November 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 & 12

Saturday .. November 4, 2006
Training: 20 minutes warm up, 25 minute tempo. 20 minutes warm down
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 37.5 miles, 60 km
Where: Thun
Weather: fallish
Details: Ran with Asi today. Felt a bit tired, but was still able to do 25 minutes.

Sunday.. November 5, 2006
Training: 75 minutes
Day Mileage: 10.5 miles
Week Total: 48 miles, 77 km
Where: Thun by the Aare river.
Weather: 50 minutes
Details: long jog, easy pace…about 7 min pace

Monday.. November 6, 2006
Training: 63 minutes
Day Mileage: 9 miles, 14.5 km
Week Total: 9 miles, 14.5 km
Where: Aare River, Thun
Weather: fall.

Tuesday – November 7, 2006
Training: 45 minutes
Strength: 8 strides
Day Mileage: 6 miles, 9.5 km
Week Total: 15 miles, 24 km
Where: Wankdorf
Weather: fallish, cool
Details: Did those strides…my legs are slooow. I need to keep some speed in them with striders since I am only working out once a week right now.

Wednesday– November 8, 2006
Training: 60 minutes, "up tempo" run…This just means a bit faster than a normal continuous run.
Strength: 40 minutes abs, back, arms, legs (no weights)
Day Mileage: 8.5 miles
Week Total: 23.5 miles, 38km
Where: Aare
Weather: fallish.
Details: The workout session was tough today!!! It was all self-strength stuff and using elastic bands. Worked on my hip flexors and extensors since I haven't been doing a good job with my ABC drills…I never liked those, but DANGIT, they're so important. But if I do hip exercises with the elastic band, then at least I am still working on the hip strength.

Thursday – November 9, 2006
Training: 55 minutes
Day Mileage: 7.5 miles, 12 km
Week Total: 31 miles, 50 km
Where: Thun somewhere.
Details: regular run today.

Friday – November 10, 2006
Training: 65 minutes
Strength: 30 minutes ab work, aka "seecckks peck traiineeng" according to the gym dude who runs the class
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 40 miles, 64 km
Where: Aare and then Daytona Gym.
Details: Daytona Gym in Steffisburg just decided to sponsor me! I am puuumped. I regularly go there to do my "seecks peck traiineeng" so I got to know the people really well and they are all super supportive. I am excited to be working with them!!!

Saturday– November 11, 2006
Training: 25 minutes warm up, 9x (circa 300m) hills, 25 minutes cool down
Day Mileage: 11 miles, 18km
Week Total: 51 miles, 82 km
Where: Thun somewhere
Weather: cool, cloudy
Details: We actually got lucky and snuck out of a 600 meter hill. There was road race going on so the road was blocked where Fritz originally planned our hill workout so then he switched it (thank goodness) to 3 sets of 3 300 meter hills…which was bad, but not as bad as it could have been. And by bad, I mean good because they feel bad at the moment, which means they are good for you…if that makes any sense…

Sunday– November 12, 2006
Training: 75 minutes
Day Mileage: 9.5 miles
Week Total: 60.5 miles, 97 km
Where: Aare
Weather: weird, hot then cold then hot.
Details: With my UuuuueliiiiiJ
FINALLY, I hit over 50 miles!!! Sheesh, took forever…but I am going the safe way since I have essentially until March before a huge race. I am running a road race next Saturday and using it as a tempo run, so we'll see how I will feel…Any competitive runner knows that once that gun goes off, you have to force yourself to tempo and not race…which usually doesn't work out, so you end up racing…So yeah, I have a RACE next Saturday!
Build-up phase
WEEK 1 Sep. 25: 31 miles, ~ 50km
WEEK 2 Oct. 2: 36.5, 59 km
Week 3 Oct. 9: 45.5 miles
Week 4 Oct 16.: 44.5 miles
Week 5 Oct. 23: 50 miles (first week of school)
Week 6 Oct. 30: 48 miles, 77 km
Week 7 Nov. 6: 60.5 miles

NEXT: November 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19 – Tempo race in Langenthal

PREVIOUS: October 28, 29, 30, 31, Nov 1, 2, 3 – Here, it's STUDENT, not Student-Athlete.

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...