October 20, 21, 22

Friday – October 20, 2006
Training: 45 minutes
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 28.5 miles 46 km
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: warm
Details: My hamstring is feeling a lot better, but then again I haven't worked out in about a month so I shouldn't have too many problems as long as I don't go out and drill all of my continuous runs!

Saturday – October 21, 2006
Training: 70 minutes
Day Mileage: 9 miles (hilly route)
Week Total: 37.5 miles, 60 km
Where: Wolhusen
Weather: warm and sunny
Details: My legs were kind of tired today, but I am making sure I get at least one longer run in my weeks, as I find the long runs one of the most important runs of the week for a distance runner. It was a pretty hilly route, so the pace was slower but it took a lot of strength. I was dead when I got home, I pretty much just ate tons of food and then went to bed early. I slept about 11 hours from Saturday to Sunday!!! It was NICEJ

Sunday– October 22, 2006
Training: 55 minutes
Strength: 20 minutes core strength
Day Mileage: 7 miles (hilly route, again)
Week Total: 44.5 miles
Where: Wolhusen with Ueli and H.P.
Weather: Wonderful! Mid 60s!
Details: Well, I have built up really slowly up to this point so I am ready to move up again next week. My total this week was almost 45 again so I am happy that I didn't have to rock up the miles too fast since I had just come off of some minor overtraining. I am finally feeling good again when I go out and do continuous runs with no problems so I feel comfortable with moving on up in the next 4 weeks. I have until March to get myself ready so my foundation is really going to be solid by December.

Build-up phase
WEEK 1 Sep. 25: 31 miles, ~ 50km
WEEK 2 Oct. 2: 36.5, 59 km
Week 3 Oct. 9: 45.5 miles
Week 4 Oct 16.: 44.5 miles

NEXT: October 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 – Back in school... good to have a routine.

PREVIOUS: October 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 – Building up at turtle speed...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...