Briarwood Invitational 2013

Philadelphia, PA

Briarwood Invitational 2013 vs Briarwood Invitational 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +184 1173 989
Overall Average +5.19 23:02.13 22:56.94
1st-10th Place -15.84 16:20.96 16:36.80
1st-25th Place -12.46 16:44.90 16:57.36
1st-50th Place -12.33 17:05.73 17:18.06
1st-100th Place -9.75 17:32.61 17:42.36
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster -20 9 29
Ran Season Best 2 2 --
Average Time +1:18.22 22:28.22 21:10.00
Median Time +49.06 21:53.06 21:04.00
Middle 80% Times +1:20.47 22:33.40 21:12.93
Top 10% Times +1:24.52 17:52.27 16:27.75
Top 25% Times +1:25.79 18:42.29 17:16.50
Top 50% Times +1:23.64 19:55.85 18:32.21
Bottom 50% Times +1:12.81 25:00.60 23:47.79
Bottom 25% Times +1:11.46 26:29.16 25:17.70
Bottom 10% Times +56.86 27:33.86 26:37.00
Average Difference +1:18.22 -- --
Median Difference -15.84 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:22.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +45.02 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:19.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:15.53 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:56.98 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:24.87 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Liam Galligan Springfield (Delco) +2:17.28 18:23.28 16:06.00
Ryan James Cardinal O'Hara +1:07.37 17:22.37 16:15.00
Gavin Inglis Cardinal O'Hara +3:05.49 19:45.49 16:40.00
Stephen Paul La Salle College HS +1:06.93 17:56.93 16:50.00
Brendan Price La Salle College HS +48.09 17:59.09 17:11.00
William Schulz Central Bucks East +2:29.11 19:46.11 17:17.00
Callahan Lennon Holy Ghost Preparatory School +51.30 18:15.30 17:24.00
Billy Donovan Cardinal O'Hara -2.33 18:10.67 18:13.00
Eddie Issertell Cardinal O'Hara +49.45 19:07.45 18:18.00
Justin Hurley* Packer Collegiate +2:50.50 21:21.50 18:31.00
Dylan Junkin Central Bucks East +2:32.62 21:34.62 19:02.00
Dylan McKeever Central Bucks East +2:36.96 21:58.96 19:22.00
Ryan Kasper Lenape Regional HS +2:17.00 21:46.00 19:29.00
Thomas Woodville Episcopal Academy +6:59.77 26:38.77 19:39.00
Jack Traynor Ridley +41.11 20:21.11 19:40.00
Alan Zlotin Central Bucks West +1:41.06 21:53.06 20:12.00
Ryan Dinyon Ridley -46.79 20:16.21 21:03.00
Tyler Morin Ridley +2:51.84 23:09.84 20:18.00
Roman Katona Central Bucks West +37.61 21:19.61 20:42.00
Ailish Durcan Pearl River -1:18.46 20:46.54 22:05.00
Kaitlyn Harding Pearl River +16.94 21:20.94 21:04.00
Hannah Morris Central Bucks East +17.70 21:24.70 21:07.00
Hannah Knudsen Hatboro Horsham +2:35.75 24:05.75 21:30.00
Alex Eringis Episcopal Academy +5:40.61 27:10.61 21:30.00
Kayla Beck Great Valley -15.84 21:43.16 21:59.00
Tyler Andre William Tennent +2:16.53 24:40.53 22:24.00
Ryan Franks Malvern Prep -1:07.94 22:30.06 23:38.00
Julie Palmer Central Bucks East -1:12.24 22:51.76 24:04.00
Miranda Cahill Hatboro Horsham +1:53.26 25:47.26 23:54.00
Olivia Carey Agnes Irwin +3:36.86 27:33.86 23:57.00
Michael Larkin Episcopal Academy +1:24.25 25:22.25 23:58.00
Joanna Wickersham Agnes Irwin -1:34.90 24:27.10 26:02.00
Madeline Kaller Agnes Irwin +8.65 24:42.65 24:34.00
Bridget Fox Central Bucks East +26.94 25:00.94 24:34.00
Lauren Gugger William Tennent -12.57 25:09.43 25:22.00
Trey Davis Packer Collegiate +2:43.45 28:23.45 25:40.00
Madison Gorkes Hatboro Horsham +1:20.50 27:07.50 25:47.00
Lori-Ann Johnson West Deptford HS -2:21.43 26:37.57 28:59.00