November 23, 24

Wednesday–November 23, 2005
Training: AM 10 by 1 minute with 1 minute recovery (recovery run medium fast)
It was snowing during our workout!!! Crazy! It didn't snow much, but it was pretty.
PM 20 minutes and exercises (arms and core)
Where: Neufeld, Bern?Quotes: "Maybe we are five seconds slower because we eat a lot, but at least we can train all throughout the year without injuries…" -Someone special
"Yeah…And we will be able to make babies tooooo!" –Me
After my writing my blog yesterday, I talked to my girls about it.

"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results." -Anon

I love this quote because in distance running, attitude is everything. But this quote also works the opposite way as well. If we think negative thoughts and react negatively to events that happen, it causes a chain reaction of negativity. Someone once said to "surround yourself with positive people." people who have the same goals and outlook as you do, people who bring you up, rather than down. I feel this is especially important when you are trying to stay motivated on a daily basis, on workout days etc… If you go to a workout and start to complain, and then the others start to complain, then it turns into one big complaint fest and you don't feel like doing the workout. I used to be one of these people who, if I wasn't happy with the conditions that day or with how I felt, I would start whining about it…I have learned, thank God, not to do that anymore. It really takes a conscious effort to show up at a workout when it was cold and rainy and we are to do some hard workout not to complain a little bit…but on those days I keep telling myself to be positive and the workout would go much better…and of course it does every time! Now I try to go into every workout with a positive mind set…EVEN, yes, EVEN if it is speed work! (If you know me, Josi and speed aren't the best of friends). I think it is quite easy for us runners to slip into some negativity when we have to work on one of our weaknesses, mine being speed and others' being the long, hard distance stuff. But if you start to make a conscious effort to go into your workouts with a different mindset, it WILL go a lot better! Sometimes it really shocks me just how much your attitude can change the outcome of a workout. Try it next time, if you don't feel like doing some workout, start trying to find reasons that this workout will HELP you when you are racing and think positive thoughts and speak positive words and the workout will turn out positive!

Thursday–November 24, 2005
Training: 15 min am shake out and exercises, 60 mins pm
Where: Thun next to the Aare while it is still snow un-covered!?Quotes: Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.?Les Brown
I am charging, Mr. Brown…

NEXT: November 25 – Wish me luck in Paris...

PREVIOUS:November 21, 22 – Why I don't own a scale...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.