Four days after winning Steel City, it\'s Coatesville over Henderson again in their dual meet...

Oakbourne Park in West Chester is Henderson's home course. It's tough. And dual meets provide an opportunity for teams to control their point totals with more precision. Beat the guy you have to beat, and you don't lose a lot of points like in an invitational. But this year, Coatesville appears unstoppable in PA. The final score was 22-36. Kyle Dawson won in a course record 15:10. Twin Owen was 3rd in 15:40, Sean Ward 5th in 15:49, Tom Pannulla 6th in 15:58 and Jason Leonard 7th in 16:09. Henderson placed Chris Aldrich in 2nd in 15:31 (delayed a bit with a fall), and Chris Ferry was 4th in 15:44. Coatesville ultimately placed eight under 17 minutes, and all ahead of Henderson's 5th. The next match-up is in eight days at Ches-Monts. East's Duriel Hardy had held the course record of 15:52, set last year.

In the girls' race, the Henderson girls were dominant, placing five in the top six behind a course record 19:14 by Carly Hamond. Coatesville's Kristina Kubala was 3rd in 19:37. The course record was held by Henderson's Karen Farkas at 19:23, set in 19:23.

Both Races at the 10/11 Coatesville-Henderson-Avon Grove dual meet

Chris Aldrich and Chris Ferry are a strong one-two punch for PA#2 Henderson, racing at the front with Coatesville #1 Kyle Dawson. The Henderson girls have a great pack at the front keeping company with Coatesville's Kristina Kubala (l to r: Carly Hamond, Regen Rimkis, Jackie Merrick and Anna Pavone. 5th runner Amy Jordan was back to form after asthma attack during Steel City)