January 7, 8

Saturday - January 7, 2006
Training: AM:40 mins DL1 with Astrid
30 mins exercise (core and back)
PM:20 mins DLL alone
Day Mileage: about 8.5 miles
WEEK Mileage accumulated: about 68.5 miles
Where: Steffisburg
WEATHER: maybe a hi of 32

Training Details: All I can do right now is eat, sleep and run! I can't function in anything else! DEAD legged. But it is going. Am still healthy, knock on wood, so I have to be happy about that. I am being cautious though. Since I am getting used to the volume right now, I run a lot of my runs slower. Once I adapt to the volume, I can start upping the pace on my regular runs. I find that if you tweak too many variables at once, it increases your chance for injury. So if you run A LOT more mileage A LOT harder than you normally do, you increase your chance of injury. I tend to only change one thing at a time. I have the time to do this so I might as well be safe! It's not like it's just junk mileage, I am still getting the mileage in. That is just me playing it safe though!

Sunday January 8, 2006
Training: AM: nada
PM: Hill workout, 6 times 650 meters steeeep hill
3:23, 3:16, 3:18, 3:26, 3:24, 3:23
About 3 to 4 mins recovery
(about 2.5 miles)
Warm up:25 mins Cool down: 20
Day Mileage: about 9
TOTAL WEEK Mileage accumulated: about 77
Where: not sure...I think we were still in Thun...
WEATHER: cold, foggy, wet

Training Details: Steep hill…switch backs on some road…it was nice though, no cars and no ice! "Nice...." Nice and difficult!!?

Legs felt decent, I am not sure if I pushed hard enough on the last two hills…I hate that feeling. Next workout, I won't let that happen. I really, really hate that feeling of knowing that maybe there was a possibility to go just a little bit harder. UGH! Now I am mad that I didn't push harder…but now it is done. I can't go back, so I have to only look forward and really give it all I got on the next one! I did run almost 80 last week, so maybe I really just couldn't get my butt up the hill fast! Hah! Always a possibility. lol

NEXT: January 9, 10 – Please don't needle me about this...

PREVIOUS: January 6 – Racing in training leads to no good...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART TWO, JAN 1, 2006...

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure – PART ONE, AUG 20-DEC 31, 2005...