PIAA District 1 AA Championships 2013

Coatesville, PA

Friday Results

Licensed to PIAA - District 1 Champ. Meet                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager
     2013 PIAA Dist01Track and Field Championship - 5/17/2013 to 5/18/2013     
                    Coatesville Area Senior High School, PA                    
Girls 100 Meter Dash AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 12.32  5/22/2010   Karli Balmer, Christopher Dock              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Lupica, Gina              12 Villa Joseph Mar         12.60Q  1.0  2 
  2 Nawalinski, Victoria      11 Villa Joseph Mar         12.68Q +0.0  1 
  3 Green, Keyen               9 Phil-Mont                12.88Q  1.0  2 
  4 Givnish, Jamie            10 Lower Moreland           12.95Q +0.0  1 
  5 Slaughter, Chelsea         9 Country Day              13.27Q +0.0  1 
  6 Fisher, Mariah            10 Springfield Mont         13.49Q  1.0  2 
  7 Gabriele, Melissa          9 Villa Joseph Mar         13.44q +0.0  1 
  8 Baker, Chelsea            12 Phil-Mont                13.48q +0.0  1 
  9 Kempf, Annette            10 Delco Christian          13.57   1.0  2 
 10 McGinnley, Kerry          10 Saint Basil              13.85   1.0  2 
 11 McDermott, Nicola         12 Saint Basil              13.87  +0.0  1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 25.36  5/19/2012   Erin Keen, Villa Joseph Marie               
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Kratz, Bailey             10 Christopher Dock         25.66Q  1.7  1 
  2 Patrick, Leah             12 Villa Joseph Mar         25.78Q  1.4  2 
  3 Boerner, Lindsay          10 Lower Moreland           26.72Q  1.4  2 
  4 Nawalinski, Victoria      11 Villa Joseph Mar         26.77Q  1.7  1 
  5 Fisher, Mariah            10 Springfield Mont         27.00Q  1.4  2 
  6 Gabriele, Melissa          9 Villa Joseph Mar         27.66Q  1.7  1 
  7 Slaughter, Chelsea         9 Country Day              27.88q  1.7  1 
  8 Kempf, Annette            10 Delco Christian          28.23q  1.7  1 
  9 Foxhoven, Cassidy         10 Delco Christian          28.23   1.4  2 
 10 McGinnley, Kerry          10 Saint Basil              28.47   1.4  2 
Girls 400 Meter Dash AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 56.64  1993        Angie Brown, Villa Maria                    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Patrick, Leah             12 Villa Joseph Mar         58.88Q  2 
  2 Durnin, Erin              10 Villa Joseph Mar         59.58Q  1 
  3 Mayer, Corey              10 Lower Moreland         1:00.72Q  2 
  4 Davis-Wooten, Jannieree    9 Bristol                1:01.20Q  1 
  5 Heath, Marissa             9 Calv Christian         1:01.97Q  2 
  6 Foxhoven, Cassidy         10 Delco Christian        1:02.88Q  1 
  7 Huffnagle, Emily          10 Bristol                1:02.36q  2 
  8 Coppola, Kristan          12 Villa Joseph Mar       1:02.92q  2 
  9 Ryan, Alex                10 Saint Basil            1:03.69   1 
 10 Bausch, Casey             12 Calv Christian         1:04.05   1 
 11 Favino, Rose              10 Delco Christian        1:04.22   2 
 12 Whitney, Jacquie           9 New Hope-Solebur       1:04.97   1 
 13 Bailey, Shawna            11 Calv Christian         1:07.31   2 
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 14.92  5/19/2012   Gina Lupica, Villa Joseph Marie             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Lupica, Gina              12 Villa Joseph Mar         15.40Q +0.0  2 
  2 Martins, Melinda          11 Lower Moreland           16.83Q  1.5  1 
  3 Clements, Niki             9 Christopher Dock         17.45Q +0.0  2 
  4 Hoyt, Laura               12 Saint Basil              17.54Q  1.5  1 
  5 Hedwell, Caroline         10 Delco Christian          17.87Q +0.0  2 
  6 Javardian, Ani             9 Villa Joseph Mar         17.90Q  1.5  1 
  7 Felice, Denise De         10 Phil-Mont                18.28q  1.5  1 
  8 Neto, Cristina            12 Lower Moreland           18.38q +0.0  2 
  9 Clemens, Deanna            9 Christopher Dock         18.73   1.5  1 
 10 Duffy, Nicole             12 Villa Joseph Mar         19.17  +0.0  2 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 4:00.5h  1979        Perkiomen Valley, Perkiomen Valley        
    School                                              Prelims  H#
  1 Villa Joseph Marie                                  4:07.35Q  2 
  2 Christopher Dock                                    4:11.10Q  1 
  3 Bristol                                             4:15.66Q  2 
  4 Saint Basil Academy                                 4:16.80Q  1 
  5 Delaware County Christian Scho                      4:17.01Q  1 
  6 Lower Moreland                                      4:23.96Q  2 
  7 New Hope-Solebury                                   4:18.03q  1 
  8 Springfield Township (Montco)                       4:26.54q  2 
  9 Calvary Christian Academy                           4:29.79   2 
Girls High Jump AA
  District I: *  5-08  1980        Candy Cashell, Unionville                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Hollister, Michaela       10 Villa Joseph Mar       5-00.00  
  2 Anderson, Lauren          11 Christopher Dock      J5-00.00  
  3 Hawkins, Jackie           11 Delco Christian        4-10.00  
  4 Green, Keyen               9 Phil-Mont             J4-10.00  
  5 Demetrius, Tiara          11 Christopher Dock      J4-10.00  
  6 Cole, Lizzy               10 Phil-Mont              4-08.00  
  6 Miller, Tabitha           10 Christopher Dock       4-08.00  
  6 Falcon, Gabrielle         11 Villa Joseph Mar       4-08.00  
  9 Hedwell, Caroline         10 Delco Christian        4-06.00  
 10 Keys, Tatjiana            10 Lower Moreland        J4-06.00  
 10 McDermott, Nicola         12 Saint Basil           J4-06.00  
 12 Olinger, Katharine        10 Phil-Mont              4-04.00  
Girls Pole Vault AA
  District I: * 10-00  2002        Marissa Dudek, St. Pius X                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Clements, Niki             9 Christopher Dock       8-00.00  
Girls Long Jump AA
  District I: * 19-00.25  1994        Angie Brown, Villa Maria                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Cassidy, Katie            12 Saint Basil           17-04.75   NWI 
  2 Kratz, Bailey             10 Christopher Dock      17-00.00   NWI 
  3 Depman, Annelise          10 Saint Basil           16-04.25   NWI 
  4 Givnish, Jamie            10 Lower Moreland        15-11.50   NWI 
  5 Foxhoven, Cassidy         10 Delco Christian      J15-11.50   NWI 
  6 Neal, Shea                12 Christopher Dock      15-09.75   NWI 
  7 McGinnley, Kerry          10 Saint Basil           15-09.50   NWI 
  8 Demetrius, Tiara          11 Christopher Dock      15-03.50   NWI 
  9 Heath, Marissa             9 Calv Christian        14-01.25   NWI 
 -- Falcon, Gabrielle         11 Villa Joseph Mar          FOUL       
Girls Discus Throw AA
  District I: * 135-04  1984        Sevits, Morrisville                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Plunkett, Sheila          10 Saint Basil             101-01  
  2 Goodman, Jana             11 Phil-Mont                98-09  
  3 Seuren, Kereece           11 Christopher Dock         98-07  
  4 Onal, Olivia              11 Bristol                  96-02  
  5 Moylan, Kiersten          12 Saint Basil              92-07  
  6 Sassane, Maria            12 Saint Basil              87-00  
  7 Felice, Laura De          10 Phil-Mont                84-08  
  8 Kempf, Kate               12 Delco Christian          80-07  
  9 Teed, Jaclyn              11 Christopher Dock         77-02  
 10 Bergey, Amy               12 Christopher Dock         75-10  
Boys 100 Meter Dash AA
16 Advance:  Top 4 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  District I: * 10.4h  1997        Dave Brown, Harriton                        
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Johnson, Jhaloni          11 Springfield Mont         11.14Q  3.6  3 
  2 Owens, Armond             12 Church Farm              11.18Q  0.5  1 
  3 Carmichael, Kyree         12 Springfield Mont         11.27Q  1.1  2 
  4 Pile, Nkosi               10 Church Farm              11.22Q  3.6  3 
  5 Twyman, Khiry             12 Girard College           11.30Q  1.1  2 
  6 Morton, Eric              11 Christopher Dock         11.59Q  0.5  1 
  7 Barfield, Cedric          12 Church Farm              11.34Q  1.1  2 
  8 Goodman, Jacob            11 New Hope-Solebur         11.34Q  3.6  3 
  9 Bee, Shafee               12 Girard College           11.62Q  0.5  1 
 10 Levi-Thomas, Quadaire     12 Girard College           11.47Q  3.6  3 
 11 Costa, Andrew             11 Lower Moreland           11.65Q  1.1  2 
 12 Worgan, Martin            10 Springfield Mont         11.76Q  0.5  1 
 13 Tate, Jason               10 Calv Christian           11.80q  1.1  2 
 14 Alush, Yoni               11 Lower Moreland           11.87q  3.6  3 
 15 Kinniry, Tom              12 Jenkintown               11.90q  3.6  3 
 16 Bagell, Steven            12 Lower Moreland           11.97q  0.5  1 
 17 Ellis, Zeph               10 Delco Christian          11.99   1.1  2 
 -- Wwilson, Triq             10 Bristol                     FS   0.5  1 
Boys 200 Meter Dash AA
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
  District I: * 21.3h  1981        Roger Johnson, Darby Twp                    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Twyman, Khiry             12 Girard College           22.73Q -0.8  1 
  2 Johnson, Jhaloni          11 Springfield Mont         22.90Q -0.7  2 
  3 Owens, Armond             12 Church Farm              22.91Q -0.8  1 
  4 Pile, Nkosi               10 Church Farm              23.13Q -0.7  2 
  5 Barfield, Cedric          12 Church Farm              23.32Q -0.8  1 
  6 Bishop, Jonathan          12 Christopher Dock         23.43Q -0.7  2 
  7 Wyche, Kyle               10 Springfield Mont         23.63q -0.8  1 
  8 Levi-Thomas, Quadaire     12 Girard College           23.79q -0.7  2 
  9 Goodman, Jacob            11 New Hope-Solebur         23.82  -0.7  2 
 10 Johnson, Lamar            11 Springfield Mont         24.02  -0.7  2 
 11 Morton, Eric              11 Christopher Dock         24.16  -0.8  1 
 12 Booker, Markel            12 Girard College           24.23  -0.8  1 
 13 Tate, Jason               10 Calv Christian           24.27  -0.8  1 
 14 Alush, Yoni               11 Lower Moreland           24.47  -0.8  1 
 15 Goins, David              10 Delco Christian          24.73  -0.7  2 
Boys Triple Jump AA
  District I: * 48-07  1987        Larry Kinny, Garnet Valley                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Anyam, Aondofa            11 Church Farm           42-09.00   NWI 
  2 Schwarz, Ryan             11 Lower Moreland        42-04.00   NWI 
  3 Gallagher, Matt            9 Lower Moreland        38-06.00   NWI 
  4 Mohamed, Michael          10 Church Farm           37-07.50   NWI 
Boys Shot Put AA
  District I: * 62-00  1961        Richard Hart, Morrisville                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Greenfield, Kieran        12 Bristol               48-07.25  
  2 Munroe, Kemarni           12 Church Farm           45-05.00  
  3 Reeves, Mlynue            12 Church Farm           44-00.00  
Boys Javelin Throw AA
  District I: * 207-10  5/21/2010   Thomas Lang, Saint Pius X                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Stone, Chris              10 Springfield Mont        187-07  
  2 Pereira, Marcus           11 Church Farm             142-06