Tuesday December 6, 2005 Feast of St. Nicholas today—Basically, Santa Claus comes today! We call him Samichlaus!!
Training: 70 minutes in the morning, 50 min sports massage, 30 mins pm with 30 mins of BACKUP work aka core work and arm strength…….
Mileage: Approx. 13 miles for the day
Where: Thun
WEATHER: Decent, high of 47 deg F.
Quotes: I was tired on my run and thought of this……
A really funny person in college, before my races would say, "Josi, Balls to the walls"…It always made me laugh, every time she would say it.…Not just because it was funny, but because of her New York accent….so it sounded more like "Boawwlss to the Woawwllls"….although looking at this quote right now, I don't get it…hahahah Well, I understand the concept! She was a tough one, she was. So when she said this, she said it in a way where it made you want to be tough…just like when another funny person from Jersey would say something else at me that would make me want to be tough…something I can't say, but basically she would tell me not to "wuss out." So anytime now that I start getting tired, I think of Boawwlss to the Woawwllls and it picks me up!! Hahahha
Training Details: FritzBoss four different main paces we are to run. They are
DLL-Which I call "butta** slow" pace 5-6 min per Km
DL1-Decent pace, which I call "regular run" pace 4:30 per Km
DL2-Tempo pace, harder than regular, but comfortable 3:50-4:00 pace per Km
DL3-Up Tempo pace, controlled fast pace, 3:40 per K
For workouts the paces are:
2000/3000m pace 3:20-3:30
1000er pace 3:15
400er pace 75
(Paces differ from runner to runner)
Also, we are not only stuck to these paces. These are merely guidelines.
This morning I ran 60 out of the 70 mins DL1 and then the last 10 mins I ran DLL. The 30 mins in the evening I ran DLL! Basically just used it to shake out, stretch, and to warm up for my exercises.
Wednesday December 7, 2005
Training: AM Workout. 3 miles warm up, strides, 3 times 2,000 meters at about 3:45 pace (that is what it FELT like) in the woods one long, gradual hill), 3 mins. recovery really slow, 15 mins cool down
PM 20 mins easy, some light core work
Day Mileage: Approx. 12 miles
Where: Neufeld in Bern…We were lucky because the rain had cleaned the snow up so the paths were pretty much cleared. Only a few rough spots.
WEATHER: High of 39F, low of 30F A bit of snow. Not enough to stick (here in Thun at least)
Quotes: "I'm a hot one." Me in the car because when I got in after cool down, the windows started steaming up like crazy and Fritz scolded me! Hahaha Well not for real scolded!
Training Details: Warm up and Cool down were really slow. I always round my mileage down when I am not sure of pace or if I don't have FritzBoss on his bike with the GPS who can tell me exactly how far…
Legs felt a little tired from the mileage, but they are holding up. I got through the workout, which is the most important during this training cycle…just get through it and when I pop out at the end of it, I will have an awesome base to build off of!!!
PREVIOUS: December 3, 4, 5 – Time to cut the sugar and work on the core...
INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.