October 9, 10. 11, 12, 13

Monday – October 9, 2006
Training: 41 minutes
Strength: Abs, arms and back strength. 30
Day Mileage: 6 miles, 9.5 km
Week Total: 6 miles, 9.5 km
Where: Thun
Weather: Fall weather and sunny! Perfect.
Details: Nice, harder run today. I felt good!
Motivation: Weather!
This weather has just been amazing. Anyone can motivate themselves to go and run in this weather, but the test will come daily in the Winter, which comes WAY too early here in Thun…But anyway, the real daily test will come once winter hits and I have to hang signs up everywhere again to get my A*% out the door! Right now my feet and my brain automatically take me outside. It's like, "I'd be an IDIOT if I didn't run in this weather!" So anyway, I don't need much motivation because I always want to run when it is 65, sunny, blue skies and a slight breeze! Especially with my new super-cool Oakley's!!! Thanks Ueli J heehee.

Tuesday – October 10, 2006
Training: 45
Strength: Striders.
Day Mileage: 6.5 miles, 10.5 km
Week Total: 12.5 miles, 20 km
Where: Neufeld with Vivi and Asi!!!!
Weather: Gorgeous fall weather again!
Details: Ran with Vivi and Asi and had a good time!!! Asi and I complained have the time about how our legs felt like stiff boards! Hahaha. We had a fun run through the woods. Astrid and Vivi kept saying they knew where they were in the forest..but they had no idea!

Wednesday – October 11, 2006
Training: 35
Strength: ABC
Day Mileage: 5 miles, 8 km
Week Total: 17.5 miles, 28km
Where: Thun and Steffisburg.
Weather: 65 and sunny. This whole week has been amazing!!!
Details: ABC drills were really hard today! I could barely pick up my legs, but I force myself to do them because I know they are really important for my form. I don't really LOVE to do them, but I know they're good for me, so I do them. It's kind of like vegetables. I don't like MANY vegetables, but sometimes I just force them down because I know I SHOULD eat them!

Thursday – October 12, 2006
Training: 30 minutes
Strength: Striders
Day Mileage: 4 miles, 6.5 km
Week Total: 21.5, 34.5 km
Where: Steffisburg and Thun.
Weather: Gorgeous. Man, I am really enjoying this weather. I could live through a winter like this!!!!

Friday – October 13, 2006
Training: 40 minutes
Strength: Abs and back. 25 minutes
Day Mileage: 6 miles, 6.5 km
Week Total: 27.5 miles, 44 km
Where: Aare with Asi.
Weather: Warm and sunny.

Distance, distance, distance… I am slowly building up my mileage so I can build on the base I already have under me to get ready for my longer races! I have 10-15k road races these next few months leading up to Christmas. I am using these next few months as mostly base-building time for the half-marathon!!! "Weweeassse da seeecwet weaaapppon!"

NEXT: October 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 – Building up at turtle speed...

PREVIOUS: October 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 – Training secrets revealed...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...