3, 4 – Time for a lactate threshold test, and I am nervous...