March 28, 29, 30, 31, April 1, 2

Tuesday - March 28, 2006

Tuesday - March 28, 2006


Training: AM:  50 minutes easy

                PM:   20 minutes, ABC drills, strides


Day mileage:  AM:  6.5 miles       10k

                        PM:   2 miles     3k


                                  8.5 miles 13K


Week Mileage accumulated:  about 18.5 miles, circa 28 km


Where: Aare, Steffisburg


Weather: rainy and cool


Quotes: "I want to run more because the weather is so nice...but I better just do what I'm told..."  Me


Training Details:  Took it easy today because I have my third workout "back " tomorrow with Valerie Lehmann (an awesome Swiss runner girl from Bern) and I am pumped because she is really good to work out with and also because I won't have to go alone!  I always like to work out with someone so we can push and help each other.  





My inspiration today

"Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny."  -Frank Outlaw


"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."  Leonardo DaVinci



Making Suffering habitual…


            I am more than willing to DO, and I am DOING.  With each workout that I have now, I am trying to push myself farther than my head will let me.  My head always puts the breaks on, and as soon as it does, that is the time where I try to push just a little harder in hopes of turning my actions into habits…I don't know, I guess I am trying to make SUFFERING a habit of mine.  Sounds pretty hardcore, doesn't it?…NICE.  Make suffering a habit…My mantra for this track season and my 10ks!!!   The harder I fight, the more I will improve.




            Ich habe Idee ob das richtig übersetzt ist... ICH HOFFE!  Hahaha 


"Beobachten Sie Ihre Gedanken; sie werden Ihre Worte. Beobachten Sie Ihre Worte; sie werden Ihre Handlungen. Beobachten Sie Ihre Handlungen; sie werden Ihre Gewohnheiten. Beobachten Sie Ihre Gewohnheiten; sie werden Ihr Charakter. Sehen Sie zu Ihr Charakter dafür wird Ihr Schicksal werden." – Frank Outlaw

