Colonial League Championships 2015 vs Colonial League Championships 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +25 188 163
Overall Average +1:03.35 22:13.62 21:10.27
1st-10th Place +50.50 18:10.42 17:19.92
1st-25th Place +40.64 18:35.82 17:55.18
1st-50th Place +29.60 19:11.36 18:41.76
1st-100th Place +23.80 20:07.15 19:43.35
Common Athletes -- -- 56
Ran Faster -24 16 40
Ran Season Best 10 14 4
Average Time +37.05 21:01.51 20:24.46
Median Time +55.99 21:11.70 20:15.71
Middle 80% Times +36.78 21:00.56 20:23.78
Top 10% Times +1:03.15 18:12.82 17:09.67
Top 25% Times +54.06 18:42.52 17:48.46
Top 50% Times +50.66 19:33.36 18:42.71
Bottom 50% Times +23.45 22:29.66 22:06.22
Bottom 25% Times +12.44 23:27.81 23:15.38
Bottom 10% Times +11.16 24:26.40 24:15.24
Average Difference +37.05 -- --
Median Difference +1:45.44 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +36.08 -- --
Top 10% Difference +34.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference +45.94 -- --
Top 25% Difference +46.16 -- --
Top 50% Difference +45.94 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +24.53 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +41.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Colin Cramer Southern Lehigh +1:56.67 18:31.30 16:34.63
John Koons Notre Dame Green Pond +1:11.48 18:04.60 16:53.12
Ethan Bernstein Saucon Valley +57.51 18:08.40 17:10.89
Jacob Martinez Palmerton Area +1:44.50 18:55.90 17:11.40
Thomas Matsumura Southern Lehigh +46.07 18:08.80 17:22.73
Dylan McNichol Palisades +1:19.06 19:04.30 17:45.24
Anthony Pacchioli Notre Dame Green Pond +34.92 18:25.00 17:50.08
Robert Leiser Northwestern Lehigh +51.48 18:51.90 18:00.42
Phillip Castrine Northwestern Lehigh +46.33 18:54.90 18:08.57
Morgan O'Brien Bangor Area +0.60 18:11.20 18:10.60
Charlie Hohl Notre Dame Green Pond -1.85 18:18.90 18:20.75
Preston Kemery Northern Lehigh +2:04.40 20:28.70 18:24.30
Hunter Kish Bangor Area +1:17.95 19:59.50 18:41.55
Alex Fillman Southern Lehigh +2:08.46 20:52.60 18:44.14
Aeron Meilinger Notre Dame Green Pond +1:13.16 19:59.90 18:46.74
Sean Fenoff Saucon Valley +1:04.18 19:57.00 18:52.82
Luke Smith Saucon Valley +59.08 19:53.60 18:54.52
Shane Houghton Wilson Area 11 -49.15 19:21.00 20:10.15
Alex Schwartz Bangor Area +49.16 20:15.30 19:26.14
Hunter Zahm Moravian Academy -11.10 19:28.00 19:39.10
Dylan Corriere Wilson Area 11 +1:41.51 21:12.00 19:30.49
Sabre Singleton Bangor Area +42.20 20:12.90 19:30.70
Joe Gubernot Notre Dame Green Pond -8.54 19:31.10 19:39.64
Hunter Haas Northern Lehigh +1:45.44 21:23.70 19:38.26
Samuel Ward Saucon Valley +43.88 20:38.10 19:54.22
Grayson Speicher Palisades +2:16.58 22:22.10 20:05.52
Molly Tarvin Northwestern Lehigh -34.42 20:13.60 20:48.02
Kyle Kremposky Northern Lehigh +1:12.24 21:26.20 20:13.96
Martina Sell Bangor Area +1:14.87 21:30.00 20:15.13
Tim Maradeo Palmerton Area +1:27.59 21:43.30 20:15.71
Madeline Consuelos Northwestern Lehigh -9.40 20:18.40 20:27.80
Rueben Kemmerer Northwestern Lehigh +19.97 20:44.10 20:24.13
Michael Corsetti Pen Argyl Area +2:08.10 22:48.80 20:40.70
Kory Marlatt Palmerton Area +48.93 21:38.20 20:49.27
Nathan Keller Northern Lehigh +1:38.49 22:34.10 20:55.61
Gaby Vega Wilson Area 11 -1:11.54 20:57.90 22:09.44
Noah Young Moravian Academy +8.34 21:07.30 20:58.96
Jason Pepe Northern Lehigh +1:23.97 22:27.60 21:03.63
Emmett Hawkins Moravian Academy +1:10.09 22:21.00 21:10.91
Joe Busolits Salisbury Township -17.73 21:11.70 21:29.43
Dylan Carter Moravian Academy +31.50 21:45.00 21:13.50
Cole Warmkessel Salisbury Township -1:03.91 21:15.30 22:19.21
Alexa Chaikowsky Saucon Valley -2:42.23 21:24.00 24:06.23
Sophie Doman Palisades +7.30 21:36.00 21:28.70
Hannah Herzon Northwestern Lehigh -15.03 21:32.00 21:47.03
Bradshaw Henning Catasauqua +1:19.80 22:52.20 21:32.40
Anna Mills Notre Dame Green Pond -1:49.71 21:40.00 23:29.71
Jason Schneck Catasauqua +2:21.48 24:24.00 22:02.52
Katie Guelcher Northern Lehigh -21.23 22:03.80 22:25.03
Sebastian Henry Catasauqua -25.00 22:41.00 23:06.00
Emily LaBar Bangor Area +2:43.76 25:31.10 22:47.34
Hanna Nesfeder Palmerton Area +1:03.83 24:31.10 23:27.27
Lillian Altonen Wilson Area 11 -1:13.35 23:44.20 24:57.55
Imani Hollie Southern Lehigh +3.69 23:56.40 23:52.71
Madelyn Schaffer Saucon Valley -53.34 23:55.90 24:49.24
Hannah Frankenfield Bangor Area +3.87 24:19.90 24:16.03