Thursday - February 23rd, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 15
Training: AM: 6 by 800 hills, 800 jog back down for recovery 800 then 400 hill x 3, sitting recovery...FritzBoss drove her back down the hill
20 mins warm up, 20 cool down 20 mins warm up 20 cool down
PM: 37 minutes 37 minutes
Day mileage: AM: 7km, 8.8km 7km, 2.4km
PM: 7.5km 7.5km
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14.5 miles, 23.3km 17km, 10.5 miles
Week Mileage
(since yesterday) 28 miles, 45.3km 34km,21 miles
Where: AM: 800 meter hill on the road back in the country somewhere
Weather: It was actually cold today and a bit rainy, but still decent.
Training Details: see below
Today's workout was supposed to be a really light wake up call for the legs and to kind of test out my breathing and then we will try the 1500s tomorrow. I definitely felt a lot of pressure on my chest when I worked out today, but it "went." FritzBoss just said to run the hills at medium pace because tomorrow's workout is more important. I felt like I was breathing through a straw and was wheezing a little bit, which is really frustrating because before this cold, I felt great and my workouts were going really well...Now I am a bit nervous about my breathing because last time I had this problem, it took like 2 months for it to get better...But yeah, not every cold is the same and I could recover from this one quicker than the last one, but it still makes me nervous since I have Swiss Championships next weekend. I basically have to run well there or I can kiss World's goodbye.
"Asi's" Corner
In the morning, Fritz-Boss drove Josi, Claudia and I out into the country, where we planned to do a workout.
On our program was to today a hill-workout.
I always like to do such kind of training, because in my opinion it is extremely important to do it when you are a cross-country-runner.
Altough the weather was cold and rainy, the workout went really quite well. I was amazed that I had such good legs after my cold.
The first repeat was the most difficult, because I didn`t know how my legs will work.
But I felt that my legs went quite well today. I felt better as the workout went on.
The last repeat went very well and I had a good feeling again. I was happy with the workout and I hope to run a good workout tomorrow.
Only one negative point all over that: This evening my nose was getting stuffy again and it seemed that my cold went back again....scheisse!
Friday - February 24th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 16
Training: AM: 40 minutes and exercise 30 minutes and exercise
PM: 20 minutes warm up, 20 cool down
6 times 1500 6 times 1500
3 min. recovery 3 minute recovery
Pace: Around 3:30 pace per km Same
Day mileage: AM: 8km 6km
PM: 8k warm up and cool down, 3 times 1500 too slow
20.5k, 13 miles 18k, 11 miles
Week Mileage 41 miles, 67km 52km, 32 miles
Where: Monte Gordo
Weather: cloudy
Training Details: see below
18:30, 6:30 pm
Normally, I am a very positive person...but I will let you all see a weak side and be vulnerable...screw positivity right now at this very moment...I am still in my sweaty workout clothes, yes, I actually sweated running those butt-slow times....but anyway, I am sitting in my sweaty workout clothes just warring with myself between positive and negative...On one hand, yes I had a few great workouts here, but now after being sick, I really just can't breath and haven't been able to work out well since My mentality is a little screwy right now. *sigh* I am confident that I am decently in shape, I just have to hope that my body will recover in time. I HAVE to run well at Swiss Champs. If I want to make it to World's and there is nothing more frustrating to me right now than knowing that I am in shape and perfectly capable of running fast, but that my body just won't let me right now. I hope that this next week will go by smoothly so I can at least tough it out at Swiss Championships. Man oh man oh man....What a sucky day...
20:00, 8:00pm
Okay, negativity gone and back ot my normal self again...I have to keep the big picture in mind and keep reminding myself that I just have to keep working hard and not to worry about the things that I can't control. I was sick and have to be patient....Tomorrow is a new day!!!! GO GO GO!!!! Things will work out, they always do...even if we can't see the outcome at the moment, when a couple doors slam, we focus on the fact that the door was slammed in our faces instead of looking ahead seeing another open one....
"Asi's" Corner
When I woke up in the morning, nose and sore throat felt better so I felt more motivated to start the new (last) day.
Oh, what a pitty - our last day! Tomorrow, we will leave and will go back to Switzerland. I am not happy about this matter, but I have to accept it anyway.
There are two points which make me a little nervous to go back to Switzerland: Of course the cold weather (there is a difference between 15 degrees) and then the other one - school! I missed school for about 2.5 weeks and I think I will have a mountain of homework on!
In the afternoon, we wanted to do our last workout on the track. Josi and me were motivated and looked forward to it.
The first repeat went very well and it seemed so easy. I thought that I could do a good workout.
But suddenly in the second repeat, I had some problems with breathing and my legs totally were changed. Added to this, my nose was running all the time.
Shit, I did three of the repeats and then we decided to give up the workout.
It seemed that I still wasn`t a hundred percent healthy, because normally, the first three repeats should feel easy in this workout.
But for me, it`s always difficult to guess whether it will work or not.
The jog in the morning went well and my legs were okay. But it seems that an easy run and a workout are not the same.
It shows, too, when you aren`t totally in good health, you can`t train hard, you aren`t able to perform.
While we did cool down, Josi and me discussed these things.
We both were really disappointed, but we tried to think not too negatively. We have to stay positive, because next week, there will be the Swiss Championships...
I am a little uncertain because of my cold here in Portugal....But at the same time I know, that I really had good workouts before I fell sick......
I stay positive....(If I wasn't sure I was in good shape, I wouldn`t be positive now!)
Saturday - February 25th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 17
Training: AM: 60 minutes off, sick
PM: Trip back home
Day mileage: AM: 13km
PM: off
Week Mileage 50 miles,80km 52km, 32 miles
Where: Last day at Monte Gordo
Weather: warm, but a bit cloudy
Training Details: see below
JOSI and "Asi's" Corner
Asi's tip...don't eat dried fruit before a workout because your tummy will hurt.
What we learned in no particular order:
1. Don't run around half-naked in bikinis when it is only 19 degrees Celcius, 66F, and breezy on the first day of training camp......Don't underestimate the weather
2. When you get sick, getting healthy is most important, even if it means sitting a couple days out completely.
3. Boys are "touchl