January 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Monday - January 15, 2007
Training: 45 minutes
Strength: ABC drills
Day Mileage: 6.5 miles
Week Total: 6.5

Tuesday - January 16, 2007
Training: 63
Strength: 40 minutes abs, arms, core
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 15.5 miles

Wednesday- January 17, 2007
Training: 50 minutes
Strength: off
Day Mileage: 7
Week Total: 22.5

Thursday - January 18, 2007
Training: 40 minutes
Strength: Yoga today to switch it up a bit.
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 28.5 miles

Friday . January 19, 2007
Training: 55
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 36.5

Saturday – January 20, 2007
Training: 63
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 45.5 miles

Sunday . January 21, 2007
Training: 90 minutes
Day Mileage: : 11.5 hilly route
Week Total: 56.5 miles, 91 km for the week
Where: Wolhusen … where else
Weather: still mild

Okay, so I ran about 55 miles this past week and all of my runs were at a decent pace…aka, no "junk mileage." All in all I am feeling pretty good on my continuous runs again, but am still feeling a little weak as far as my strength goes. (Nothing some hill workouts can't fix…) I would like to do a workout next week, but I have to see if I can find someone who is doing really long distance stuff…if not, my Ipod and I will have to do… Or if we get snow next week, which we are finally supposed to, I may have to see if I can get a workout in on the indoor track. I have finals coming up the next couple of weeks so I am trying not to break my body down too badly with hardcore workouts, but I am at least trying to get in as many miles as I can. I plan to hike my mileage up above 60 next week because I have a lot of base miles in my body from the years and years of distance running so I adapt pretty well to high-mileage as long as I keep the workout intensity down (aka, speedy stuff) and stick to longer intervals with short rests, but at a slower pace. I need to get better at doing strides because they are SOOO important!!!!!! I am planning to build in a program of 150m sprints into my program after continuous runs…

NEXT: January 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 – Half marathon in April, gotta get mooovin'

PREVIOUS: January 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 – Patience is all I have right now...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure