April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Monday -- April 2, 2007
Training:  63 minutes
Day Mileage:  9 miles
Weather:  cold
Details:  easy run today, legs felt tired from my race Sunday

Tuesday -- April 3, 2007
Training:  day off
        I am going to training camp on Thursday night over Easter.  Only a 10-day training camp, but a training camp all the same.  I can't miss too much school so that is why it is such a short one.  Daytona Gym is sponsoring me to go so of course that support really gives me a nudge to go!   I miss school for a week, so that just means I will have to stay on top of my studies in training camp.  If I was younger, I would be a nerd.  But once one is 25, nerdiness doesn't exist, then you're just smart and people are okay with that.  Besides, the Universities here, well the people!!! in general, are SOOOO competitive, I am always like "relax, people!" hahaha.

Wednesday – April 4, 2007
Training:  45 minutes
Strength:  abs
Day Mileage:  6 miles
Week Mileage: 15 miles

Thursday -- April 5, 2007
Training:  63 minutes
Details:  easy continuous run with Valerie…I leave for Tenero today for training camp!!!


Friday -- April 6, 2007
Training:  AM-  50 minutes, pace pick-up the last 20 minutes
              PM-  30 minute-run, Josi's ab workout with the group
Strength:  Josi's ab workout, 30 minutes
Day Mileage:  10.5 miles
Week Total:  34.5 miles
Weather:  sunny and warm, perfect
Details:  First day of camp…we got in really late last night so we took it easy on our runs.  Tomorrow, we'll have our first workout.

Saturday -- April 7, 2007
Training: AM-  workout
                        20 minutes warm up
                        6x2,000 meters, 3' jog recovery
                        7:25 down to 7:15
                        11 minutes cool down
              PM-  20 minutes
Day Mileage:  14 miles
Week Total:  48.5 miles
Weather:  perfect again…sunny and warm
Details:  The point of the workout today was to stay "loose…"  basically run a faster pace, but keep it under control…Now if I were a workout queen, I would have hammered the workout, but that wasn't the point…it was a workout geared towards the half marathon.   Vivi and I ran it together and Selina jumped in to do 1,000s.  We had  a good workout together.  Tonight we are going to eat yummy pizza and Gelatto ice cream!!!

Sunday .. April 8, 2007 Easter Sunday – Looong run.
Training:  1 hour 47 minutes, picking up pace at the end…
Strength:  that took all my strength
Other:  Sports massage from our massage therapist...it hurt, but it did my legs awful good J
Day Mileage: 15 miles
Week Total:  63.5 miles
Weather:  wonderful again…sunny, breezy, and warm
Details:  Ran with Vivi and Selina again.  Of course we had a chaperone on a bike to make sure the pace was controlled.  We ran a solid 15-miler today.  I had some stomach cramps while I was running, so I didn't feel great, but I was still able to keep the pace while my stomach was tying itself in a knot.  We ran in the sunshine the whole time so I enjoyed it!!!  When I got back I ate some Jelly Belly jelly beans.  They just arrived in Switzerland a couple months ago so I paid like 3 francs for a little dinky pack of them, but I enjoyed them to the fullest! 


NEXT: April 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 – Feels good to be out of my slump...


PREVIOUS: March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, April 1 – Won a hilly 15K. Hilly Hilly Hilly!


INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure