September 22, 23

Thursday – September 22, 2005
Training: 63 minutes
Where: Reichenbach and Wimmis
Quotes: Settling…

Friday– September 23, 2005
Training: 56 minutes
Where: Wimmis
Quotes: "I love hearing those cow bells again!"

Oh man, last night I couldn't fall asleep…But, at least I got to talk to a bunch of people from N.C. that were online at the time! Then this morning I slept until lunch time…my body is all messed up! Traveling really takes a toll on the body!!! Fritz called me today and we were discussing my race tomorrow. We decided there would be no point in making my Swiss debut and not being in top form…so we have decided to scratch the Swiss Championships for the road. However, I will make my debut for the Swiss National Team on October 9th in France for the country vs. country race…France vs. Switzerland. It should be a lot of fun and I am very excited for it.

In the meantime, I am trying to get back into my running routine now that I am back. Once I have the jet lag out of me, I am going to bump that mileage up again. I am doing some sort of workout tomorrow though. Fritz is going to meet me in Spiez at 10:15am to get the workout over with early.

Today's RANT

Ah, yes, it is good to be back……..

So on my run today I was thinking about what I could talk about….AND, I thought about college and what would come up at this time of year… The infamous "student-athlete" vs. "regular student" argument that would turn up in the papers at school. And it goes like this…. REGULAR (that is what we jerk-athletes call students who don't do a varsity sport, although I find most to be just as active as WE athletes are…..but that is for another day.) … Anyway, where was I… Oh yes, some regular student will complain in the paper that student-athletes get too many privileges etc… And then a student-athlete argues back that student athletes have "perks" that just come with the "JOB." And the battle goes back and forth as to why student-athletes (SA) get meal money, why S-A get medical things paid for, why S-A don't have to pay for medicine when S-A get sick, why S-A get better food (even though I find this totally untrue, dining halls sucked all over campus!!!!), why S-A get this and that….yadayada

Well, I pretty much agree with the fact that as athletes, we have two jobs to do. We are "hired" to go to school and perform athletically. When the University has athletic scholarships (just as when the Uni gives out academic scholarships), they invest in us in hopes to benefit FROM us while WE benefit from the University. (bring in money and attention to the University)…. A big circle of love! Hahahha I can understand why some "regular" students feel as if S-A get too much, but I feel there are many opportunities out there, NOT just for athletes, but for everyone and people just need to seek out opportunities and take advantage of them.

…….And as far as meal money etc…, if student-athletes are required to stay at the University (for part of our spring break etc…), why shouldn't they get meal money? I don't see those "regular" students complaining why THEY don't have to stay around for fall, Christmas or spring break! I NEVER hear "oh man, those student athletes have it good, they get to stay at school for part of their spring break…")There are many sacrifices that student-athletes have to make and I think that this is a boring argument because in the end, it is up to the University as to how each department is run… It is an argument I am sick of! But it is always nice to hear some controversy!!! Hahahha Yes, I like to argue!

Hahaha Hi mom and dad, I miss you, but I don't want to come home…sorry! Hahaha

NEXT:September 24, 25 - I can trust my training because I trust my coaches.

PREVIOUS: September 18, 19, 20, 21 – Back at "home"

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.