Tuesday - February 14th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 7
PM: 8 TIMES 1000M, 4 min fast jog recovery
20 warm up, 20 cool down
Day mileage: 12 miles,19km
AM: 47 DL1
PM: 35 warm up, hurdle drills, and ABC running drills
Day mileage 18km
Week Mileage TOTAL accumulated: Josi: 77 miles, 123km Asi: 111km, 68 miles
(since last Wednesday)
Where: Track
Weather: 64, sunny, clear skies
Quotes: Happy Valentine's Day, even though we don't really celebrate the Hallmark marketing holiday in Switzerland!!! I am thinking about someone special... *smile*
Training Details:
My workout went pretty well. I was sad because Asi couldn't join me, but I had to get through it. I ran 8 times 1000 meters starting my first one at 3:28, then the rest at 3:19s with fast 4 minute jog "recoveries." Legs were pretty tired from mileage, but I got through it. Again, another good mental workout. Like I have said many times before, sometimes your races and workouts have to suffer due to the mileage, but mileage is best for the big picture. A couple years of steady 50 to 80 mile weeks will really do wonders so I have to keep that in mind. Keep on going, stay patient...PERSISTENCE PERSISTENCE PERSISTENCE
"Asi's" Corner
Oh, I was really sad that I couldn`t do the workout today with Josi. But In my opininon, it was a good decision to do one more easy day after my nasty cold. So I hope to be ready for the next workouts on the track. It was quite hard for me to watch the workout of Josi and not run. But I was extremely happy that Josi`s training went so well. I am sure that she can compete at the World Student Cross Championships when she runs in her next competitions like in training.
Today, nose and sore throat luckily felt better.
In the morning, I wanted to do an easy jog with Claudia. We started feeling better so we picked up the pace every kilometer. Finally we were running in a pace about 4 minutes per km. It was a good feeling and the legs felt good. Thanks Claudia:-)!! I am sure that I will do the trainings soon with Josi again.
Wedneday - February 15th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 8
Training: AM: 80 mins DL1
PM: 20 mins, ABC running drills, core
Day mileage: AM:11.5 miles,18.5km
PM: 2.5 miles, 4km
AM: 46 mins fast (about 4:10-4:00)
PM: 30 mins jog, ABC running drills, tennis ball time (Asi's playtime)
Day mileage: 10.5km AM, 6km PM
Week Mileage Josi: 22.5km, 14 miles Asi: 16.5km, 10 miles accumulated:
(reset miles/km)
Where: AM: Drove out into the hills of Portugal...gorgeous Trails with Claudia Gesell
PM: With Asi
Weather: Sunny, warm
Quotes: "S" for sugar, "C" for candy.....Me (inside joke)
Training Details: See below...
In the morning FritzBoss drove "Hampy" (also a long distance runner) and I out into the hills to do a moderate long run. I ran 80 minutes, he ran 90. We were running about 4:20s per km when it was flat, at 4:40 when it got hilly. Felt pretty good and the scenery was so amazing. We ran by this grandfather (well, he LOOKED like a grandfather) with two donkeys with something strapped on their backs, gorgeous houses, the bright green hills and huge cactii...It was just a perfect day for a continuous run with the sun beating down on us on the street. There were practically no cars and the street was rolly with hills and curvy so it wasn't some boring road that just went straight out and flat...I remember I went to the beach one year and was supposed to train there and I HATED it because the road just was dead flat, straight and just all around boring as hell, nothing to look at. Here, we can truly enjoy the scenery around us and our run in general...Oh man, I have renewed my vows out here with running, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
"Asi's" Corner
While Josi and Hampi were on their long-jog, I did an extended training with Claudia. We had to do an easy jog, like yesterday, we both felt really good so we did our run as fast as yesterday. The legs felt a lot better than yesterday. We were happy and amazing that it went so well. Now,we both are really ``hot`` to do our next workout on the track.
It was a pity that I was not allowed to go to the long run with Josi and Hampi, because I like the course so much, where they were running. But Fritz-Boss said that we will do another long run on sunday on the same course.....really cool:-).
In the afternoon Fritz-Boss suddenly had the great idea to stay in Portugal until the 25th February instead until the 22nd February so we can do some more hard workouts. Wow, three days more with sunshine and running:-)!
The only negative point is that I don`t think my teachers at school will be so happy with my decision to stay here....Oh well! hahahahah
PREVIOUS: February 12, 13 – Coach, I hear you...