March 19, 20, 21

Sunday - March 19, 2006

PM: 90 minutes

Day mileage:
PM: 12 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 62.5


Weather: hellooo spring!!!!!!!!

Training Details: Today's run was just...amazing. I really enjoyed the weather and the trails and just everything about my run..... I am so motivated right now! I am PUMPED!

Astrid had her last qualification race today to make it to the World Cross Country Championships in Japan, and she won!!!!!!!! By 8 seconds, so she's pretty much got her spot sealed on that plane to Japan next week. I am so proud of her and am so happy and lucky I have her as a training partner. Like Astrid, Stefan Breit's chances look excellent as well for the Junior category.

Monday - March 20, 2006 - First Day of Spring!!!

Training: AM: 30 minutes, 30 minutes of exercise (arms, core, back)
PM: 55 minutes

Day mileage: AM: 3.5 miles
PM: 7.5 miles
about 11 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: 10 miles

Where: Steffisburg and Thun

Weather: nice!!!

Training Details: Easy day today. I ran at regular run pace, which feels about like a 6:45 per mile to me... It went well. My legs were a little bit tired from the long run yesterday, but it feels good!

Quotes: "Learn to run when feeling the pain: then push harder." William Sigei

BE willing to suffer more!
This is something I have to remind myself over and over again...When I feel like I have reached some sort of "limit" that I set for myself, I have to remind myself that the limit I set mentally, is way lower than what I can actually do so I have to push through. This has nothing to do with today's training, but it's something that I think about often. It is hard to overcome one's own brain at times, but it is necessary if we truly want to be more successful than we have been. We have to BECOME more willing to suffer more than others. There is always room to suffer more, we just have to be willing, to be accepting of it. We have to train ourselves NOT to think about limits or where we THINK that our limits are...Our bodies can handle a LOT more than our head thinks it can....It is hard to convince youself that you can push harder when you are already in pain, but the whole idea is just to push and learn to like the pain. I like the pain! ... I just need to realize, that I can handle a lot more.... You CAN handle more, you CAN take more pain..... note to self note to self about a billion times yet doesn't seem to seep in all the way.......It's like a post-it note that is running low on keep trying to stick it back onto the fridge and it sticks for like a minute, then falls off......So yeah, my goal is to glue that thing up there so it stays on for a whole race......For a whole 10k!!!! Am working on it....

Tuesday- March 21, 2006

Training: AM: 60 minutes, 40 of it at a tad faster than regular run pace
PM: 42 minutes easy

Day mileage: AM: 8.5 miles
PM: 5 miles
about 13.5 miles

Week Mileage accumulated: about 24.5 miles

Where: All over this place!!!!

Weather: warmer..spring is coming, spring is coming....well, it is officially HERE, but not really......

Training Details: The run in the morning felt kind of harder because of the past couple of up mileage days, but not more fatigue than the normal high mileage week, which is good.

NEXT: March 22, 23, 24 – Thuner Trio reunited...

PREVIOUS: March 15, 16, 17, 18 – Back in the swing of things... and motivated.

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...