Maroon and Gold Invitational 2009

Kutztown, PA

Meet Information

The indoor track is a six lane, 200 meter rubberized surface, rubber-soled shoes only. These meets will have multi-state sanctions and will be conducted under NHSFA rules. Only schools who are members of their state association are eligible. If your school would like to attend these meets please return the information from below by the deadline.

Ray Hoffman (610) 683-1334, or

Keith White (610) 683-4666,


Saturday January 3:
Kutztown High School Maroon and Gold Invitational: 10:00am field and 10:00am running. $10.00 per person per event & $15.00 per relay to the team fee of $125.00. Men and women are separate so $250 combined.

Saturday January 17:
Kutztown High School Inv.: 9:30am and 9:30am running. Entry fees as per above.

Saturday January 24: Kutztown High School Golden Bear Inv.: 9:00 am field and 9:00am running. Entry fees as per above.

Note # of entries per team per event. One in the 3000, Distance Medley (Jan 3rd only) and 4x800 relay. Two in the 1600, 4x400 and 4x200. Three in the 55 dash, 55 hurdles, 200, 400, 800, shot put, high jump, pole vault and horizontal jump (LJ contested on Jan. 3 and Jan. 24; TJ contested on Jan. 10.) Call with questions.

Lodging: Call Gina Martens at Holiday Inn (610) 530-4633 for special team rate.

Only those teams meeting the deadline will be accepted into the meets. All others will be put on a waiting list and if accepted will be charged a late fee of $50.00 per team.