August 26, 27, 28

August 26 2005
What: Easy continuous run. 50 minutes. Exercises

Where: Wimmis

Comments: Aaaaaah. Nice and easy.

Quotes: "Are you looking for something." Some lady in front of her house… She asked me this because I was at the halfway mark and I turned around and she thought I was lost - I guess…

August 27 2005
What: 5 times 700 meter hills, light warm up and warm down

Where: Somewhere in Spiez.

Comments: 2:47s pretty much all the way through. (Good job today Livia und Astrid! Sie haben wirklich gut gelaufen! Livia, du bist bereit für die SM!!!)

Quotes: "I think I already feel it…I think…maybe."

August 28 2005
What: Long run.

Where: Who the hell knows. We started in Spiez, ran around the back mountains of Thun and then somehow went all the way around and ended back up in Spiez.

Comments: Okay. Sooo… Fritz said, "22km (13.7 miles), okay?" Okay. Well, one hour forty minutes later I look at my watch and I am thinking to myself, there is no way this loop is only 22km. Fritz says, "Well, looks like this is a little over a 25km (15.5 or 16mile) loop." He then proceeds to laugh…of course, he on his bike! Hahaha Fritz, Fritz, Fritz.

Quotes: "Shit I'm tired…I am gonna' throw some food down the hatch, shower and sleep!" –Moi

Check this out:
There are more pictures here from St. Moritz…Who can spot the most Olympians???

KM/Miles Logged Last week: 105 km 65miles

It was a good weekend! Although I was pretty beat after my long run, I still like that feeling of just total exhaustian after a long run. Random thoughts from the run? I miss my friends from back home, I totally miss my roomies (Leslie, Michele, Karen LOVEYA), I miss my Cone (my bf), and I gotta' say, I miss STEAK!!! A really medium-rare bloody steak! You would have to pay an arm and a leg over here to get a good piece of RED MEAT!!! Yes, I am totally a meat-eater (sorry Karen you veggie girl). I really have it in my head that it gives me a lot of strength to run. Something about eating that red bloody steak just makes me feel like I am eating pure iron!!! And knock on wood, I have never been anemic! God Bless USDA steaks! Hahaha

Looking ahead…Who knows. I have many dreams and many goals. I hope to keep my running career going for the next 7 years, that is one thing I do know. I am not sure where exactly it will take me, but that is the whole point. If I didn't do this now, I would regret not at least TRYING for the rest of my life. A runner's saying is that we don't do it for the glory… I am not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself. I can rattle off my PRs to anyone, but it really only matters to me. Sure, PRs may impress some people along the way, but in the greater picture of life, nobody will give a shit about my PRs except myself and perhaps a few other proud friends and relatives... PASSION. That is why I run. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a PASSIONATE person to say the least. I don't pound the ground for 60some miles a week for someone else…

Sure I want to run well for my Nation, and run well for my coach, but I do not expect to be remembered years and years from now for a couple of big races I ran(perhaps CEM I hope)...Or I don't expect people to remember that I was even on the team that finished 2nd in the Nation at N.C. State…I just hope that when someone sees the passion I have for running and for life that they will somehow take SOMETHING away from that, rather than some numbers…Would rather someone remember a memorable run they had with me (MIDNIGHT ROOMMATE run the night before I had to leave the APT 203 forever) than some numbers…Would rather have some kid be inspired somehow and remember me as a person (maybe you Phil? Heh) , rather than a name with numbers attached…The PR game is a game I play for me. Like in life constantly trying to better myself as a person, I constantly try to beat myself…Not sure if this makes any sense to anyone else but me…but hey, you never know…Someone could take a "You got it totally wrong" or "I totally know what you mean…" away from this. But again, not just a name…but a person behind all this…


-A certain someone with the initials C.H. … ironically also the initials for Switzerland (I can give you a history of why if you would like)

-My long time friends! (Karen's sauna…you know what I am talking about haha)

-Good ol' American hip hop (sorry Karen and Chele, not country hahahhaa)

-REAL hamburgers…the burgers from McDs over here just aren't the same nor are the milkshakes hahaha

-Apartment 203 in the room right up against the steps so I hear the loud basketball players stomp up them and then bounce a basketball upstairs above my room…I miss the room more than the noise hahha

-My 30 pairs of jeans, which I hope to attain very soon.

-Cookout burgers and shakes

-STEAK like I said before.

BUT, I am also very happy to be in a new chapter of my life. The college years have been written and closed, and not forgotten…but a new Josi era has dawned and I am most definitely welcoming it with open arms because I loooove to meet new people, travel, be in a new places, experience new things and different cultures! And I have to say, waking up to the Swiss Alps every morning with hardly any humidity beats the hell out of waking up in NC to a parking lot and lots of asphult! Hahahha I am happy here. I miss a lot from home, but I am happy with this new chapter. Like Skinny always said, When opportunitiy is knocking at your door, you have to take it because it may only knocks once.

NEXT: August 29, 30, 31, Sept 1 – With age comes patience (NOT)... happy birthday Josi!

PREVIOUS: August 25 – The language of running, so to speak.

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.