January 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Monday - January 22, 2007
Training: 50 minutes
Day Mileage: 7 miles
Week Total: 7 miles
Weather: winter

Tuesday - January 23, 2007
Training: 55 minutes
Strength: 30 mins core
Day Mileage: 8 miles
Week Total: 15 miles
Weather: a real Swiss winter, finally.

Wednesday - January 24, 2007
Training: 66
Day Mileage: 9.5 miles
Week Total: 24.5 miles
Weather: cold!!! Snowy.

Thursday - January 25, 2007
Training: 40
Day Mileage: 6 miles
Week Total: 30.5 miles
Weather: freezing!

Friday - January 26, 2007
Training: 65
Strength: ABC drills, strides, light workout, 40 minutes core strength
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 39.5 miles
Weather: freezing…as it should be here at this time of year

Saturday - January 27, 2007
Training: 65
Day Mileage: 9 miles
Week Total: 48.5 miles
Weather: cold, really, really cold!

Saturday - January 27, 2007
Training: 1 hr 25 mins, good pace
Day Mileage: 11.5 miles
Week Total: 60 miles
Weather: cold, really, really cold!

I felt really good this week. I am just trying to build up a solid base again so I will be ready for the half marathon in April. I did one light workout this week and then my long run was at a harder than regular run pace so that was a workout as well. I ran the long run with my friend's boyfriend and he is faster than I am so he does his regular runs at a pace which is like my faster run. I warmed about 15 minutes and then ran with S.L. for about an hour and then cooled down 15 minutes to get back home. I was tired, but then I ate tons of food, took a 30 minute nap and felt better. All in all, things are going well in training. I am just getting antsy to do real workouts again!!! I don't know why I haven't done any official ones yet… But the half marathon is on APRIL 22 AND I NEED TO GET MOOOVIN!


NEXT: January 28, 29, 30, 31, February 1, 2, 3, 4 – Stressed, and not from running...

PREVIOUS: January 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 – I need a workout (but not too much)

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure