Arctic Blast Invitational 2022

Dillsburg, PA

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murdorf, Carson Fairfield Area
Kelly, Michael Camp Hill
Putman, Thomas 11.00 South Western
Burgos, Syrell 11.03 East Pennsboro Area SD
Johnson, William 11.10 South Western
Dubbert, Troy 11.20h New Oxford
Killen, Riley 11.30h New Oxford
Lesher, Chris 11.40 South Western
French, Zach 11.48 Northern
Milliken, Brett 11.50h Susquenita
Herr, Zyan 11.5h Littlestown
Rauhut, Gavin 11.60h Boiling Springs
Laing, Jack 11.70h Boiling Springs
Harner, Bryce 11.70h Bermudian Springs
Menke, Joey 11.70h Boiling Springs
Mullins, Gavin 11.75 Dover
Zimmerman, Gage 11.80 Delone Catholic
Schmidt, Logan 11.80h Big Spring
Husson, Reese 11.85 Dover
Melendez, Isaac 11.90 Bermudian Springs
Nieves, Clayton 11.90h New Oxford
Lee, Parker 12.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Spencer, Ja'mere 12.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Zach, Aumen 12.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Rhodes, Brody 12.04 Waynesboro
Massare, Caleb 12.10h Big Spring
Leitzel, Tyler 12.10h Dover
Campbell, Ethan 12.11 East Pennsboro Area SD
Brosius, Daniel 12.14 Northern
Worthy , Izaiah 12.14 Waynesboro
Green, Ryan 12.20h Littlestown
Lookingbill, Bryson 12.2h Littlestown
Wells, Tanner 12.30 Northern
Jones, Seth 12.30 Camp Hill
White, Zach 12.32 East Pennsboro Area SD
Bielelman, Rowan 12.40h Eastern York
Barnes, Matthew 12.67 Camp Hill
Robinson, Athan 12.70h Susquenita
Osbaugh, Lennon 12.70h Big Spring
Buckley, Isaiah 12.8 Susquenita
Guillaume, Nate 12.90h Eastern York
Bolton, Brandon 12.90h Eastern York
Montgomery, Alex 13.55 Fairfield Area
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Talcott, Josh Fairfield Area
Carlson, Michael 14.8 Bermudian Springs
Bell, Bernard 14.90 South Western
Sites-Byers, Emerson 16.40 South Western
Kehr, Colton 16.7 Bermudian Springs
Egloff, Joe 16.98 Gettysburg Area High School
Jacobs, Luke 17.00 South Western
Crabbs, Holden 17.50h New Oxford
Brenny, Roman 17.90h Susquenita
Morris, CJ 18.40h Dover
Tyree, Trey 18.48 Northern
Reeder, Eli 18.50h Big Spring
Shaull, Tanyon 18.53 Waynesboro
Gautsch, Jack 18.9 Bermudian Springs
Marcin, Ethan 19.21 East Pennsboro Area SD
Lentz, Jacob 19.50h New Oxford
Benoist, Colin 20.00h East Pennsboro Area SD
Weitkamp, Jesiah 20.00h New Oxford
Brook, Jake 20.90h Waynesboro
McCombs, Aiden 21.40h Boiling Springs
Polizzotto, Ian 21.50h Dover
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Singh, Shernan 4:36.40 South Western
Singh, Shernel 4:37.20 South Western
Moats, Isaac 4:41.00h Waynesboro
Jacobs, Joseph 4:42.55 Waynesboro
Mckell, Elijah 4:43.69 East Pennsboro Area SD
Crum, Tommy 4:45.10h Boiling Springs
Singley, Michael 4:46.07 Susquenita
Petula, Connor 4:49.10h Boiling Springs
cole, gavin 4:49.27 Gettysburg Area High School
Carrolus, Cameron 4:51.0 Bermudian Springs
Arnold, Colin 4:54.28 Gettysburg Area High School
Small, Peyton 4:56 Littlestown
Namatka, Andrew 4:57.85 East Pennsboro Area SD
Wenger, Blake 4:58.20 Big Spring
Curry, Chase 5:02.00h Eastern York
Price, Neal 5:05 New Oxford
Hogan, Caleb 5:05.00h Dover
Fuhrman, Brody 5:10.00 South Western
Davis, Aden 5:10.00h Delone Catholic
Purdy, Owen 5:11.70h Boiling Springs
Jones, Cole 5:12.52 Camp Hill
Phelan, Ciarin 5:13 Fairfield Area
Albin, Adam 5:13.00h Dover
Canaguier, Ryan 5:15.31 Susquenita
Spangler, Dakota 5:18.00h Dover
Allen, Liam 5:20.00h Delone Catholic
Seiler, Ben 5:21.90h Big Spring
Beaty, Tyler 5:22.38 Northern
Smeal, Nick 5:25.90 Camp Hill
Caitlin, Joey 5:27.00h Delone Catholic
Stuart, Cole 5:29.0 Bermudian Springs
Grimes, Thomas 5:30.00h Bermudian Springs
Breighner, Luke 5:30.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Salazar, Joseph 5:40 New Oxford
Beecher, Jacob 5:40.20h Big Spring
Ciccocioppo, Ryan 5:41.00h Susquenita
Davis, Michael 5:46.00h New Oxford
Fitzgerald, Patrick 5:50.35 Camp Hill
Barr, Bradley 5:51.00h Eastern York
Hutchison, Garrett 6:01.00h Littlestown
Lochary, Jared 6:07.00h Littlestown
DeHart, Quinn 6:10.00h Fairfield Area
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Killen, Riley 23.30h New Oxford
Rios, Bryan 23.43 Dover
Menke, Joey 23.50 Boiling Springs
Herr, Zyan 23.5h Littlestown
Lesher, Chris 23.60 South Western
Milliken, Brett 23.60h Susquenita
Johnson, William 23.70 South Western
Casiano, Omari 23.70h Dover
Rauhut, Gavin 23.80h Boiling Springs
Putman, Thomas 24.00 South Western
Yerka, Trevor 24.00h New Oxford
Dubbert, Troy 24.10h New Oxford
Zimmerman, Gage 24.24 Delone Catholic
Black, Connor 24.40h Big Spring
Laing, Jack 24.5 Boiling Springs
Husson, Reese 24.50h Dover
Rhodes, Brody 24.54 Waynesboro
Lookingbill, Bryson 24.5h Littlestown
Melendez, Isaac 24.6 Bermudian Springs
Evitts, Alexander 24.63 East Pennsboro Area SD
Kopp, Byson 25.00 Delone Catholic
Zach, Aumen 25.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Benoist, Colin 25.00h East Pennsboro Area SD
Brosius, Daniel 25.04 Northern
Worthy , Izaiah 25.14 Waynesboro
Calaman, Bennet 25.24 Northern
Wells, Tanner 25.35 Northern
McKee, Bryce 25.44 Susquenita
Good, Trey 25.50h East Pennsboro Area SD
Staub, Dylan 25.77 Delone Catholic
Fickel, Ben 26.2 Big Spring
Bolton, Brandon 26.50h Eastern York
Jones, Seth 26.54 Camp Hill
Marsteller, Josh 26.68 Harrisburg Christian School
Buckley, Isaiah 26.7 Susquenita
Cachara, Spencer 26.90h Big Spring
Murdorf, Carson 27.27 Fairfield Area
Decavalcante, Quin 28.06 Camp Hill
Hoke, Jacob 29.25 Camp Hill
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Bernard 39.50 South Western
Sites-Byers, Emerson 42.50 South Western
Schmidt, Logan 42.80h Big Spring
Massare, Caleb 43.10h Big Spring
Kehr, Colton 43.9 Bermudian Springs
Rios, Bryan 44.20h Dover
Brenny, Roman 44.60h Susquenita
Marcin, Ethan 44.76 East Pennsboro Area SD
Middaugh, Colton 44.97 Northern
Jacobs, Luke 46.40 South Western
Tyree, Trey 46.42 Northern
Crabbs, Holden 47.30h New Oxford
Shaull, Tanyon 47.63 Waynesboro
Reeder, Eli 47.63 Big Spring
Benoist, Colin 48.03 East Pennsboro Area SD
McCombs, Aiden 48.60h Boiling Springs
Gautsch, Jack 48.9 Bermudian Springs
Brook, Jake 48.94 Waynesboro
Fleming, Connor 50.00h Dover
Egloff, Joe 50.06 Gettysburg Area High School
Hammond, Preston 50.24 Waynesboro
Lentz, Jacob 51.00h New Oxford
Talcott, Josh 52.00h Fairfield Area
McConnell, Declan 52.66 Northern
Weitkamp, Jesiah 53.70h New Oxford
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Namatka, Andrew 10:11.80 East Pennsboro Area SD
Jacobs, Joseph 10:15.42 Waynesboro
Snyder, Colin 10:20.1 Northern
Singley, Michael 10:22.25 Susquenita
Singh, Shernan 10:23.00 South Western
Wenger, Blake 10:32.8 Big Spring
Petula, Connor 10:40.30 Boiling Springs
Small, Peyton 10:45.00 Littlestown
Bockstie, Noah 10:53.8 Waynesboro
Curry, Chase 10:56.00 Eastern York
Jones, Cole 10:59.95 Camp Hill
Tyler, Austin 11:02.50 South Western
Phelan, Ciarin 11:10.00 Fairfield Area
Freil, Evan 11:13.40 South Western
Hogan, Caleb 11:18.00 Dover
Dohner, Forrest 11:18.02 Northern
Beichler, Elijah 11:21.00 New Oxford
Davis, Aden 11:23.00 Delone Catholic
Fennen, Carter 11:27.00 Dover
Allen, Liam 11:28.00 Delone Catholic
Buohl, Camdyn 11:47.00 Dover
Smeal, Nick 11:48.52 Camp Hill
Purdy, Owen 11:55.50 Boiling Springs
O'Brine, Kai 11:57.32 Northern
Canaguier, Ryan 12:00.00 Susquenita
Seiler, Ben 12:02.00 Big Spring
Smith, Joel 12:13.00 Susquenita
McKean, Dalton 12:18.00 Waynesboro
Sacco, Matthias 12:21 Fairfield Area
Fitzgerald, Patrick 12:43.89 Camp Hill
Beecher, Jacob 12:44.00 Big Spring
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bittle, Brody 1:00.0h Littlestown
Mobley, Keyan 1:01.24 Waynesboro
Rivera, Domenic 1:02.43 East Pennsboro Area SD
Garazo, Victor 1:02.9h Fairfield Area
McClinton, Jeff 1:14.37 Harrisburg Christian School
Richwine, Trevor 50.74 Big Spring
Brungard, Jake 50.99 Camp Hill
Evitts, Alexander 52.18 East Pennsboro Area SD
Freyermuth, Logan 52.30h Susquenita
Lesher, Chris 53.60 South Western
Casiano, Omari 54.10h Dover
Mowe, Braelen 54.20h Boiling Springs
Harner, Bryce 54.4 Bermudian Springs
Delevan, Blake 54.4 Boiling Springs
Kemble, Nash 54.89 Camp Hill
Mullins, Gavin 55.00h Dover
Little, Jack 55.43 Northern
Bielelman, Rowan 55.50h Eastern York
Heeney, Carson 55.80h New Oxford
Wagner, Chris 56.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Morris, CJ 56.20h Dover
Yunk, Ryan 56.30h Boiling Springs
Barnes, Matthew 56.63 Camp Hill
Hull, Carson 56.75 Northern
Clapsadle, Owen 57.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Atkinson, Chance 57.14 Waynesboro
Nye, Caden 57.2 Bermudian Springs
Kauffman, Joshua 57.80h Susquenita
Staub, Dylan 57.84 Delone Catholic
Dodson, Logan 58.00h Eastern York
Fickel, Ben 58.00h Big Spring
Good, Trey 58.20h East Pennsboro Area SD
Marsteller, Josh 58.50h Harrisburg Christian School
Eader, Zac 58.5h Littlestown
Riedel, Anthony 58.5h Littlestown
O'Campo, Aldair 58.60 South Western
McKee, Bryce 58.82 Susquenita
Stargel, Eli 59.00 Harrisburg Christian School
Kammerer, Aiden 59.00h Big Spring
Rissler, Ethan 59.30 South Western
Vargas, Ryan 59.90h New Oxford
Salazar, Fernando 59.99 Delone Catholic
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Susquenita
Relay Team A 44.70h Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 44.80 South Western
Relay Team A 45.04 Waynesboro
Relay Team A 45.12 East Pennsboro Area SD
Relay Team A 45.30h Bermudian Springs
Relay Team A 45.78 Dover
Relay Team A 45.80h Big Spring
Relay Team A 46.00h New Oxford
Relay Team A 46.99 Northern
Relay Team A 47.80h Littlestown
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.70 South Western
Relay Team A 3:39.03 East Pennsboro Area SD
Relay Team A 3:40.00h New Oxford
Relay Team A 3:42.00h Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 3:44.00h Susquenita
Relay Team A 3:44.20h Big Spring
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Relay Team A 3:45.60h Dover
Relay Team A 3:48.00h Fairfield Area
Relay Team A 3:49.53 Camp Hill
Relay Team A 3:55.33 Northern
Relay Team A 3:56.00h Eastern York
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Delone Catholic
Relay Team A 10:24.00 Eastern York
Relay Team A 10:49 Big Spring
Relay Team A 8:48.00h Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 8:48.21 East Pennsboro Area SD
Relay Team A 9:01.20h Dover
Relay Team A 9:04.00h Fairfield Area
Relay Team A 9:06.00h Bermudian Springs
Relay Team A 9:07.20 South Western
Relay Team A 9:13.00h Susquenita
Relay Team A 9:21.00h New Oxford
Relay Team A 9:40.75 Waynesboro
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, Drew 2:01.81 Gettysburg Area High School
Richwine, Trevor 2:03.58 Big Spring
Mckell, Elijah 2:06.19 East Pennsboro Area SD
Moats, Isaac 2:07 Waynesboro
Mowe, Braelen 2:07.80h Boiling Springs
Day, Auden 2:08.64 Gettysburg Area High School
Patel, Khush 2:08.94 East Pennsboro Area SD
Arnold, Colin 2:10.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Carmo, Eric 2:10.60 Susquenita
Crum, Tommy 2:11.70h Boiling Springs
Collins, Ethan 2:11.82 Fairfield Area
Schubring, Gabe 2:12.00h Fairfield Area
Moore, David 2:12.68 New Oxford
Santos, Elias 2:14.02 Northern
Sokolofsky, Logan 2:15.10h Boiling Springs
Campbell, Will 2:15.40h Waynesboro
Hepner, Jaden 2:15.88 Northern
Corbin, Jayce 2:16.00h Dover
Bouselli, Ben 2:17.10 South Western
Ward, Matthew 2:18.31 Big Spring
Weber, Joel 2:18.89 Waynesboro
Richter, Mason 2:19.00h New Oxford
Divel, Allen 2:19.00h South Western
Rowlands, Cole 2:19.00h Dover
Goedecker, Jack 2:20.00h Delone Catholic
Sweitzer, Lee 2:21.00h Dover
Hayes, Noah 2:23.12 Northern
Guillaume, Nate 2:24.00h Eastern York
Garazo, Victor 2:25 Fairfield Area
Langkam, Justin 2:27.0 South Western
Totis, Brennan 2:28.00h New Oxford
Lyband, Bryce 2:28.00h Delone Catholic
Reinhold, Adam 2:28.00h Eastern York
Riedel, Anthony 2:28.73 Littlestown
Hutchison, Garrett 2:30 Littlestown
Darlington, Ethan 2:30.00h Delone Catholic
Buck, Jonah 2:30.00h Susquenita
Lochary, Jared 2:34.00h Littlestown
Ciccocioppo, Ryan 2:34.00h Susquenita
Kammerer, Aiden 2:38.20h Big Spring
Bonsall, Caleb 2:40.00h East Pennsboro Area SD
Sparks, Evan 2:43.98 Camp Hill
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HS Boys Discus 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weigle, Aaron 145-5 Bermudian Springs
Angelo, Josh 144-1 East Pennsboro Area SD
Wakefield, Dylan 133-9 Big Spring
McVey, Connor 129-8 Fairfield Area
Brown, Chase 121-0 Northern
Isenberg, Tommy 120-5 Northern
Murray, Jordan 120-3 Susquenita
Anders, Jonathan 115-2 Fairfield Area
McCardell, Trey 114-5.5 Boiling Springs
Morgan, Steven 113-8 South Western
Breneman, Josh 113-4 Boiling Springs
Stewart, Levi 113-4 Big Spring
Sweger, Aidan 113-1 Big Spring
Durika, Josh 112-1 Northern
Smith, Austin 109-5.75 Dover
Smith, Curtis 109-3 New Oxford
Witte, Trent 107-7 Fairfield Area
France, Rion 106-9 South Western
Hoover, Aiden 105-1 Boiling Springs
Miller, Carson 103-1 Littlestown
Hawk, Andon 101-8 Bermudian Springs
Stonesifer, Wyatt 100-9 Littlestown
Wyatt, Heistand 98-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Anacleto, Dan 97-7 New Oxford
Lockard, Andrew 96-10 Bermudian Springs
Piatt, Eliott 91-3 South Western
Lewis, Kamar 90-3 Susquenita
Eckert, Landen 90-0 Delone Catholic
Newman, Logan 89-4 East Pennsboro Area SD
Baker, Jacob 88-3 Dover
Bixler, Jake 88-1 New Oxford
Trostle, Gabe 88-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Miller, Laiken 87-6 Susquenita
Thomas, Matthew 83-11 Eastern York
Lynch, Isaiah 81-11.5 Waynesboro
Elmer, Jake 81-7 Harrisburg Christian School
Brown, Darrien 80-5 Eastern York
Skehan, Michael 80-4.5 Waynesboro
Huckenberry, Jayden 69-4 Eastern York
Stever, Jaerren 68-9 Camp Hill
Snelbaker, Drew 66-10 Dover
Teeter, Alex 65-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Forbes, Alex 60-6 Camp Hill
Yatsko, Pablo 54-5 Camp Hill
Yohe, Colton East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Derry, Zach 6-0 South Western
Mailey, Ronan 5-11 Dover
Martin, Austin 5-10 South Western
Crabbs, Holden 5-8 New Oxford
Herr, Zyan 5-6 Littlestown
Harner, Bryce 5-6 Bermudian Springs
Pacana, Ricky 5-6 Bermudian Springs
Little, Jack 5-4 Northern
Duncan, Dylan 5-4 Northern
Miller, Emmit 5-4 East Pennsboro Area SD
Sanderson, Paul 5-4 East Pennsboro Area SD
Thompson, Grant 5-4 Waynesboro
McCombs, Aiden 5-4 Boiling Springs
Rowlands, Cole 5-2 Dover
Albert, Nate 5-2 Littlestown
Miller, Karson 5-2 Littlestown
Myers, Gage 4-11 Camp Hill
Buckley, Isaiah Susquenita
Good, Trey East Pennsboro Area SD
Reinhold, Adam Eastern York
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HS Boys Javelin 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sites-Byers, Emerson 161-0 South Western
Kalb, Zebariah 153-9 East Pennsboro Area SD
Singley, Michael 152-3 Susquenita
Wakefield, Dylan 146-5 Big Spring
Shaull, Tanyon 141-11 Waynesboro
Rineman, Jon 139-1 New Oxford
Breneman, Josh 135-8 Boiling Springs
Moore, Jett 132-7 New Oxford
Witte, Trent 132-1 Fairfield Area
Ward, Matthew 131-8 Big Spring
Morgan, Steven 131-3 South Western
Hazen, Wyatt 129-1 Northern
Smith, Curtis 128-0 New Oxford
Sanderson, Paul 127-4 East Pennsboro Area SD
Carmo, Eric 127-3 Susquenita
Stever, Jaerren 124-0 Camp Hill
Fleniken, Nevin 118-11 Boiling Springs
Farley, Jesiah 117-11 Bermudian Springs
Royer, Benjamin 117-1.50 Waynesboro
Kerstetter, Andrew 116-0 Boiling Springs
Smith, Austin 112-5 Dover
Spangler, Brady 112-1 Bermudian Springs
Miller, Laiken 110-9 Susquenita
Giraffa, Domonic 110-0 Delone Catholic
Wildasin, Gage 110-0 Delone Catholic
Stonesifer, Wyatt 107-5 Littlestown
Forbes, Steve 106-9 Gettysburg Area High School
Stewart, Levi 103-8 Big Spring
Skehan, Michael 101-4 Waynesboro
Hawk, Andon 100-2 Bermudian Springs
Sokolvich, Ethan 100-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Teeter, Alex 100-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Doll, Logan 98-8 Northern
Durika, Josh 97-8 Northern
Stargel, Eli 96-6 Harrisburg Christian School
Thomas, Matthew 95-0 Eastern York
Geiger, Kaden 95-0 Dover
Elmer, Jake 92-2 Harrisburg Christian School
Huckenberry, Jayden 91-7 Eastern York
Polizzotto, Ian 90-3 Dover
Sacco, Matthias 87-1 Fairfield Area
Murphy, Liam 87-0 Camp Hill
Rollman, Austin 86-2 South Western
Forbes, Alex 78-0 Camp Hill
Brubaker, Matthew 70-1 Eastern York
Zeiders, Zander East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Boys Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
French, Zach 21-11 Northern
Bean, Jaylon 21-5 Waynesboro
Calaman, Bennet 19-8 Northern
Bankert, Noah 19-7 South Western
Beachy, Ethan 19-4 Bermudian Springs
Herr, Zyan 19-2 Littlestown
Pacana, Ricky 19-2 Bermudian Springs
Zaroe, Thomas 18-1 Big Spring
Hull, Carson 18-0.75 Northern
Kopp, Byson 18-0 Delone Catholic
Russel, Liam 18-0 Delone Catholic
Dickmyer, Sam 18-0 South Western
Wagner, Chris 17-11 Gettysburg Area High School
Dodson, Logan 17-11 Eastern York
Mummert, Connor 17-9 Bermudian Springs
Derry, Zach 17-9 South Western
Lehigh, Josh 17-8 New Oxford
Smyser, Thomas 17-7 Dover
McKee, Bryce 17-3.25 Susquenita
Marcin, Ethan 17-3 East Pennsboro Area SD
McCombs, Aiden 17-2 Boiling Springs
Giraffa, Gino 17-0 Delone Catholic
Nieves, Clayton 16-9.5 New Oxford
Osbaugh, Lennon 16-6 Big Spring
Forbes, Jarelle 16-5 Gettysburg Area High School
Fleming, Connor 16-4 Dover
Spencer, Ja'mere 16-3 Gettysburg Area High School
Murdorf, Carson 16-3 Fairfield Area
Sellers, Joseph 16-1.5 Boiling Springs
Musick, Nick 16-0 New Oxford
Guillaume, Alex 15-4 Eastern York
Miller, Karson 15-3 Littlestown
Albert, Nate 15-0 Littlestown
Montgomery, Alex 14-11.2 Fairfield Area
Cachara, Spencer 14-3 Big Spring
Loyer, Jeremiah 13-11.75 Christian School of York
Robinson, Athan Susquenita
Good, Trey East Pennsboro Area SD
Miller, Emmit East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Boys Pole Vault 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swope, Breckin 13-6 East Pennsboro Area SD
DiDio, Wyatt 12-0 Delone Catholic
Carlson, Michael 12-0 Bermudian Springs
Ryan, Joe 11-6 Northern
Schuurman, Joshua 11-0 Waynesboro
Dickmyer, Sam 10-6 South Western
Kazakavich, Jake 10-6 Northern
Beachy, Ethan 10-6 Bermudian Springs
Skehan, Ernie 10-6 Waynesboro
Curley, Ryan 10-3 South Western
Lamont, Jackson 10-3 South Western
Murphy, Liam 10-0 Camp Hill
Myers, Gage 10-0 Camp Hill
Carrolus, Colwyn 10-0 Bermudian Springs
Pecaitis, Gabriel 10-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Miller, Aiden 9-6 East Pennsboro Area SD
Sieber, Jacob 9-6 Dover
Mitchell, London 9-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Bolten, Braden 9-0 Eastern York
Bolton, Brock 9-0 Eastern York
Sellers, Joseph 9-0 Boiling Springs
Miller, Maddex 8-6 Dover
Aiello, Luke 8-6 New Oxford
Beichler, Isaac 8-6 New Oxford
Sweitzer, Lee 8-0 Dover
Murren, Gavin 8-0 New Oxford
Guillaume, Alex 8-0 Eastern York
Gossard, Jason East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Boys Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Angelo, Josh 43-11.25 East Pennsboro Area SD
Wakefield, Dylan 42-9.75 Big Spring
Anders, Jonathan 40-8 Fairfield Area
Smith, Curtis 40-6 New Oxford
Baker, Jacob 39-10.25 Dover
Siegel, Spencer 39-9.25 Northern
Stadler, Peyton 39-5 Fairfield Area
Morgan, Steven 39-5 South Western
Weigle, Aaron 38-8 Bermudian Springs
Durika, Josh 38-7.75 Northern
Wyatt, Heistand 37-6 Gettysburg Area High School
Sweger, Aidan 37-1.25 Big Spring
Stewart, Levi 37-1 Big Spring
Isenberg, Tommy 36-11 Northern
Stonesifer, Wyatt 36-10 Littlestown
McVey, Connor 36-9.5 Fairfield Area
Lewis, Kamar 36-4 Susquenita
Rineman, Jon 36-3 New Oxford
McCardell, Trey 35-6 Boiling Springs
France, Rion 35-4 South Western
Eckert, Landen 35-0 Delone Catholic
Wildasin, Gage 35-0 Delone Catholic
Hawk, Andon 34-10 Bermudian Springs
Newman, Logan 34-7.25 East Pennsboro Area SD
Farley, Jesiah 34-7 Bermudian Springs
Snelbaker, Drew 34-5.75 Dover
Klunk, Bryce 34-3.75 New Oxford
Murray, Jordan 33-7.5 Susquenita
Brown, Darrien 33-0 Eastern York
Kerstetter, Andrew 32-5 Boiling Springs
Piatt, Eliott 31-7.75 South Western
Trostle, Gabe 31-7 Gettysburg Area High School
Miller, Laiken 31-1.75 Susquenita
Wintrode, Xander 30-10.75 Dover
Miller, Carson 30-6 Littlestown
Sokolvich, Ethan 30-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Thomas, Matthew 28-9 Eastern York
Elmer, Jake 28-2.5 Harrisburg Christian School
Stever, Jaerren 27-6.5 Camp Hill
Forbes, Alex 23-8 Camp Hill
Horan, Sean 21-8.5 Camp Hill
Huckenberry, Jayden 20-11.5 Eastern York
Yohe, Colton East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bean, Jaylon 42-4.25 Waynesboro
Djameh, Nigel 41-6 South Western
Pacana, Ricky 39-6 Bermudian Springs
Lehigh, Josh 38-9 New Oxford
Martin, Austin 38-1 South Western
Russel, Liam 37-10 Delone Catholic
Calaman, Bennet 37-7 Northern
McKee, Bryce 37-2.5 Susquenita
Sellers, Joseph 37-2.5 Boiling Springs
Beachy, Ethan 37-2 Bermudian Springs
Derry, Zach 37-2 South Western
Wagner, Chris 37-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Cooper, Dominic 36-11.5 Dover
Thompson, Grant 36-8.50 Waynesboro
Mackay, Ian 36-7.5 Northern
Giraffa, Gino 36-6 Delone Catholic
Zaroe, Thomas 36-6 Big Spring
Dodson, Logan 36-2 Eastern York
Engle, Connor 35-8.5 Northern
Wyatt, Heistand 35-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Musick, Nick 34-7.25 New Oxford
Fett, Tyler 34-7.25 New Oxford
Gautsch, Jack 33-7 Bermudian Springs
Miller, Emmit 32-10 East Pennsboro Area SD
Loyer, Jeremiah 32-9.25 Christian School of York
Zach, Aumen 32-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Albert, Nate 32-0 Littlestown
Guillaume, Alex 31-8 Eastern York
Seiler, Ben 31-4.25 Big Spring
Robinson, Athan 29-9 Susquenita
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Linebaugh, Kelbie 13.10h New Oxford
Ames, Crystal 13.26 Harrisburg Christian School
Rupp, Amy 13.35 Delone Catholic
Watts, Alison 13.4 Bermudian Springs
Duckworth, Tatum 13.40h South Western
Hanlin, Alexis 13.40h Boiling Springs
Bush, Genna 13.40h Boiling Springs
Creager, Jada 13.44 Waynesboro
Dugan, Paris 13.45 Dover
Shaffer, Kamyrn 13.50h Eastern York
Dickey, Nora 13.54 Waynesboro
Reaver, Rebekah 13.60h Gettysburg Area High School
Linebaugh, Timberly 13.60h New Oxford
Hershey, Abriale 13.60h Big Spring
Wojcik, Brye 13.60h Susquenita
Mersch, Makenna 13.60h Big Spring
Dennison, Emma 13.62 Fairfield Area
King, Miranda 13.68 Littlestown
Carlson, Lilyana 13.7 Bermudian Springs
Jackson, Sophia 13.70h South Western
Thomas, Alexia 13.80 Dover
Mochi, Fina 13.80 Delone Catholic
Eicher, Emma 13.80h Susquenita
Bennett, Shaelynn 13.90h Boiling Springs
Bradney, Eden 13.90h Susquenita
Barrett, Annika 13.97 Northern
Nunemaker, Emmy 13.9h Littlestown
Feser, Aubrey 14.00h Littlestown
Coble, Emma 14.00h Dover
Letersky, Ella 14.02 East Pennsboro Area SD
Cappabianco, Maddie 14.11 Camp Hill
George, Tyana 14.15 East Pennsboro Area SD
Suzuki, Hana 14.19 Northern
Lopez-Garcia, Liliana 14.20h New Oxford
Patton, Emma 14.20h Bermudian Springs
Beigh, Delaney 14.28 East Pennsboro Area SD
Nagy, Sarah 14.49 Fairfield Area
Sepkovic, Ali 14.53 Camp Hill
Masters, Gabrielle 14.65 Harrisburg Christian School
Strange, Kyrsten 14.7 Eastern York
Parno, Regan 14.79 Camp Hill
Bentley, Brecia 14.80h Eastern York
Seablom, Savanah 14.84 Christian School of York
Bannak, Lily 15.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Bannak, Caroline 15.00h Gettysburg Area High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Langston, Ella South Western
Richwine, Maya 16.1 New Oxford
LaBure, Lilly 16.2 Bermudian Springs
Dennison, Emma 16.54 Fairfield Area
Leppo, Kayla 17.03 South Western
Carlson, Lilyana 17.4 Bermudian Springs
French, Gracie 17.79 Waynesboro
Benshoff, True 17.82 Waynesboro
Wechsler, Samantha 17.90h Susquenita
Gebler, Danielle 17.98 Gettysburg Area High School
Bunty, Emma 17.99 Delone Catholic
Mayanja, Jada 18.30 Camp Hill
Mersch, Makenna 18.30h Big Spring
Staub, Aliza 18.6 Bermudian Springs
Kimmel, Molly 18.70h Boiling Springs
Galligani, Gemma 18.90h Dover
Nunemaker, Emmy 18.90h Littlestown
Jones, Alexa 18.90h Boiling Springs
Ballou, Sarah 19.16 South Western
Nagy, Sarah 19.23 Fairfield Area
Trawinski, Katie 19.60h New Oxford
Hivner, Gracie 19.87 East Pennsboro Area SD
Ano, Saki 19.90h New Oxford
Yerges, Gracie 20.10h Dover
Nguyen, Monica 20.17 East Pennsboro Area SD
Stamper, Riley 20.30h Boiling Springs
Bannak, Caroline 21.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Bannak, Lily 21.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Awale, Nilah 21.19 East Pennsboro Area SD
Williamson, Ava 21.41 Northern
Black, AJ 21.85 Northern
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engle, Allie 5:15.53 Northern
Chamberlin, Anna 5:22.70h Boiling Springs
Strange, Kinley 5:35.0 Eastern York
Strosnider, Honey 5:35.96 Fairfield Area
Ruefle, Isabella 5:43.80 Waynesboro
Arnold, Lily 5:50.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Hogan, Summer 5:52.00h Dover
Ward, Mikaela 5:54.90h Big Spring
Caperelli, Gianna 5:55.28 Northern
Graupensperger, Addison 5:58.17 Susquenita
WALLEY, Izzy 5:59.50h Big Spring
Smith, Samantha 6:00.00h Delone Catholic
Riedel, Abi 6:02.48 Littlestown
Singley, Rachel 6:03.01 Susquenita
Helman, Cora 6:06.50h Waynesboro
Steel, Julia 6:09.80h Boiling Springs
McGuire, Marissa 6:10.42 Camp Hill
Welsh, Jessalyn 6:10.70 East Pennsboro Area SD
Kraus, Emily 6:15.00h New Oxford
Comp, Astrid 6:16.00 East Pennsboro Area SD
Skoczen, Rae 6:25 Fairfield Area
Bere, Kylie 6:26.00h Waynesboro
Deak, Erin 6:26.22 New Oxford
Wasowicz, Ava 6:28.30 South Western
Hughes, Ella 6:33.00h Delone Catholic
Chamberlin, Elise 6:34.40h Boiling Springs
Jenkins, Paige 6:37.00h Susquenita
Skelly, Emily 6:41.00h Dover
Wise, Chelsea 6:50.00h Dover
Ferry, Abigail 6:51.00h Eastern York
Strausbaugh, Korinne 6:56.50 South Western
Benbow, Abrielle 6:57.10 South Western
Fletcher, Hannah 7:05.00h Bermudian Springs
Kuhn, Maddison 7:11.00h Bermudian Springs
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bair, Anne 27.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Hivner, Gracie 27.52 East Pennsboro Area SD
Linebaugh, Kelbie 27.7 New Oxford
Ames, Crystal 27.70 Harrisburg Christian School
Cunningham, Davina 27.8 Bermudian Springs
Hershey, Abriale 27.80h Big Spring
Barrett, Annika 27.90 Northern
LaBure, Lilly 28.1 Bermudian Springs
Rupp, Amy 28.13 Delone Catholic
Bush, Genna 28.20h Boiling Springs
O'Brien, Madison 28.22 Delone Catholic
Kimmel, Molly 28.50h Boiling Springs
Shaffer, Kamyrn 28.7 Eastern York
King, Miranda 28.71 Littlestown
Dickey, Nora 28.84 Waynesboro
George, Tyana 28.93 East Pennsboro Area SD
Wojcik, Brye 29.00h Susquenita
Dugan, Paris 29.00h Dover
Zimmerman, Megan 29.20h Big Spring
Jackson, Sophia 29.30 South Western
Duckworth, Tatum 29.30 South Western
Suzuki, Hana 29.40 Northern
Hanlin, Alexis 29.40h Boiling Springs
Kline, Sophia 29.40h Susquenita
Arellano, Anasztazya 29.84 Waynesboro
Cappabianco, Maddie 29.94 Camp Hill
Bannak, Caroline 30.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Bannak, Lily 30.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Schaeffer, Hailey 30.10h Littlestown
Thomas, Alexia 30.18 Dover
Wivell, Madison 30.44 Fairfield Area
Eicher, Emma 30.53 Susquenita
Sepkovic, Ali 30.63 Camp Hill
Masters, Gabrielle 30.82 Harrisburg Christian School
Myers, Lilian 30.9 New Oxford
Feser, Aubrey 31.10h Littlestown
Hawkins, Della 31.18 Camp Hill
Bentley, Brecia 31.40h Eastern York
Lopez-Garcia, Liliana 31.5 New Oxford
Strange, Kyrsten 31.60h Eastern York
Grobe, Mira 31.88 East Pennsboro Area SD
Seablom, Savanah 32.73 Christian School of York
Chestnut, Julia 33.10h Big Spring
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trawinski, Katie 1:00.00h New Oxford
Williamson, Ava 1:01.31 Northern
Levy, Lia 1:02.16 Camp Hill
Vasquez, Steissy 1:03.51 East Pennsboro Area SD
Langston, Ella 1:03.90 South Western
Dennison, Emma 48.22 Fairfield Area
Benshoff, True 48.64 Waynesboro
Richwine, Maya 49.18 New Oxford
Galligani, Gemma 49.20h Dover
LaBure, Lilly 49.8 Bermudian Springs
Leppo, Kayla 50.60 South Western
French, Gracie 51.44 Waynesboro
Mersch, Makenna 51.90 Big Spring
Nagy, Sarah 52.24 Fairfield Area
McCann, Emily 53.34 Delone Catholic
Bradney, Eden 53.50h Susquenita
McDonald, Kyley 53.53 Northern
Rae, Sierra 53.54 Waynesboro
Bunty, Emma 53.60 Delone Catholic
Staub, Aliza 54.3 Bermudian Springs
Nguyen, Monica 54.45 East Pennsboro Area SD
Nunemaker, Emmy 54.60h Littlestown
Sutton, Sydney 54.70h Boiling Springs
Lewis-Mckay, Carly 54.72 East Pennsboro Area SD
Ballou, Sarah 55.80h South Western
Bannak, Lily 56.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Bannak, Caroline 57.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Cappabianco, Maddie 57.37 Camp Hill
Jones, Alexa 58.40h Boiling Springs
Book, Anna 58.50h Boiling Springs
Parno, Regan 59.12 Camp Hill
Ano, Saki 59.70h New Oxford
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strange, Kinley 11:52.0 Eastern York
Gelotte, Kayla 12:20.89 East Pennsboro Area SD
Depasqua, Anslee 12:34.34 Northern
Oaster, Winter 12:45.00 Gettysburg Area High School
Arnold, Lily 12:45.00 Gettysburg Area High School
Watson, Paige 12:54.00 South Western
Hogan, Summer 13:06.00 Dover
Ward, Mikaela 13:07.50 Big Spring
Steel, Julia 13:13.40 Boiling Springs
Helman, Cora 13:15 Waynesboro
Singley, Rachel 13:16.00 Susquenita
Wickard, Taylor 13:18.00 Big Spring
Welsh, Jessalyn 13:34.89 East Pennsboro Area SD
Smith, Samantha 13:39.00 Delone Catholic
Bere, Kylie 13:41.00 Waynesboro
Anthony, Elizabeth 13:45.42 Northern
Clark, Calder 14:11.09 Northern
Ferry, Abigail 14:33.00 Eastern York
Skelly, Emily 14:33.00 Dover
Sheffler, Madelyn 14:58.00 Waynesboro
Freil, Audra 15:06.00 South Western
Strausbaugh, Korinne 15:12.00 South Western
Johnson, Cate 15:39.19 Camp Hill
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forcey, Patrice 1:01.28 Camp Hill
Bair, Anne 1:02.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Barrett, Annika 1:03.83 Northern
Linebaugh, Kelbie 1:04.0 New Oxford
LaBure, Lilly 1:04.34 Bermudian Springs
Frankhauser, Kaitlyn 1:04.47 Susquenita
Engle, Allie 1:04.50 Northern
Shulski, Miah 1:04.90 South Western
Gibson, Jade 1:05.00h Dover
Suzuki, Hana 1:05.61 Northern
Mackie, Savanna 1:06.10 South Western
Felix, Sophia 1:06.40h Boiling Springs
Mundell, Martha 1:06.40h Boiling Springs
Reaver, Rebekah 1:07.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Delevan, Amanda 1:07.20h Boiling Springs
Hershey, Abriale 1:08.00h Big Spring
McKinney, Miren 1:08.00h Dover
Repasky, Reagan 1:09.70 Littlestown
Nicholl, Rachel 1:09.70h South Western
Miller, Megan 1:10.14 Waynesboro
Brenize, Joi 1:10.78 Harrisburg Christian School
Strange, Kyrsten 1:11.1 Eastern York
Swanson, Emma 1:11.64 Waynesboro
Wiest, Aryah 1:11.95 East Pennsboro Area SD
Hornbaker, Emma 1:12.12 East Pennsboro Area SD
Becker, Oliva 1:12.38 New Oxford
Wivell, Madison 1:12.50 Fairfield Area
Howell, Dominique 1:13.00h Big Spring
Bentley, Brecia 1:13.2 Eastern York
Aungst, Evelyn 1:13.27 Camp Hill
Swails, Ashlyn 1:15.00h Susquenita
Cox, Courtney 1:16.00h New Oxford
Bonner, Camryn 1:16.24 Waynesboro
Chestnut, Julia 1:19.28 Big Spring
Maggio, Rylee 1:23.49 East Pennsboro Area SD
Hana, Miriam 1:25.30h Eastern York
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Dover
Relay Team A 52.25 Waynesboro
Relay Team A 52.40h Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 52.60h Bermudian Springs
Relay Team A 53.00 South Western
Relay Team A 53.13 Susquenita
Relay Team A 53.60h New Oxford
Relay Team A 53.81 East Pennsboro Area SD
Relay Team A 54.99 Delone Catholic
Relay Team A 55.00h Gettysburg Area High School
Relay Team A 55.40h Littlestown
Relay Team A 56.41 Eastern York
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Fairfield Area
Relay Team A Camp Hill
Relay Team A 4:22.36 Northern
Relay Team A 4:24.40h Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 4:33.00h Dover
Relay Team A 4:36.00h New Oxford
Relay Team A 4:44.00h Susquenita
Relay Team A 4:52.10h Waynesboro
Relay Team A 5:01.19 East Pennsboro Area SD
Relay Team A 5:11.60h Eastern York
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:42.80 Boiling Springs
Relay Team A 10:48.48 Dover
Relay Team A 10:57.43 Camp Hill
Relay Team A 11:16.46 Big Spring
Relay Team A 11:21.00 Susquenita
Relay Team A 11:53.40 South Western
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engle, Allie 2:18.67 Northern
Chamberlin, Anna 2:25.80h Boiling Springs
Brunner, Cassidy 2:25.95 Northern
Ruefle, Isabella 2:30.50h Waynesboro
Vorkapich, Janelyn 2:31.54 Camp Hill
Skelly, Hannah 2:32.00h Dover
Albright, Ashlyn 2:32.74 Susquenita
Erme, Haylee 2:34.90h Boiling Springs
Strosnider, Honey 2:35.18 Fairfield Area
Lehman, Anna 2:35.63 Northern
Hurst, Megan 2:37.01 Gettysburg Area High School
Kraus, Emily 2:42.50 New Oxford
Nightingale, Molly 2:44.99 Fairfield Area
Richards, Aubrey 2:46 Susquenita
Delevan, Amanda 2:47.00h Boiling Springs
Ocker, Olivia 2:48.90h Big Spring
Thompson, Kayla 2:49 Waynesboro
Duggan, Mary 2:49.70 South Western
Hughes, Maggie 2:50.00h Delone Catholic
McKinney, Miren 2:51.00h Dover
Craig, MaryAlice 2:52.00h Dover
Kint, Sydney 2:52.80 New Oxford
Riedel, Abi 2:55 Littlestown
Deak, Erin 2:55.00h New Oxford
Comp, Astrid 2:55.00h East Pennsboro Area SD
Hughes, Ella 2:55.00h Delone Catholic
Gelotte, Kayla 2:55.78 East Pennsboro Area SD
Kennedy, Sophia 2:57.00h Delone Catholic
Ebersole, Rebecca 2:58.00h Bermudian Springs
Oseen, Kylee 2:59.00h Bermudian Springs
Frey, Ashley 3:00.00h Littlestown
Miller, Karina 3:02.43 Fairfield Area
Keller, Emma 3:03.10 South Western
Dierwechter, Julia 3:03.48 East Pennsboro Area SD
Salazar, Savannah 3:05.90 South Western
Cox, Carys 3:06.00h Waynesboro
Booth, Catherine 3:06.45 Camp Hill
Snyder, Dylan 3:10.00h Susquenita
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HS Girls Discus 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sopp, Amya 115-10 East Pennsboro Area SD
Brown, Natalie 107-7 Fairfield Area
Lee, Michelle 103-7 Boiling Springs
Harnois, Sofia 96-11 South Western
Pentz, Savannah 94-3 Northern
Fisher, Nicole 92-3 Dover
Bradley, Sarah 91-0 Northern
Emili, Scavitto 90-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Olson, Amanda 88-6 South Western
Secord, Ann 88-4 Northern
Noel, Cloe 87-4 New Oxford
Avey, Eve 86-9 Waynesboro
Stabler, Shaely 86-7 New Oxford
Felix, Kendall 85-8 Eastern York
Rogers, Ashleigh 84-9 Susquenita
Fink, Michaela 82-4 Dover
Tuckey, Shelby 81-8 Bermudian Springs
Robinson, Abbigail 80-4 Bermudian Springs
Dingzon, Olivia 79-10 Waynesboro
Long, Katrina 79-1 Big Spring
Smith, Kirsten 76-10 Susquenita
Schwarz, Kaitlyn 75-0 Delone Catholic
Knobloch, Laura 75-0 Delone Catholic
Shelton, Ella 75-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Shelton-Peay, Neveah 75-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Means, Ella 74-11 Bermudian Springs
Turner, Sara 74-4 East Pennsboro Area SD
DeLeon, Diana 73-8 Camp Hill
Bowman, Brooke 72-7 Dover
Lingle, Emma 71-10 Susquenita
Bieniez, Hannah 69-10 Eastern York
Dingzon, Ella 67-11 Waynesboro
Henderson, Kayla 67-0.5 South Western
Balko, Kaelyn 65-7 New Oxford
Melville, Maddie 65-1 Harrisburg Christian School
Bryant, Raegan 59-6 Harrisburg Christian School
Brown, Delani 58-0 Fairfield Area
Petrakos, Avry 56-11.75 Fairfield Area
Donato, Camden 51-5 Big Spring
Beliasov, Noelle 48-8 Christian School of York
Heistand, Eva 44-7 Eastern York
Ward, Kimberly 40-2 Big Spring
Mahmoud, Mariam 36-5 Camp Hill
Benavides, Maria 34-8 Camp Hill
Hammaker, Macie East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Girls High Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lehker, Madeline 5-4 South Western
Grice, Josette 5-0 Northern
Tirko, Rebecca 5-0 Northern
Wivell, Katie 5-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Zimmerman, Megan 5-0 Big Spring
Mummert, Makenna 4-8 Delone Catholic
Miller, Marissa 4-8 Delone Catholic
Haugh, RyLee 4-8 New Oxford
Null, Hope 4-8 New Oxford
Felix, Kendall 4-8 Eastern York
Mackie, Savanna 4-8 South Western
Kimmel, Molly 4-8 Boiling Springs
Nicholson, Jasmina 4-6 East Pennsboro Area SD
Book, Anna 4-6 Boiling Springs
Gibson, Jade 4-4 Dover
Bell, Rylie 4-4 Christian School of York
Knott, Emily 4-4 Waynesboro
Sepkovic, Ali 4-2 Camp Hill
Feser, Aubrey 4-2 Littlestown
Dillon, Madi 4-2 Littlestown
Cunningham, Davina 4-2 Bermudian Springs
Patton, Emma 4-2 Bermudian Springs
Ott, Kaylyn 4-0 Fairfield Area
Brenize, Joi 4-0 Harrisburg Christian School
Stellfox, Morgan East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Girls Javelin 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stabler, Shaely 111-2 New Oxford
Hartman, Emma 108-1 Bermudian Springs
Miller, Cierra 106-7 Dover
Lemley, Madelyn 103-0 Northern
Kirkland, Liz 96-10 Northern
Dellinger, Clara 96-3.5 Boiling Springs
Lehker, Madeline 93-2 South Western
Noel, Cloe 89-2 New Oxford
Olson, Amanda 87-11 South Western
Felix, Kendall 86-6 Eastern York
Bennett, Shaelynn 86-6 Boiling Springs
Secord, Ann 86-1 Northern
Mohr, Ivy 81-5 Fairfield Area
Matthews, Kailee 80-10 Dover
Staub, Kellee 80-3 Littlestown
McKinney, rachel 80-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Shelton-Peay, Neveah 80-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Emili, Scavitto 80-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Myers, Alaina 78-4 New Oxford
Aranos, Grace 78-0 Camp Hill
Turner, Sara 77-11 East Pennsboro Area SD
Schwarz, Kaitlyn 77-0 Delone Catholic
Roberts, Gabby 77-0 Delone Catholic
Knobloch, Laura 77-0 Delone Catholic
Keefauver, Jordyn 76-6 South Western
Bowman, Brooke 75-0 Dover
Allewelt, Leah 74-2 Susquenita
Long, Katrina 74-2 Big Spring
Book, Anna 74-0.5 Boiling Springs
Melville, Maddie 72-5 Harrisburg Christian School
Robinson, Abbigail 71-11 Bermudian Springs
Bieniez, Hannah 69-11 Eastern York
Ward, Kimberly 69-5 Big Spring
Lowry, Ella 65-10 Waynesboro
Swails, Ashlyn 62-7 Susquenita
Myers, Hannah 62-5 Fairfield Area
Petrakos, Avry 60-5 Fairfield Area
Miller, Danielle 60-0 East Pennsboro Area SD
Groft, Leah 59-5.75 Bermudian Springs
DeLeon, Diana 58-3 Camp Hill
Donato, Camden 58-3 Big Spring
Eicher, Emma 52-0 Susquenita
Bryant, Raegan 45-4 Harrisburg Christian School
Young, Lilianne 38-10 Eastern York
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HS Girls Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tirko, Rebecca 17-2 Northern
Watts, Alison 16-5 Bermudian Springs
Bair, Anne 16-1 Gettysburg Area High School
Wechsler, Samantha 15-5.75 Susquenita
Lehman, Anna 15-4 Northern
Null, Hope 14-9.75 New Oxford
Benshoff, True 14-9.75 Waynesboro
Lehker, Madeline 14-7 South Western
Gebler, Danielle 14-6 Gettysburg Area High School
Billman, Ella 14-2.5 New Oxford
Patton, Emma 14-2 Bermudian Springs
Soullaird, Anna 14-1 South Western
Mummert, Makenna 14-0.75 Delone Catholic
Ames, Crystal 13-10.5 Harrisburg Christian School
Bell, Rylie 13-10 Christian School of York
Means, Ella 13-7 Bermudian Springs
Miller, Cierra 13-6 Dover
Rauhut, Kaelyn 13-6 Boiling Springs
Jones, Alexa 13-4.5 Boiling Springs
Arena, Aurora 13-1.25 Boiling Springs
Garcia Lua, Paulina 13-0.5 New Oxford
Howell, Dominique 13-0.5 Big Spring
Duckworth, Tatum 13-0 South Western
Chesko, Audrey 12-11 Fairfield Area
Nicholson, Jasmina 12-10 East Pennsboro Area SD
Jack, Sara 12-6 Camp Hill
Brenize, Joi 12-5.75 Harrisburg Christian School
WALLEY, Izzy 12-0 Big Spring
Barrick, Brooke 11-3 Big Spring
Swails, Ashlyn 10-8.25 Susquenita
Ginck, Sarah 9-11.5 Camp Hill
Stimpson, Miranda 9-8.5 Eastern York
Hana, Miriam 8-3.5 Eastern York
Seablom, Savanah Christian School of York
Hornbaker, Emma East Pennsboro Area SD
Stellfox, Morgan East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Girls Pole Vault 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carlson, Lilyana 10-6 Bermudian Springs
Beigh, Delaney 9-7 East Pennsboro Area SD
Nice, Alexandra 9-6 South Western
Creager, Jada 9-0 Waynesboro
Barrick, Brooke 9-0 Big Spring
Miller, Marissa 8-6 Delone Catholic
Miller, Danielle 8-0 East Pennsboro Area SD
Dermota, Hailey 8-0 Bermudian Springs
Ward, Alayja 8-0 Waynesboro
Mochi, Fina 7-6 Delone Catholic
Albin, Allison 7-6 Dover
Bonner, Isabella 7-6 Waynesboro
Lenker, Haley 7-6 Boiling Springs
Petula, Isabel 7-6 Boiling Springs
Keefauver, Jordyn 7-3 South Western
Kline, Sophia 7-0 Susquenita
Myers, Alaina 7-0 New Oxford
Nickey, Kyla 7-0 Bermudian Springs
Ketterman, katie 7-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Williar, Savannah 6-0 Dover
Baker, Ariana 6-0 South Western
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HS Girls Shot Put 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sopp, Amya 33-4.75 East Pennsboro Area SD
Stabler, Shaely 30-11.75 New Oxford
Avey, Eve 30-3 Waynesboro
Harnois, Sofia 30-2.5 South Western
Bowman, Brooke 29-11.5 Dover
Pentz, Savannah 29-10.25 Northern
Olson, Amanda 29-7 South Western
Allewelt, Leah 29-2.5 Susquenita
Bradley, Sarah 29-0 Northern
Turner, Sara 29-0 East Pennsboro Area SD
Emili, Scavitto 29-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Fisher, Nicole 27-8.5 Dover
Crump, Davina 27-6.5 South Western
Glace, Haley 27-3.5 Susquenita
Schwarz, Kaitlyn 27-0 Delone Catholic
Roberts, Gabby 27-0 Delone Catholic
Shelton-Peay, Neveah 27-0 Gettysburg Area High School
Tuckey, Shelby 26-8 Bermudian Springs
Smith, Kirsten 26-7.5 Susquenita
Linebaugh, Timberly 26-6.75 New Oxford
Kreider, Zoe 26-5 Northern
Lee, Michelle 26-5 Boiling Springs
Mohr, Ivy 25-11.75 Fairfield Area
Myers, Alaina 25-10 New Oxford
Brown, Delani 25-5 Fairfield Area
Okenge, Elisee 25-2 Dover
Long, Katrina 25-1.25 Big Spring
Means, Ella 25-0.25 Bermudian Springs
Harlacher, Lily 24-0 Fairfield Area
Groft, Leah 23-6 Bermudian Springs
Bieniez, Hannah 22-2.5 Eastern York
Melville, Maddie 21-11 Harrisburg Christian School
Ward, Kimberly 21-10.5 Big Spring
Beliasov, Noelle 21-6.5 Christian School of York
Barrick, Brooke 21-2.25 Big Spring
Young, Lilianne 20-5.75 Eastern York
Bryant, Raegan 19-8 Harrisburg Christian School
Mahmoud, Mariam 17-0.5 Camp Hill
Heistand, Eva 15-2.5 Eastern York
Marino, Jenny 12-9.25 Camp Hill
Benavides, Maria 11-4.75 Camp Hill
Staub, Kellee Littlestown
Tallman, Mckenzie East Pennsboro Area SD
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HS Girls Triple Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tirko, Rebecca 37-11 Northern
Bair, Anne 37-9 Gettysburg Area High School
Watts, Alison 36-11 Bermudian Springs
Wechsler, Samantha 33-11.25 Susquenita
Lehker, Madeline 32-1 South Western
Mummert, Makenna 32-0.25 Delone Catholic
Haugh, RyLee 31-5.75 New Oxford
Galligani, Gemma 31-2.5 Dover
Billman, Ella 30-11.75 New Oxford
Miller, Marissa 30-3.75 Delone Catholic
Garcia Lua, Paulina 30-3 New Oxford
Haring, Elayna 29-10 Northern
Miller, Cierra 29-7 Dover
Enfusse, Ana 29-4.5 Waynesboro
Letersky, Ella 29-3.5 East Pennsboro Area SD
Purnell, Nicole 29-0 East Pennsboro Area SD
Hedin, Marissa 28-8 Waynesboro
Chesko, Audrey 28-2 Fairfield Area
Gebler, Danielle 27-11 Gettysburg Area High School
Jones, Alexa 27-11 Boiling Springs
Jack, Sara 27-10 Camp Hill
Cress, Ava 27-6 South Western
Bell, Rylie 26-9 Christian School of York
Brandauer, Charlotte 26-5 Gettysburg Area High School
Derr, Maddie 26-4.25 Northern
Dillon, Madi 26-3.25 Littlestown
Carrick, Anna 25-11.5 South Western
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