
How would the tri state meet have played out if everyone was scored together?
Everything was scored separately, so who won the overall title?

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AAA Boys' Champion - 16 minutes, 17.6 seconds

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AAA Girls' Champion - 19 minutes, 23.3 seconds

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AA-A Girls' Champion - 22 minutes, 6.65 seconds

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AA-A Boys' Champion - 17 minutes, 23.48 seconds

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AAA Boys' Team Champion - 23 points, with a 1-5 spread of 37 seconds

Tri-State Coaches Association - Class AAA Girls' Team Champion - 50 points, with three runners in the top six overall