Thursday - February 16th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 9
Claudia Gesell, me with swollen eyes,
Astrid, Sybille Dürrenmatt
Training: AM: 45 mins normal pace and some exercises for core, arms, back
PM: 30 mins slow
Day mileage: AM: 9.5km 9.5km
PM: 6km 6km
15.5km, 9.6 miles
Week Mileage about 23.5miles,38km 32km, 20 miles
Where: Trails
Weather: Cloudy, but warm
Training Details: Recovery day
Today was a pretty easy day. A hard workout is planned for tomorrow so we took it easy, especially because of last week's mileage.
A bit of comedy....Okay, so apparently, Swiss people (maybe other countries too, but I have never heard of this) have unspoken text messaging (sms) "rules..."
I have learned that...
1. People use text messaging like instant messaging except it costs 20 cents a bleepin text message from Switzerland, and if you write one from anywhere else, the price doubles...and so does one's bill...
2. When writing to the opposite sex, one should only write one text message and then wait for a reply before they send another...And before they DO send another, they are to wait a while before they write back so they don't look too desperate...good thing to remember hahahha
3. You are allowed to write your girlfriends as much as you want hahhaha
4. People tend to be a lot braver over text messages and say things that they would never say to your face...
5. Don't write TOO much when writing to the opposite sex, in fear of appearing desperate...again...Limit yourself to a certain text messages
6. Sending pictures is really hot, apparently...but that costs double too, hahahaha
I will let you all know if I learn more of these unspoken rules.
Cute little old lady selling roasted chestnuts
"Asi's" Corner
Today was nothing special on our program, only two easy jogs.
Like all the time, the weather was perfect to go on our runs.
Friday - February 17th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 10
Training: AM: 41 mins 48 mins
PM: 41 mins 3 x 600 - 3 min recovery= 1.8 km
3 x 500 - 2.5 min rec.= 1.5km
X 3 x 400 - 2 min rec. = 1.2km
X 3 x 300 - 1.5 min rec.=.9km
X 3 x 200 - 1 min = .6km
Total original workout = 6km or 3.7miles
Total workout 3.3 km
Warm up/Cool down=20 mins. warm up, 20 cool down
Day mileage: AM: 8km 9km
PM: 8km 11.3km
--------------- --------------
16km, 10 miles 20.3km
Week Mileage 33.5miles, 54 km 52.3km
Where: Nice red trails Monte Gordo.
Weather: Cloudy, 60 degrees
Quotes: "Dammit...wrong floor again!" Asi and I got out of the lift and went to the corner where our room was and the damn key didn't work!...It took us a few to realize we were on the wrong floor at room 403 instead of 303...DOH! hahahhahahhahha
Training Details: see below
Shopping area on our field trip
Woke up with a slight cold and had a headache so FritzBoss and I decided to move the workout to Sunday. We thought it was smarter to just let this cold ride out before we did a workout instead of risking doing the workout and then having my body crashing right after. I took the runs really easy and have been sucking on vitamin C all day...I even cut up a huge lemon, mixed some sugar and a bit of water in and ate it...was still pretty sour though. Conrad (Haber) always tells me to "suck on a lemon" when I feel I am getting sick...And then I ate some yummy oranges! I definitely still had my appetite today so that was a good sign.
Maintaing a positive mental state is quite difficult when one gets sick at a training camp when our main purpose for being here is to train and then you get slammed with a cold....BUT, one has to take things as they come...I have a cold so I have to control the variables that are eating, my sleeping, my training, my mental state and then the rest is up to my body to fight this thing off. It isn't a terrible cold, but enough to take me out of a workout! And that sucks. I hate sitting out workouts! But I know that in the big picture of this training camp it is better that I didn't work out today. I would rather be cautious and not work out today, than go and kill my body and then be sick for another week after if my body decided to crash on me after the hard workout. Now if it were some easy workout, maybe we would have gone ahead with it, but this was a MAJORLY HARD work out so this was the best decision. It was a smart decision! Now to work on my mental state.... I sat out this workout and I am kind of bummed and it is important at these times to focus more on mentality. Physically my body is going to do what it will with this cold, so I have to stay positive thorughout it and patient. In times like these, I am better off safe than sorry. I would rather give myself an extra day of rest than get antsy and then go run an OKAY, workout...I like to give it an extra day and then rather bust out a GOOD one, rather than mediocre and then risking a system crash.
Mental, mental, mental...Fitness doesn't disappear because of one missed workout.....
"Asi's" Corner
In the morning we did an easy jog, because in the evening, there was planned a hard workout on the track.
We ran through the nice forest near the beach. The temperatures were perfect, only a little windy. Our legs felt not bad. After lunchtime ( we only ate potatoes, because the fish wasn`t good for our stomach, - workout:-)...), Josi slept the whole afternoon and I was studying for school.
A word to my workout: When I was doing the warm-up, my legs felt quite good. I was sure that I will do a good training.
As I started with the 600 metres, the legs were okay, not perfect but it went. I could run the times, which Fritz-Boss wanted to have. But on 500 metres I was struggling and my legs felt suddenly totaly tired and my muscles did`t work anymore. Added to this I got some problem with breathing. These 500 metres normaly should go quite easy at this pace.
But today nothing went. Fritz-Boss decided not to finish the workout.
After these first 6 repeats I felt so tired that I nearly could not doing the cool down. I was really beat.
I hate it not do finish a workout, but today, in my opinion the decision was correct....!
Saturday - February 18th, 2006 --- Monte Gordo PORTUGAL TRAINING CAMP DAY 11
Training: AM: Field Trip Field Trip
PM: off, sick 46 minutes
Day mileage: AM: 0 0
PM: 0 9.5km
Week Mileage 33.5miles, 54 km 61.8km, 38.4 miles
Where: trails
Weather: sunny, 16degrees
Training Details: see below
We went on a field trip today for our day off to Portimao, Portugal. It was a traditional little fishing town and was really, really cute. A lot of cute little shops and restaruants and cool, colorful buildings. Even though my nose was stuffed to high hell, not sure what that means but it sounds good, I still had a good time....just had to have a tissue ready at all times just in case I sneezed part of my brain out! We walked around the town for a while, took some pictures and hung out in the main square before we went to a restaurant and ate fresh fish. It was sooo good and we all had a good time together. We had the option of going to another huge beach with some cool red cliffs, but by the end of the day, I was feeling pretty beat up and tired so I decided to go with FritzBoss to take Sybille to the airport...We are going to miss you Syb