Eastern States XC Camp moving from Millersville to Kutztown...



The Director and Staff of the Eastern States XC Camp has made a decision to leave the campus of Millersville University due to the administrational decision at Millersville to drop the sports of Men’s Cross Country, Indoor Track and Field and Outdoor and Field Track at the university.

It is our wish that campers, coaches and parents will look forward to being a part of the 36th year of the Eastern States XC Camp, with the same great staff and coaches on the campus of Kutztown University. The camp philosophy will remain unchanged and all of our top lead instructors will be returning for the 2012 camp at Kutztown University who has graciously invited us onto their campus.

The Staff looks forward to the 2012 Eastern States XC Camp the week of Sunday July 29th through Friday August for 3rd at Kutztown University.


Camp Application and Info in PDF

Find us at www.easternstatesxc.com