October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 -- Whew. Little sick, but some good workouts.

Tuesday– October 11 2005
Training: 50mins, 20mins pm with exercises for 30 mins
Where: Aare
Quotes: More work to be done…

Wednesday– October 12 2005
Training: 25 minute warmup, drills and sprints, 40 minute tempo starting at 4 minutes per k, working down to 3:35 per k.
Where: Aare
Quotes: "It is so nice to have my girls back!!!" Me because Astrid and Livia are back and the Thun-Bern trio is reunited!!!!

Thursday– October 13 2005
Training: 30 minutes (counted this as a rest day because I was sick and wasn't feeling well. Was supposed to go 50-70 minutes)
Where: Emdtal
Quotes: "My dose is duffy." Me

Friday– October 14 2005
Training: 45 minsam, 20mins pm with 8 times 100 strides and drills
Where: Aare in the morning (The main river through Thun, where I live!)
Quotes: "Oh man, I went to run this morning and I was shootin' snot like a champ! It was real green and thick and gross…What should I do?" Me on a telephone call to Fritz

Saturday– October 15 2005
Training: Cross Country training…Some loop that Fritz created with all kinds of grassy terrain. Of course he finds the only up-hill on a flat field for us to run up. The loop was about 600 meters with all kinds of turns, sudden turns, ankle twisting long grass and short, cut grass. 15 repetitions. Kept most of them under 2:00.
Where: Gwatt somewhere I think. I am still orienting myself around my new home.
Quotes: "I thought for sure you were going to tell me to stop after 10, then you said, '5 more,' and I thought, CRAP…but I did it! I finished all of them despite hocking up my left lung somewhere around repetition number 8." Me to FritzBoss

Sunday– October 16 2005
Training: Long run. 1 hour 55 minutes…long…long…LONG run. Gorgeous and sunny day. Fritz took me on an awesome run through the woods…The Forest never ended and I loved it…even though I was tired.
Where: Somewhere around Thun.
Quotes: "These last 20 minutes feel really hard." Me….

Mileage for this week: 73 miles, Week before, 62, week before that 60.

I am getting connected to the internet soon people. If you want to here further Josi rants. hahha

NEXT: October 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 – I got homesick the other day so I am telling you all I love you...

PREVIOUS: October 10 – Don't do anything stupid...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.