Northern Bedford Invitational 2021

Loysburg, PA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Ethan 11.08 Conemaugh Township Area
Smith, David 11.40 Tussey Mountain
Ebersole, Cadin 11.44 Northern Bedford
Wracher, Nate 11.50 Bedford
Weber, Ethan 11.50 Bedford
Mills, Brandon 11.55 Everett Area
Gillis, Collin 11.64 Tussey Mountain
Whysong, Matt 11.81 Chestnut Ridge
Dom, Nick 11.81 Windber Area
Seese, Josiah 11.94 Everett Area
Presnell, Nick 12.00h Chestnut Ridge
Keller, Griffin 12.04 Northern Bedford
Rosey, Seth 12.07 Conemaugh Township Area
Shearman, James 12.07 Windber Area
Collins, Tim 12.10 Shade HS
Grosholz, Christopher 12.20 Shade HS
Leydig, Alex 12.20 Berlin Brothersvalley
Shaneman, Jonas 12.34 McConnellsburg
Garlock, Carter 12.54 McConnellsburg
Burrows, Jackson 12.90h Southern Fulton
Pelar, Jacob 14.08 Berlin Brothersvalley
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ford, Braden 16.10 Bedford
Albright, Sam 16.6 Chestnut Ridge
Vasas, Nick 17.11 Windber Area
Gates, RJ 17.54 Northern Bedford
Koontz, Gabe 17.84h Bedford
Montgomery, Caden 19.04 Berlin Brothersvalley
Smay, Lucas 19.84 Forest Hills
Romig, Kyle 19.94 McConnellsburg
Prince, Owen 20.17 Windber Area
Robinson, Cayden 20.24 Conemaugh Township Area
Winck, Jacob 22.94 Everett Area
Clark, Malachi 23.74 Everett Area
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zimmerman, Ian 4:34.34 Northern Bedford
Bollman, Calan 4:52 Chestnut Ridge
Cessna, Holden 4:57.84 Everett Area
Page, Garrett 5:08.40 Windber Area
Anderson, August 5:10 Chestnut Ridge
Laird, Connor 5:11.74 Northern Bedford
Hanik, Dominic 5:31.19 Shade HS
Martin, Riley 5:41.44 Fannett-Metal High School
Steele, Devin 5:43.20 Bedford
Burrows, Matthew 5:54.70 Southern Fulton
Saylor, Brendan 6:06.92 Tussey Mountain
Sopher, Caleb 6:09.10 Tussey Mountain
Mumma, Alex 6:24.84 McConnellsburg
Dovey, Will 6:29.74 McConnellsburg
Deffibaugh, Connor 6:38.34 Everett Area
Dupre, Herman 7:10.37 Berlin Brothersvalley
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Black, Ethan 22.98 Conemaugh Township Area
Wracher, Nate 23.03 Bedford
Hillegass, Jonah 23.60 Chestnut Ridge
Weber, Ethan 23.80 Bedford
Dom, Nick 24.06 Windber Area
Halaburda, Devin 24.27 Windber Area
Clark, Brady 24.34 Northern Bedford
Gillis, Collin 24.44 Tussey Mountain
Grosholz, Christopher 24.55 Shade HS
Brambley, Kaleb 24.64 Everett Area
Zonfrilli, Brogen 25.0 Chestnut Ridge
Snyder, Kollin 25.04 Everett Area
Rosey, Seth 25.14 Conemaugh Township Area
Shaneman, Jonas 25.54 McConnellsburg
Collins, Tim 25.78 Shade HS
Leydig, Alex 26.44 Berlin Brothersvalley
Berkstresser, Herbie 26.84 McConnellsburg
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vasas, Nick 42.20 Windber Area
Ford, Braden 43.05 Bedford
Gates, RJ 44.54 Northern Bedford
Zonfrilli, Brogen 46.3 Chestnut Ridge
Mearkle, Isaac 47.14 Everett Area
Koontz, Gabe 47.24h Bedford
Smay, Lucas 48.38 Forest Hills
Montgomery, Caden 48.38 Berlin Brothersvalley
Derricott, Dewgan 49.06 Conemaugh Township Area
Weist, Chad 49.83 Tussey Mountain
Johnson, Adam 49.94 Northern Bedford
Romig, Kyle 50.24 McConnellsburg
Winck, Jacob 51.04 Everett Area
Robinson, Cayden 52.00 Conemaugh Township Area
Prince, Owen 52.12 Windber Area
Melius, Ian 53.70h Chestnut Ridge
Lang, Jordan 54.54 McConnellsburg
Becker, Dayton 55.24 Shade HS
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bollman, Calan 10:44 Chestnut Ridge
Anderson, August 11:12.08 Chestnut Ridge
Page, Garrett 11:28.00 Windber Area
Laird, Connor 11:54.84 Northern Bedford
Truax, Jacob 11:54.95 Everett Area
Elliott, Austin 12:09.29 Conemaugh Township Area
Hanik, Dominic 12:12.78 Shade HS
Imes, Chase 12:26.04 Northern Bedford
Martin, Riley 12:26.44 Fannett-Metal High School
Connely, Jesse 12:32.09 Shade HS
Beaumont, Carson 12:33.84 Fannett-Metal High School
Steele, Devin 12:33.90 Bedford
Burrows, Matthew 12:41.60 Southern Fulton
Mumma, Alex 13:37.94 McConnellsburg
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strayer, Nicholas 1:00.44 Northern Bedford
Burrows, Jackson 1:02.00h Southern Fulton
Hillegass, Jonah 52.16 Chestnut Ridge
Adams, Braden 53.66 Shade HS
Buterbaugh, Xavier 54.44 McConnellsburg
Brambley, Kaleb 54.84 Everett Area
Gardner, Jospeh 55.34 Chestnut Ridge
Shaneman, Jonas 55.84 McConnellsburg
Barkley, Zachary 56.09 Windber Area
Coffman, Kyler 56.14 Tussey Mountain
Tomlinson, Dylan 56.26 Windber Area
Lauffer, Kody 57.15 Forest Hills
Golden, Jacob 57.4 Southern Fulton
Wigfield, Caleb 57.44 Bedford
Francis, Dominic 57.54 Northern Bedford
Husick, Trevor 57.68 Tussey Mountain
Ressler, Kevin 57.80 Bedford
Berkey, Issac 58.63 Shade HS
Mills, Elijah 59.04 Everett Area
Goshorn, Garrett 59.44 Fannett-Metal High School
Ruiz, Emilio 59.54 Conemaugh Township Area
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.55 Bedford
Relay Team A 45.34 Tussey Mountain
Relay Team A 46.12 Windber Area
Relay Team A 46.34 Everett Area
Relay Team A 46.40h Forest Hills
Relay Team A 47.14 Northern Bedford
Relay Team A 47.30h Chestnut Ridge
Relay Team A 48.56 Shade HS
Relay Team A 48.64 McConnellsburg
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:41.90 Chestnut Ridge
Relay Team A 3:43.31 Everett Area
Relay Team A 3:44.10 Bedford
Relay Team A 3:45.86 Windber Area
Relay Team A 3:52.64 Shade HS
Relay Team A 3:56.14 McConnellsburg
Relay Team A 3:56.65 Tussey Mountain
Relay Team A 3:57.97 Forest Hills
Relay Team A 3:59.24 Northern Bedford
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:38.70 Tussey Mountain
Relay Team A 10:41.31 Shade HS
Relay Team A 9:10.94 Northern Bedford
Relay Team A 9:12.90 Everett Area
Relay Team A 9:23.00h Chestnut Ridge
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zimmerman, Ian 2:05.94 Northern Bedford
Cessna, Holden 2:12.31 Everett Area
Mills, Elijah 2:13.64 Everett Area
Buterbaugh, Xavier 2:13.84 McConnellsburg
Barkley, Zachary 2:14.06 Windber Area
Gardner, Jospeh 2:17 Chestnut Ridge
Bollman, Calan 2:17 Chestnut Ridge
Beaumont, Carson 2:21.84 Fannett-Metal High School
McGarvey, Tobias 2:23.94 McConnellsburg
Golden, Jacob 2:24.60h Southern Fulton
Burkhard, Joseph 2:26.97 Windber Area
Strayer, Nicholas 2:30.24 Northern Bedford
Huber, Carson 2:34.26 Conemaugh Township Area
Reed, Nolan 2:34.57 Shade HS
Swope, Isaac 2:35.20 Bedford
Robinson, Alex 2:38.81 Shade HS
Sopher, Caleb 2:40.07 Tussey Mountain
Saylor, Brendan 2:40.47 Tussey Mountain
Pelar, Jacob 2:51.20 Berlin Brothersvalley
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HS Boys Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morningstar, Chad 137-5 Tussey Mountain
Klosky, Blake 120-3 Windber Area
Bifano, Dominic 118-5 Windber Area
Stumpf, Cameron 112-11 Conemaugh Township Area
Sigler, Parker 112-5 Bedford
Claar, Dominick 109-5 Chestnut Ridge
Smith, Bronson 109-4 McConnellsburg
Grosik, Nick 108-5 Conemaugh Township Area
Cornelius, Jack 105-1 McConnellsburg
Boozer, Landon 98-10 Chestnut Ridge
Styer, Jacob 98-8 Bedford
Yochem, Jaden 95-0 Tussey Mountain
Yokum, Tanner 94-11 Everett Area
Beach, Derek 92-9 Northern Bedford
Sensenig, Jacob 92-3 Northern Bedford
Lestage, Chayton 85-10 Everett Area
Fletcher, Avery 80-4 Southern Fulton
Dean, Nicolas 78-0 Fannett-Metal High School
Nioff, Connor 68-5 Shade HS
Bihun, Matthew 67-0 Shade HS
O'Donnell, Donovan 65-0 Fannett-Metal High School
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HS Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Detterline, Mason 6-0 Northern Bedford
Pittman, Noah 5-10 Northern Bedford
Mills, Brandon 5-10 Everett Area
Souders, Holden 5-6 McConnellsburg
Gillis, Collin 5-6 Tussey Mountain
Ressler, Kevin 5-4 Bedford
Watkins, Conner 5-4 Tussey Mountain
Little, Hayden 5-4 Chestnut Ridge
Etris, Isaac 5-4 Berlin Brothersvalley
Montgomery, Caden 5-4 Berlin Brothersvalley
Derricott, Dewgan 5-2 Conemaugh Township Area
Moyer, Drake 5-2 Bedford
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HS Boys Javelin 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bifano, Dominic 141-5 Windber Area
Melius, Ian 130-9.5 Chestnut Ridge
Moore, Luke 128-3.5 Chestnut Ridge
Miller, Ethan 127-3 Bedford
Shane, Adrian 124-11 Conemaugh Township Area
Souders, Holden 122-11 McConnellsburg
Flori, Gino 121-5 Windber Area
Derricott, Dewgan 119-10 Conemaugh Township Area
Detterline, Ashton 116-2 Northern Bedford
Sheppard, Samuel 114-5 Bedford
Mearkle, Isaac 113-5 Everett Area
Weist, Chad 111-10 Tussey Mountain
Bowser, Remington 108-9 Northern Bedford
O'Donnell, Donovan 108-0 Fannett-Metal High School
Sosak, Isaiah 104-2 Tussey Mountain
Nioff, Connor 97-7 Shade HS
Sobzack, Brett 94-6 Everett Area
Dean, Nicolas 92-0 Fannett-Metal High School
Cornelius, Jack 91-0 McConnellsburg
Fletcher, Avery 85-7 Southern Fulton
Bihun, Matthew 84-7 Shade HS
Burrows, Jackson 74-0 Southern Fulton
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HS Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Brandon 20-0.5 Everett Area
Detterline, Mason 19-8 Northern Bedford
Whysong, Matt 19-2.5 Chestnut Ridge
Black, Ethan 19-0 Conemaugh Township Area
Dom, Nick 18-9.75 Windber Area
Blanchetti, Daniel 18-9.5 Forest Hills
Shearman, James 18-8.75 Windber Area
Ressler, Kevin 18-7.5 Bedford
Etris, Isaac 18-2 Berlin Brothersvalley
Shaffer, Noah 18-0.5 Everett Area
Zeth, Elijah 17-10 Bedford
Ballard, Andrew 17-6 Tussey Mountain
Buterbaugh, Xavier 17-4.5 McConnellsburg
Hennessey, Landon 17-2 Tussey Mountain
Little, Hayden 17-0 Chestnut Ridge
Lang, Jordan 15-5.5 McConnellsburg
Smith, Micah 15-3 Northern Bedford
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HS Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, David 13-2 Tussey Mountain
Vasas, Nick 12-0 Windber Area
Husick, Trevor 11-6 Tussey Mountain
Albright, Sam 11-6 Chestnut Ridge
Clark, Brady 11-0 Northern Bedford
Koontz, Gabe 11-0 Bedford
Carroll, Thomas 10-6 Forest Hills
Warren, Ayden 10-3 Fannett-Metal High School
Detterline, Ashton 10-0 Northern Bedford
Garlock, Carter 10-0 McConnellsburg
Sell, Matthew 9-6 Bedford
Robinson, Cayden 9-0 Conemaugh Township Area
Osman, Collin 9-0 Chestnut Ridge
Derricott, Dewgan 9-0 Conemaugh Township Area
O'Ship, Thor 7-6 Shade HS
Wilt, Logan 7-0 Southern Fulton
Berkey, Issac Shade HS
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HS Boys Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morningstar, Chad 45-4 Tussey Mountain
Klosky, Blake 44-2 Windber Area
Smith, Bronson 43-5.5 McConnellsburg
Claar, Dominick 42-6.25 Chestnut Ridge
Boozer, Landon 42-5 Chestnut Ridge
Flori, Gino 41-0 Windber Area
Styer, Jacob 37-9.5 Bedford
Beach, Derek 37-5.25 Northern Bedford
Grosik, Nick 36-9 Conemaugh Township Area
Yochem, Jaden 36-2.5 Tussey Mountain
Sheppard, Samuel 35-9 Bedford
Lestage, Chayton 34-11 Everett Area
Bowser, Remington 34-4.5 Northern Bedford
Robison, Bradley 33-7 Conemaugh Township Area
Yokum, Tanner 32-5 Everett Area
Cornelius, Jack 31-1 McConnellsburg
Gyukery, Riley 30-6 Forest Hills
Bihun, Matthew 29-7 Shade HS
Nioff, Connor 29-2 Shade HS
Fletcher, Avery 29-0 Southern Fulton
Dean, Nicolas 26-0 Fannett-Metal High School
O'Donnell, Donovan 25-0 Fannett-Metal High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Detterline, Mason 42-3.5 Northern Bedford
Black, Ethan 40-10 Conemaugh Township Area
Washington, Maxwell 38-5 Bedford
Blanchetti, Josh 38-4.5 Forest Hills
Shearman, James 38-4.25 Windber Area
Etris, Isaac 38-3 Berlin Brothersvalley
Shaffer, Noah 38-0 Everett Area
Ressler, Kevin 36-7 Bedford
Whysong, Chase 36-6.25 Chestnut Ridge
Little, Hayden 36-6 Chestnut Ridge
Montgomery, Caden 35-1.25 Berlin Brothersvalley
Smith, Micah 34-2 Northern Bedford
Johnston, Luke 33-5 Tussey Mountain
Ballard, Andrew 31-6 Tussey Mountain
Lang, Jordan 31-2 McConnellsburg
Berkstresser, Herbie 30-8.25 McConnellsburg
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warta, Kora Shade HS
Molosky, Meghan 13.20 Tussey Mountain
Hartman, Brynn 13.64 Fannett-Metal High School
Robinson, Essence 13.74 McConnellsburg
Horton, Karlee 13.84 Tussey Mountain
Morral, Aylisa 13.84 Northern Bedford
Hauze, Anastasia 13.84 Everett Area
Sipes, Ava 14.00 Bedford
Gontis, Molly 14.02 Shade HS
Felix, Emma 14.04 Forest Hills
Peck, Faith 14.04 McConnellsburg
Kurtz, Katey 14.14 Forest Hills
Hill, Ariana 14.33 Windber Area
Zwick, Asia 14.37 Conemaugh Township Area
Ciarimboli, Brielle 14.56 Conemaugh Township Area
Risbon, Cheyenne 14.61 Southern Fulton
Dupre, Marcy 14.74 Berlin Brothersvalley
Dowdell, Kaylee 14.97 Windber Area
Smith, Catie 15.19 Southern Fulton
Martin, Bridget 15.24 Everett Area
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Violet 16.24 Everett Area
Smith, Remingtyn 16.30h Forest Hills
Shima, Julia 16.78 Forest Hills
Becker, Autumn 17.30 Bedford
White, Macy 17.81 Bedford
Smiley, Nicole 17.94 Berlin Brothersvalley
Gregory, Grace 18.24 Southern Fulton
Hixon, Ivy 18.45 Southern Fulton
Tokarsky, Shannon 18.72 Windber Area
Hall, Jenna 19.10 Tussey Mountain
Glenn, Lainnie 19.14 McConnellsburg
Foor, Jordan 19.24 Tussey Mountain
Mills, Lillian 19.24 Everett Area
Dodson, Delainey 20.60 Chestnut Ridge
Fulton, Kyla 22.40 Chestnut Ridge
Stolipher, Reagan 23.94 McConnellsburg
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whysong, Ava 5:19.51 Chestnut Ridge
Dumm, Delaney 5:29.5 Forest Hills
Manfred, Edith 5:38.24 Grier School
Dumm, Danielle 5:41.00h Forest Hills
Eshelman, Meah 5:51.60 Bedford
Weaverling, Avrey 5:54.60 Bedford
Earley, Nevaeh 6:00.54 McConnellsburg
Bean, Cecilia 6:12.22 Windber Area
Frederick, Kaylee 6:14.58 Conemaugh Township Area
Hall, Mariah 6:20.04 Northern Bedford
Leipchack, Elizabeth 6:35.43 Shade HS
Fischer, Abby 6:40.85 Southern Fulton
Snyder, Brenna 6:42.54 McConnellsburg
Allison, Kyra 6:47.64 Windber Area
Nesbitt, Savanna 7:02.04 Everett Area
Buchheit, Kristen 7:09.90 Southern Fulton
Valentine, Kara 7:11.64 Everett Area
Fisher, Elisabeth 7:39.59 Berlin Brothersvalley
Singer, Chloe 7:42.70 Tussey Mountain
Kendall, Lacey 7:45.44 Tussey Mountain
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warta, Kora Shade HS
Molosky, Meghan 27.59 Tussey Mountain
Smith, Remingtyn 28.34 Forest Hills
Horton, Karlee 28.54 Tussey Mountain
Risbon, Cheyenne 28.66 Southern Fulton
Hartman, Brynn 28.84 Fannett-Metal High School
Sipes, Ava 29.00 Bedford
Zwick, Asia 29.82 Conemaugh Township Area
Seville, Regan 30.09 Everett Area
Gontis, Molly 30.10h Shade HS
Sell, Katelyn 30.54 Berlin Brothersvalley
Ashkettle, Samantha 30.64h Southern Fulton
Fetterman, Laci 30.79 Conemaugh Township Area
Weaver, Ashlie 30.8 Chestnut Ridge
DeShong, Abby 31.44 McConnellsburg
Dowdell, Kaylee 31.68 Windber Area
Twombly, Morgan 31.74 Berlin Brothersvalley
Martin, Bridget 32.24 Everett Area
Morris, Courtney 32.24 Northern Bedford
Guyer, Alexa 32.44 McConnellsburg
Leister, Elizabeth 38.11 Chestnut Ridge
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Biddle, Kelly 1:01.24 Everett Area
Fulton, Kyla 1:09.40 Chestnut Ridge
Stolipher, Reagan 1:11.34 McConnellsburg
Smith, Remingtyn 48.44 Forest Hills
Shima, Julia 51.50 Forest Hills
Smiley, Nicole 51.54 Berlin Brothersvalley
Becker, Autumn 51.91 Bedford
Glenn, Lainnie 52.04 McConnellsburg
Gregory, Grace 53.55 Southern Fulton
Hixon, Ivy 54.77 Southern Fulton
Tokarsky, Shannon 54.99 Windber Area
White, Macy 55.10 Bedford
Dodson, Delainey 56.28 Chestnut Ridge
Morral, Aylisa 56.34 Northern Bedford
Hill, Ariana 56.93 Windber Area
Foor, Jordan 58.12 Tussey Mountain
Mills, Lillian 58.24 Everett Area
Santamaria, Jazmin 59.94 Tussey Mountain
Smiley, Megan 59.94 Berlin Brothersvalley
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dumm, Delaney 12:00.26 Forest Hills
Dumm, Danielle 12:05.66 Forest Hills
Whysong, Ava 12:32.49 Chestnut Ridge
Frederick, Kaylee 13:02.27 Conemaugh Township Area
Lang, Emily 13:17.75 Bedford
Earley, Nevaeh 13:25.34 McConnellsburg
Bean, Cecilia 13:42.79 Windber Area
Hall, Mariah 14:09.44 Northern Bedford
Allison, Kyra 14:18.33 Windber Area
Leipchack, Elizabeth 14:23.39 Shade HS
Fischer, Abby 14:29.45 Southern Fulton
Snyder, Brenna 14:35.74 McConnellsburg
Buchheit, Olivia 14:36.56 Southern Fulton
Burchfield, Hailey 15:34.44 Everett Area
Valentine, Kara 15:50.44 Everett Area
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Risbon, Cheyenne 1:03.49 Southern Fulton
Greathouse, Paige 1:05.1 Forest Hills
Ashkettle, Samantha 1:05.14h Southern Fulton
Smith, Jordyn 1:06.24 Forest Hills
Seville, Regan 1:07.34 Everett Area
Sherlock, Emilee 1:08.44 Northern Bedford
Ickes, Camryn 1:09.13 Chestnut Ridge
Dupre, Marcy 1:09.84 Berlin Brothersvalley
Hartman, Rachel 1:10.47 Shade HS
Sipes, Adi 1:12.24 Northern Bedford
Gontis, Molly 1:12.32 Shade HS
Angiolieri, Hayley 1:12.47 Chestnut Ridge
Black, Madison 1:12.84 McConnellsburg
Swinger, Laiken 1:13.06 Windber Area
Heath, Karley 1:14.21 Tussey Mountain
Martin, Celeste 1:14.38 Everett Area
Coffman, Kaylee 1:18.59 Tussey Mountain
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 53.54 Everett Area
Relay Team A 54.34 Forest Hills
Relay Team A 54.94 Northern Bedford
Relay Team A 55.24 McConnellsburg
Relay Team A 55.52 Tussey Mountain
Relay Team A 56.64 Berlin Brothersvalley
Relay Team A 56.75 Chestnut Ridge
Relay Team A 58.28 Windber Area
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:21.10h Forest Hills
Relay Team A 4:25.40 Bedford
Relay Team A 4:38.34 Everett Area
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Chestnut Ridge
Relay Team A 4:52.64 McConnellsburg
Relay Team A 4:56.80h Southern Fulton
Relay Team A 4:58.36 Windber Area
Relay Team A 5:21.40 Tussey Mountain
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:23.90 Forest Hills
Relay Team A 11:42.84 Northern Bedford
Relay Team A 12:10.74 Everett Area
Relay Team A 13:43.80 Tussey Mountain
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whysong, Ava 2:23.88 Chestnut Ridge
Eshelman, Meah 2:38.53 Bedford
Manfred, Edith 2:39.34 Grier School
Weaverling, Avrey 2:40.38 Bedford
Montag, Laura 2:42.94 Forest Hills
McGough, Payton 2:46.00 Forest Hills
Sherlock, Emilee 2:47.34 Northern Bedford
Bean, Cecilia 2:51.24 Windber Area
Hoffman, Jenna 2:56.54 Fannett-Metal High School
Hartman, Rachel 2:59.31 Shade HS
Swinger, Laiken 3:05.52 Windber Area
Perry, Sheridan 3:07.84 McConnellsburg
Nesbitt, Savanna 3:09.24 Everett Area
Sipes, Adi 3:10.34 Northern Bedford
Walters, Abby 3:12.38 Everett Area
Glenn, Hannah 3:22.34 McConnellsburg
Singer, Chloe 3:27.11 Tussey Mountain
Buchheit, Kristen 3:28.00h Southern Fulton
McElwee, Myiah 3:34.96 Tussey Mountain
Meyerhoff, Alex 4:01.55 Southern Fulton
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HS Girls Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoover, Alexis 94-9 McConnellsburg
Wehner, Josi 92-4 Forest Hills
Martz, Elizabeth 90-7 Bedford
Bosch, Belle 89-4 Chestnut Ridge
Claycomb, Natalie 88-8.5 Chestnut Ridge
Martinage, Brooke 87-1 Forest Hills
Long, Lizzie 85-5 Northern Bedford
Burke, Grace 83-6 Northern Bedford
Bittner, Makenna 80-9 Berlin Brothersvalley
Hay, Abreea 75-8 Berlin Brothersvalley
Sexton, Madison 72-6 Southern Fulton
Frederick, Kaylee 67-9 Conemaugh Township Area
Baker, Kiersten 65-7 Tussey Mountain
Vuckovich, Brooklyn 60-9 Everett Area
Meyerhoff, Alex 55-10 Southern Fulton
Fischer, Rhiannon 53-3 Tussey Mountain
Lingenfelter, Kadiya 49-6 Conemaugh Township Area
Davis, Brianna 48-3 Everett Area
Gregor, Adamyah 39-3 Bedford
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HS Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yokum, Ashley 5-2 Everett Area
Conant, Bethany 5-0 Forest Hills
Hillegass, Madison 4-10 Chestnut Ridge
Kurtz, Katelyn 4-8 Forest Hills
Coffey, Sydney 4-8 Northern Bedford
Helsel, Julia 4-8 Northern Bedford
Lynch, Josie 4-8 Bedford
Wood, Emma 4-8 Fannett-Metal High School
Perry, Sheridan 4-8 McConnellsburg
Huber, Kendra 4-6 Conemaugh Township Area
Yokum, Samantha 4-6 Everett Area
Molosky, Meghan 4-6 Tussey Mountain
Claycomb, Natalie 4-6 Chestnut Ridge
Horton, Brooke 4-4 Tussey Mountain
Fairman, Lana 4-4 Berlin Brothersvalley
Matera, Allison 4-2 Conemaugh Township Area
Peck, Faith 4-2 McConnellsburg
Gindlesperger, Kaitlyn 4-2 Berlin Brothersvalley
Bradshaw, Rachel 3-10 Southern Fulton
Fischer, Abby 3-6 Southern Fulton
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HS Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wehner, Josi 116-4 Forest Hills
Bosch, Belle 114-5 Chestnut Ridge
Cecere, Maddie 103-4 Forest Hills
Martz, Elizabeth 101-9 Bedford
Weaver, Ashlie 95-7 Chestnut Ridge
Daley, Aly 94-3 Everett Area
Boring, Lydia 93-2 Conemaugh Township Area
Higgins, Olivia 88-4 Northern Bedford
Hartman, Kylee 82-7 Berlin Brothersvalley
Martz, Emma 82-3 Berlin Brothersvalley
Hoover, Alexis 79-11 McConnellsburg
Snyder, Alexa 78-0 Fannett-Metal High School
Kichman, Ashley 75-11 Northern Bedford
Guyer, Alexa 74-10 McConnellsburg
Baker, Kiersten 68-7 Tussey Mountain
Vuckovich, Brooklyn 56-8 Everett Area
Robinson, Anastashia 54-8 Southern Fulton
Thomas, Sam 52-1 Tussey Mountain
Gregor, Adamyah 47-8 Bedford
Sexton, Abby 46-10 Southern Fulton
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HS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conant, Bethany 16-0 Forest Hills
Hillegass, Madison 15-11.5 Chestnut Ridge
Kurtz, Katelyn 15-3 Forest Hills
Yokum, Samantha 15-2 Everett Area
Bosch, Belle 14-9 Chestnut Ridge
Bollman, Hailey 14-7 Northern Bedford
Hauze, Anastasia 14-6 Everett Area
Robinson, Essence 13-10 McConnellsburg
Horton, Brooke 13-10 Tussey Mountain
Coffey, Sydney 13-7 Northern Bedford
Huber, Kendra 13-5.75 Conemaugh Township Area
Gindlesperger, Kaitlyn 13-2 Berlin Brothersvalley
Dupre, Marcy 13-2 Berlin Brothersvalley
DeShong, Abby 12-11 McConnellsburg
Edwards, Jaelyn 12-9.5 Bedford
Heath, Karley 12-4 Tussey Mountain
Matera, Allison 12-1 Conemaugh Township Area
Bolden, Hannah 11-11.25 Southern Fulton
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HS Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Violet 11-4 Everett Area
Snider, Paige 8-6 Northern Bedford
Krug, Monica 8-0 Forest Hills
Horton, Brooke 8-0 Tussey Mountain
Miller, Raylynn 7-9 Berlin Brothersvalley
Hampton, Hailey 7-6 Forest Hills
Ciarimboli, Brielle 7-6 Conemaugh Township Area
Bradshaw, Rachel 7-6 Southern Fulton
Hixon, Ivy 7-6 Southern Fulton
Fairman, Lana 7-6 Berlin Brothersvalley
Klingenberg, Gabbi 7-6 Windber Area
Sipes, Ava 7-0 Bedford
Hill, Ariana 7-0 Windber Area
Snyder, Alexa 6-6 Fannett-Metal High School
Stango, Sophia 6-6 Conemaugh Township Area
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HS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoover, Alexis 37-7.5 McConnellsburg
Burke, Grace 30-9.25 Northern Bedford
Sexton, Madison 30-7 Southern Fulton
Colosimo, Kenzie 30-6 Forest Hills
Daley, Aly 30-4 Everett Area
Long, Lizzie 30-3 Northern Bedford
Martz, Elizabeth 30-2.5 Bedford
Berkheimer, Paytn 29-5.5 Chestnut Ridge
Cecere, Maddie 28-11 Forest Hills
Martz, Emma 28-9 Berlin Brothersvalley
Claycomb, Natalie 27-1 Chestnut Ridge
Good, Alli 26-0 Berlin Brothersvalley
Frederick, Kaylee 25-8.5 Conemaugh Township Area
Lemin, Trista 25-5 Tussey Mountain
Snyder, Alexa 24-0 Fannett-Metal High School
Robinson, Alex 22-5 Southern Fulton
Molosky, Molly 22-5 Tussey Mountain
Lingenfelter, Kadiya 21-5.5 Conemaugh Township Area
Gregor, Adamyah 19-6.5 Bedford
Davis, Brianna 19-4.5 Everett Area
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HS Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conant, Bethany 33-4 Forest Hills
Hillegass, Madison 33-3.5 Chestnut Ridge
Bollman, Hailey 30-3 Northern Bedford
Snider, Paige 29-10 Northern Bedford
Weaver, Ashlie 29-6 Chestnut Ridge
Hampton, Hailey 29-2.75 Forest Hills
Edwards, Jaelyn 29-1 Bedford
Bolden, Hannah 28-10 Southern Fulton
Fetterman, Laci 27-11 Conemaugh Township Area
Beegle, Brooklyn 27-8 Everett Area
Robinson, Essence 27-7 McConnellsburg
Matera, Allison 26-9 Conemaugh Township Area
Smiley, Megan 25-7 Berlin Brothersvalley
Horton, Hailey 25-5.75 Tussey Mountain
Snyder, Brenna 25-1.5 McConnellsburg
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