Big Valley XC Invitational 2024

Reedsville, PA

Big Valley XC Invitational 2024 vs Big Valley XC Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +85 502 417
Overall Average +0.10 23:42.58 23:42.48
1st-10th Place -38.50 16:08.00 16:46.50
1st-25th Place -33.16 16:49.76 17:22.92
1st-50th Place -24.12 17:29.02 17:53.14
1st-100th Place -24.18 18:20.01 18:44.19
Common Athletes -- -- 119
Ran Faster 61 90 29
Ran Season Best 5 10 5
Average Time -1:23.56 22:20.59 23:44.15
Median Time -55.00 22:12.00 23:07.00
Middle 80% Times -1:27.11 22:07.35 23:34.47
Top 10% Times -44.25 17:08.25 17:52.50
Top 25% Times -1:00.63 17:47.83 18:48.47
Top 50% Times -1:05.45 19:09.55 20:15.00
Bottom 50% Times -1:40.28 25:09.28 26:49.57
Bottom 25% Times -1:47.87 27:34.40 29:22.27
Bottom 10% Times -1:34.33 29:46.08 31:20.42
Average Difference -1:23.56 -- --
Median Difference -1:49.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:20.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference -27.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.55 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.55 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:50.00 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:21.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:30.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wyatt Stroup Juniata -1:33.00 15:57.00 17:30.00
Joseph Bomberger Juniata -44.00 16:37.00 17:21.00
Owen Coughlin State College -1:48.00 16:55.00 18:43.00
Colton Henning United -41.00 17:06.00 17:47.00
Dean Sunderland Altoona Area -3:00.00 17:08.00 20:08.00
Griffin Selber State College -11.00 17:09.00 17:20.00
Reese Cubbison Mifflin County -2:01.00 17:11.00 19:12.00
Vincent LaFrazza-Schwartz State College -1:13.00 17:13.00 18:26.00
Andrew Quinn Altoona Area -38.00 17:19.00 17:57.00
Camdyn Woomer Altoona Area +43.00 18:23.00 17:40.00
Owen Viglione State College -1:45.00 17:40.00 19:25.00
Wesley Ehrisman Juniata -25.00 17:41.00 18:06.00
Tyler Caron Forest Hills -24.00 17:43.00 18:07.00
Sebastian Diaz Hollidaysburg -1:17.00 17:45.00 19:02.00
Benjamin Alexander State College -3:17.00 17:47.00 21:04.00
Abraham Manfred Hollidaysburg +23.00 18:11.00 17:48.00
Kaiden Williams Bellefonte Area -51.00 17:50.00 18:41.00
Yvan Chen Hollidaysburg -4:47.00 17:51.00 22:38.00
Ryan Caldwell State College -1:21.00 17:53.00 19:14.00
Hart Oden Mifflin County -1:16.00 18:02.00 19:18.00
Aiden Detwiler Tyrone Area +2:34.00 20:40.00 18:06.00
Matthew Beaver United -1:32.00 18:08.00 19:40.00
Adrian Doran State College -3:43.00 18:08.00 21:51.00
Jack Smith Forest Hills -1:19.00 18:12.00 19:31.00
Eamon Drohan State College -2:58.00 18:18.00 21:16.00
Brandon Lyle Altoona Area -1:01.00 18:19.00 19:20.00
Levi Zeiders Juniata +5.00 18:27.00 18:22.00
Styers Oden Mifflin County +8.00 18:44.00 18:36.00
Taven Price Penns Valley Area -2:15.00 18:40.00 20:55.00
Aaron Weiler Bedford -1:47.00 18:48.00 20:35.00
Avery Selber State College -1:27.00 18:50.00 20:17.00
Joseph McNicholas Hollidaysburg -2:35.00 18:55.00 21:30.00
Matt Morningstar State College +57.00 19:55.00 18:58.00
Alexander Brumbaugh Tyrone Area -1:28.00 19:00.00 20:28.00
Enoch Van Egdom Altoona Area -1:09.00 19:06.00 20:15.00
Caleb Eveleth State College -29.00 19:10.00 19:39.00
Devon Jackson State College +48.00 20:21.00 19:33.00
Austin Haris State College -2:31.00 19:37.00 22:08.00
Dallas Pearce United -52.00 19:48.00 20:40.00
Jacob Kauffman Purchase Line -1:11.00 19:48.00 20:59.00
Elijah Lucio Altoona Area -1:31.00 19:55.00 21:26.00
Miles Ballard State College + 20:12.00 20:12.00
Gordon Batchelder Hollidaysburg -1:09.00 20:13.00 21:22.00
Devyani Wadhia State College -15.00 20:27.00 20:42.00
Ella McCrum Juniata Valley -4:16.00 20:29.00 24:45.00
Lillyanna Smith Penns Valley Area +2:01.00 22:36.00 20:35.00
Joel Stock Hollidaysburg -2:48.00 20:43.00 23:31.00
Julia Bigger State College -1:06.00 20:44.00 21:50.00
Sophie Baylis State College +28.00 21:14.00 20:46.00
Mary Stoltz Altoona Area -1:34.00 20:48.00 22:22.00
Owen Burge Camp Hill -43.00 20:54.00 21:37.00
Martin Fatzinger Bellwood Antis -1:30.00 20:55.00 22:25.00
Natalie Jolley Bellefonte Area -3:37.00 20:56.00 24:33.00
Dayne Mock Williamsburg Community JS/HS -2:04.00 20:58.00 23:02.00
Gracie Gioiosa Altoona Area -57.00 21:06.00 22:03.00
Noah Pisarcik United +1:50.00 23:02.00 21:12.00
Garin Fischer United -6:45.00 21:16.00 28:01.00
Logan Krupka Hollidaysburg -1:36.00 21:26.00 23:02.00
Charles Telfer Juniata -1:36.00 21:31.00 23:07.00
Ben Messina Westmont Hilltop +1:10.00 22:43.00 21:33.00
Lacey Sheaffer State College -4:21.00 21:37.00 25:58.00
Emerson Snare Altoona Area -1:49.00 21:42.00 23:31.00
Hayden Hill United +42.00 22:40.00 21:58.00
Molly Dell State College -2:37.00 22:12.00 24:49.00
Peyton Warner Philipsburg-Osceola -3:06.00 22:13.00 25:19.00
Chloe Stiles United -2:22.00 22:17.00 24:39.00
Isaiah Versaw Philipsburg-Osceola -5:02.00 22:24.00 27:26.00
Sean Meyers Philipsburg-Osceola +1:26.00 23:52.00 22:26.00
Jordan Lawruk Camp Hill -1:18.00 22:31.00 23:49.00
Sara Gornick United +30.00 23:06.00 22:36.00
Ethan O Williamsburg Community JS/HS +3:39.00 26:17.00 22:38.00
James Bialo Hollidaysburg -1:19.00 22:49.00 24:08.00
Makayla Raptosh State College -33.00 22:52.00 23:25.00
Amilia Coffey Mifflin County -47.00 22:56.00 23:43.00
Emma Trafton Shikellamy -2:04.00 23:03.00 25:07.00
Abby Ridenour St. Joseph's Catholic -16.00 23:25.00 23:41.00
Jared Browell Bedford -4:08.00 23:27.00 27:35.00
Ava Kratzer Mifflin County -6:35.00 23:28.00 30:03.00
Erin Ruth State College -3:52.00 23:45.00 27:37.00
Lily Warlow Philipsburg-Osceola -4:36.00 23:49.00 28:25.00
Brynn Wright St. Joseph's Catholic -1:08.00 23:52.00 25:00.00
Ava Wagner Mifflin County -1:16.00 23:55.00 25:11.00
Maddie Cappabianco Camp Hill -2:24.00 24:13.00 26:37.00
Sam Mikesic State College +8.00 24:30.00 24:22.00
Alexis Anderson Mifflin County -2:14.00 24:27.00 26:41.00
Nora Statler Hollidaysburg +36.00 25:11.00 24:35.00
Anna Statler Hollidaysburg -3:19.00 24:36.00 27:55.00
Eva Drumm Altoona Area -1:46.00 24:37.00 26:23.00
Isaac Pramuk Hollidaysburg -47.00 24:40.00 25:27.00
Collin Matthews Bellwood Antis -3:49.00 25:06.00 28:55.00
Lily Friberg State College -1:53.00 25:17.00 27:10.00
Abby Solomon Shikellamy -6:09.00 25:18.00 31:27.00
Eve McCrum Juniata Valley -3:12.00 25:19.00 28:31.00
Hazel Sandoval State College -2:43.00 25:25.00 28:08.00
Jada Walls United +27.00 25:53.00 25:26.00
Nora Roe State College -2:08.00 25:32.00 27:40.00
Natalie Etters Altoona Area -21.00 25:39.00 26:00.00
Hallie Brennan State College -5:25.00 25:45.00 31:10.00
Melina Fry United +20.00 26:16.00 25:56.00
Cloe Micheal State College -2:09.00 26:11.00 28:20.00
Sierra Oleksa United -1:51.00 26:12.00 28:03.00
Alexis Fravel Bellefonte Area +47.00 27:04.00 26:17.00
Brian Swanson Philipsburg-Osceola -3:07.00 26:17.00 29:24.00
Macy Norris Williamsburg Community JS/HS +44.00 27:04.00 26:20.00
Ava Hindman Westmont Hilltop +1:22.00 27:48.00 26:26.00
Payton McCloskey Bellwood Antis -2:17.00 26:37.00 28:54.00
Caroline Palopoli Mifflin County -56.00 26:46.00 27:42.00
Hannah Beyer Forest Hills +1:57.00 28:44.00 26:47.00
Maya Morgan Mifflin County -8:18.00 27:07.00 35:25.00
Trinity Maines Bellwood Antis +26.00 28:09.00 27:43.00
Ava Kovalcik United +34.00 29:02.00 28:28.00
Eli Duncan United +1:01.00 29:31.00 28:30.00
Lana Jabr State College -3:05.00 28:52.00 31:57.00
Cate Johnson Camp Hill -55.00 29:09.00 30:04.00
Mya Kehn Forest Hills +4:48.00 33:58.00 29:10.00
Clare Banker State College -48.00 29:14.00 30:02.00
Grace Dunkelberger Shikellamy -4:53.00 30:13.00 35:06.00
Sarah Berkebile Westmont Hilltop +33.00 31:23.00 30:50.00
Alexis Poborsky Forest Hills -17.00 31:10.00 31:27.00