
Clearfield HS Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-04-12 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2024-09-25 Clearfield vs PO and Bellwood
2024-09-18 Clearfield vs Somerset/ Penn Cambria and PO
2024-05-09 Clearfield vs DuBois and Punxsutawney Junior High
2024-04-29 Clearfield vs BEA and Bellefonte Junior High
2024-04-16 Clearfield vs Bellefonte and Hollidaysburg
2024-04-15 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2024-04-11 Clearfield vs PO and Tyrone Junior High
2024-03-26 Clearfield vs Bishop Guilfoyle and Central
2023-10-04 Clearfield vs PO/Central/Richland
2023-09-13 Clearfield vs BEA and PO
2023-04-19 Clearfield vs Huntingdon
2023-04-19 Clearfield vs BEA and Tyrone JH
2023-04-14 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2023-04-11 Clearfield vs Hollidaysburg & Penns Valley
2022-10-04 Clearfield vs Penn'sValley and BEA
2022-06-20 Clearfield Test Meet
2022-05-04 Divisions
2022-05-03 Clearfield vs PO and Bellefonte JUNIOR HIGH
2022-04-29 Clearfield vs Brookville & DuBois JUNIOR HIGH
2022-04-08 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2022-04-07 Clearfield Vs Bald Eagle & Bellefonte
2022-04-05 Clearfield Vs Philipsburg & Tyrone
2021-05-11 Mountain League Championships
2021-05-06 Clearfield Junior High vs. Brookville
2021-05-04 Clearfield Varsity vs Penns Valley & Punxsutawney
2021-04-29 Clearfield Varsity vs. Hollidaysburg - CANCELLED
2021-04-20 Clearfield Varsity vs. Huntingdon
2021-04-09 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2021-04-07 Clearfield Junior High vs. BEA and Central
2020-06-21 Clearfield vs PO
2020-05-11 Mountain League Championships
2020-05-05 Mountain League Championship
2020-04-28 Clearfield vs Hollidaysburg and Punxy
2020-04-24 Bison Stampede Junior High Track Invitational
2020-04-14 Clearfield vs Huntingdon
2020-04-08 Clearfield vs Tyrone and Central Junior High
2020-04-03 Cearfield vs DuBois Junior High
2019-05-09 Clearfield vs P.O and Bellefonte Junior High
2019-05-09 Clearfield vs P.O. and Bellefonte Junior High
2019-05-07 Mountain League Championships
2019-04-13 Bison Stampede
2019-04-09 Clearfield vs Central and PV
2019-04-03 Clearfiled vs Altoona Junior High
2019-04-02 Clearfield vs PO and Tyrone
2018-05-08 Clearfield vs. Brookville and Tyrone
2018-05-02 Clearfield vs. Hollidaysburg Junior High
2018-04-26 Clearfield vs. Bald Eagle and Huntingdon
2018-04-25 Clearfield, BEA and Tyrone Junior High
2018-04-24 Mountain League Championship

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00