PIAA District 6 Championships 2024

Reedsville, PA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 5,000 Meter Run 211 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Isenberg, Rowan Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Singer, Jack Hollidaysburg
Lauer, Anthony Bishop Carroll
Smith, Carter 15:04.50 Mifflin County
Oppermann, Isaac 15:19.00 State College
Oppermann, Theo 15:38.00 State College
Stroup, Wyatt 15:53.90 Juniata
Coughlin, Owen 16:12.30 State College
Bradbury, Luke 16:13.20 State College
Kauffman, Wyatt 16:14.00 Mifflin County
Fowler, Stephen 16:14.50 State College
Fritzsche, Kyle 16:15.30 State College
Bomberger, Joseph 16:16.40 Juniata
Selber, Griffin 16:19.20 State College
Scholnick, Noah 16:30.50 Williamsport Area
Henning, Colton 16:40.50 United
Sunderland, Dean 16:42.00 Altoona Area
Cubbison, Reese 16:44.70 Mifflin County
Winner, Damien 16:54.00 Central Mountain
Woomer, Camdyn 16:56.76 Altoona Area
Caron, Tyler 16:58.12 Forest Hills
Oden, Hart 17:00.70 Mifflin County
Kuntz, Dom 17:01.00 Central Cambria
Ehrisman, Wesley 17:04.00 Juniata
Trump, Owen 17:09.30 Williamsport Area
Quinn, Andrew 17:11.00 Altoona Area
Scavitti, Aidan 17:11.00 Mifflin County
Aurand, Koy 17:12.00 Mifflin County
Manfred, Reuben 17:14.00 Hollidaysburg
Wible, Sam 17:15.80 Central Mountain
Rodenbaugh, Hoyt 17:16.00 Mifflin County
Williams, Kaiden 17:16.00 Bellefonte Area
Haycisak, Ethan 17:21.40 Central Cambria
Muchmore, Maverick 17:25.00 Bellefonte Area
Honn, Brady 17:26.16 Huntingdon Area
Reilly, Dilon 17:27.60 Penns Valley Area
Waldman, Lauger 17:31.30 Williamsport Area
Manfred, Abraham 17:32.10 Hollidaysburg
Baird, Noah 17:36.60 Williamsport Area
Allison, Braden 17:37.90 Martinsburg Central
Gasper, Jonathan 17:38.00 Bellefonte Area
Diaz, Sebastian 17:45.00 Hollidaysburg
Wiley, Nathaniel 17:46.00 Williamsport Area
Takacs, Reed 17:46.20 Central Cambria
Nestlerode, George 17:47.94 Moshannon Valley JSHS
Lieb, Seth 17:48.00 Altoona Area
Chen, Yvan 17:51.00 Hollidaysburg
Broadrick, Konner 17:51.00 Altoona Area
Boring, Seth 17:56.42 Marion Center
Fisher, Jacob 17:56.60 Central Cambria
Chestney, Sam 17:59.50 Hollidaysburg
McConnell, Derek 18:00.00 Central Cambria
Price, Taven 18:00.20 Penns Valley Area
Fredrick, Xander 18:01.84 Altoona Area
Lyle, Brandon 18:05.40 Altoona Area
Detwiler, Aiden 18:06.00 Tyrone Area
Beaver, Matthew 18:06.00 United
McNicholas, Joseph 18:08.60 Hollidaysburg
Gentile, Logan 18:09.90 Portage Area
Smith, Jack 18:12.00 Forest Hills
Pearce, Dallas 18:16.80 United
Kerstetter, Coy 18:20.50 Juniata
Gallagher, Cameron 18:22.40 Bellwood Antis
Doyle, Miles 18:23.10 Central Cambria
Shepler, Luke 18:25.60 United
Trout, Teagan 18:27.20 Juniata
Sutt, Thomas 18:29.19 Tyrone Area
Ryer, Adam 18:30.39 Marion Center
Ferraro III, John 18:32.40 Marion Center
Davis, Elijah 18:34.60 Bellefonte Area
Brannigan, Sam 18:37.00 Central Cambria
Furey, Austin 18:38.00 Williamsport Area
Wells, Carson 18:42.40 Marion Center
Matweecha, Nicholas 18:50.10 Philipsburg-Osceola
Brumbaugh, Alexander 18:50.38 Tyrone Area
Dechow, Owen 18:54.00 Bald Eagle Area
Polacek, Lucas 18:55.10 Richland
Pablic, Brody 18:55.80 Bishop Carroll
Gonzalez, Riley 18:57.10 Central Mountain
Fisher, Peter 18:58.50 Williamsport Area
Westover, Ayden 19:02.40 Portage Area
Westover, Nolan 19:02.50 Portage Area
Yuschick, Zach 19:05.10 Forest Hills
Taubler, Wyatt 19:07.64 River Valley
Fox, Hayden 19:11.30 Marion Center
Walker, Shane 19:12.90 Central Mountain
Kauffman, Jacob 19:14.20 Purchase Line
DePlato, Sean 19:17.00 St. Joseph's Catholic
Banyay, Garrett 19:20.40 Penns Valley Area
Long, Rayden 19:23.23 Marion Center
Massung, Sam 19:23.50 Philipsburg-Osceola
Fisher, Ethan 19:25.00 Mount Union Area
Roland, Ethan 19:26.00 Penns Valley Area
Philips, Joe 19:29.30 Bishop Carroll
Fatzinger, Martin 19:33.00 Bellwood Antis
Barner, Josiah 19:34.90 Juniata
Corle, Mcaulley 19:37.00 Bellwood Antis
Wagner, Kaedmon 19:37.10 Juniata
Fischer, Garin 19:38.40 United
Watson , Nassir 19:39.30 Philipsburg-Osceola
Mayer, Will 19:44.50 Penns Valley Area
Loner, Dorian 19:44.60 Mount Union Area
Hill, Shayden 19:47.00 Central Mountain
Deems, Xian 19:47.80 Central Mountain
Giraud, Ryan 19:48.00 Penn Cambria
Erickson, Nathan 19:55.00 Tyrone Area
Little, Logan 19:55.50 Purchase Line
Wagner, Alec 19:56.50 Bald Eagle Area
Shanafelt, Keagan 19:56.80 Bellwood Antis
Halerz, Domanick 19:56.80 Bellwood Antis
Hill, Hayden 19:57.50 United
Walker, Latrell 19:57.96 Central Mountain
James, Oscar 20:01.40 Mount Union Area
Bilitski, Carter 20:02.90 Richland
Caron, Shane 20:03.40 Forest Hills
Blazavich, Colton 20:05.80 Marion Center
Kuster, Camden 20:09.20 Martinsburg Central
Kline, Levi 20:11.70 Cambria Heights
Tomalson, Keydun 20:12.10 United
Barger, Jacob 20:13.77 River Valley
Williams, Charlie 20:21.50 Southern Huntingdon
Kephart, Scott 20:22.00 Purchase Line
Mock, Dayne 20:23.60 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Longwell, Ben 20:25.70 Homer Center
Reynolds, Abel 20:27.00 St. Joseph's Catholic
Cameron, Trevor 20:27.10 Penns Manor
Evans, Alex 20:30.00 Westmont Hilltop
Laskowsky, Hunter 20:31.10 Philipsburg-Osceola
Reilly, Desmond 20:31.86 River Valley
Walters, Caden 20:33.18 Juniata Valley
Behrer, Cade 20:33.90 St. Joseph's Catholic
Hockensmith, Caleb 20:37.40 Forest Hills
Bocz, Ian 20:37.80 Homer Center
Corson, Donovin 20:38.19 Ferndale Area HS
Asure, Chase 20:39.80 Richland
Musser, Matthew 20:42.10 Penns Valley Area
Harman, Max 20:43.00 Juniata Valley
Nagle, Mason 20:46.50 Bellwood Antis
Watson, Kyle 20:48.30 Cambria Heights
Denhard, Nathaniel 20:50.00 Bishop McCort
Stoudnour, Brett 20:52.00 Penn Cambria
Smith, Brayden 20:53.92 Forest Hills
Wagner, Blake 20:57.00 Bald Eagle Area
Pfeil, Grady 20:57.00 Bishop McCort
Isaacson, Conor 20:59.10 Bishop Carroll
Lamberson, Camden 20:59.30 Southern Huntingdon
Yakymac, Evan 20:59.50 Mount Union Area
Grey, Austin 21:11.20 Penn Cambria
Smith, Christian 21:13.20 West Shamokin HS
Goodman, Eric 21:18.90 Tyrone Area
Moore, Peyton 21:20.10 West Shamokin HS
Caracciolo, Jacob 21:21.70 Bellwood Antis
Zahurak, Michael 21:23.40 Ferndale Area HS
Corl, Ryland 21:24.40 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Lewber, Skyler 21:29.54 River Valley
Messina, Ben 21:33.00 Westmont Hilltop
Bennett, Isaac 21:36.40 Bishop Carroll
Dick, Kevin 21:40.70 Martinsburg Central
Rzasa, Trevor 21:51.70 Richland
Errett, Kaeden 21:52.80 Richland
Knupp, Shawn 22:07.70 River Valley
Thomas, Gavin 22:09.10 Philipsburg-Osceola
Rokita, Thomas 22:12.30 St. Joseph's Catholic
Versaw, Isaiah 22:24.00 Philipsburg-Osceola
Blake, Charles 22:36.00 Purchase Line
Hoover, Eli 22:36.90 Cambria Heights
Parks, Samuel 22:38.90 West Shamokin HS
Grove, Aydin 22:39.90 Mount Union Area
Hoover, Brody 22:40.00 Tyrone Area
Wendekier, Max 22:43.90 Cambria Heights
Rogan, Matt 22:49.00 St. Joseph's Catholic
Bonislawski, Ethan 23:04.60 St. Joseph's Catholic
Gwinn, Carter 23:04.60 Tyrone Area
Wirt, Andrew 23:05.50 Homer Center
Bodkin, Aiden 23:16.50 Homer Center
Caprouscio, Tristin 23:18.12 Martinsburg Central
Girard, Simon 23:27.00 Portage Area
Barkey, Alexander 23:37.00 Purchase Line
Horning, Jesse 23:41.00 Penn Cambria
Palilla, Luca 23:48.40 West Shamokin HS
Whitsel, Carter 23:53.00 Southern Huntingdon
Robenolt, Jared 23:58.00 Cambria Heights
Dixson, Connor 24:02.00 Bald Eagle Area
Ryder, Dylan 24:03.00 West Branch
Miller, Cullen 24:07.10 Westmont Hilltop
Scyzmanski, Michael 24:12.00 Bald Eagle Area
Schindler, Cole 24:42.00 Bald Eagle Area
Brumagin, Christian 24:46.18 River Valley
Bishop, Jonathan 25:10.40 Bishop Carroll
Beatty, Kam 25:11.00 Mount Union Area
Ferenchik, Brady 25:14.66 Ferndale Area HS
Stewart, Gabe 25:29.00 Purchase Line
Phillips, Patrick 25:30.30 Bishop Carroll
Porter, Layden 25:57.00 Portage Area
Showers, Oliver 26:01.80 Penns Valley Area
Peiffer, Devin 26:05.90 River Valley
Musser, Kaiden 26:30.00 Bellefonte Area
Horten, John 26:33.20 Richland
Collyer, Marian 26:39.10 West Shamokin HS
Hartman, Rowan 27:07.00 Mount Union Area
Sakmar, Sean 27:49.00 Bishop McCort
Torres, Phoenix 28:00.00 Bellefonte Area
Toy, Justin 28:39.00 West Shamokin HS
Stewart, Logan 28:55.00 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Ambroz, Spencer 32:10.40 West Shamokin HS
Schapich, Maksim 32:20.00 Bald Eagle Area
Kephart, Liam 45:00.00 Martinsburg Central
Pisczek, Caleb 45:00.00 Penn Cambria
messina, Matt 45:00.00 Westmont Hilltop
Kline, Mason 45:00.00 Cambria Heights
Salsgiver, Preston 45:00.00 Martinsburg Central
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HS Girls 5,000 Meter Run 216 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vitorigo, Irene Penns Valley Area
Long, Clair Bishop Carroll
Jackson, Devon 18:16.60 State College
Sanders, Isabelle 18:32.80 Williamsport Area
Berkhimer, Lanee 18:37.00 Martinsburg Central
Ascherl, Bella 18:50.93 Forest Hills
Brubaker, Sylvia 19:11.30 Juniata
Sanders, Madeline 19:13.50 Williamsport Area
Noce, Ashlyn 19:23.82 Altoona Area
Smith, Addison 19:30.20 Hollidaysburg
Wadhia, Devyani 19:35.70 State College
Link, Keira 19:36.30 Central Cambria
Mavridis, Natalia 19:43.90 Richland
Bigger, Julia 19:45.80 State College
Sheehan, Alaina 19:48.20 Central Cambria
Younkin, Evelyn 19:48.90 State College
Keohane, Grace 19:49.50 Central Mountain
Sheehan, Abigail 19:49.90 Central Cambria
Papcunik, Samantha 19:50.00 Forest Hills
Carney, Rylan 19:50.70 Hollidaysburg
Alexander, Paige 20:00.60 Central Cambria
McCrum, Ella 20:05.20 Juniata Valley
Pablic, Ava 20:06.20 Bishop Carroll
Smith, Lillyanna 20:10.70 Penns Valley Area
Etters, Kaitlyn 20:17.40 Hollidaysburg
Stoltz, Mary 20:17.80 Altoona Area
Fry, Addison 20:21.00 Bellefonte Area
Long, Alaina 20:24.70 Central Cambria
Wade, Clara 20:29.20 Williamsport Area
Frank, Carolyn 20:32.70 State College
Lucullo, Jasmine 20:36.80 West Shamokin HS
Luke, Lana 20:41.00 Altoona Area
Coffey, Amilia 20:42.80 Mifflin County
Henning, Olivia 20:44.20 United
Slade, Brooke 20:44.50 Marion Center
Stiles, Chloe 20:47.00 United
Pennington, Blake 20:49.10 Bellwood Antis
Fiore, Sophia 20:50.60 Hollidaysburg
Ladika, Alea 20:53.10 Richland
Dell, Molly 20:54.20 State College
Moyer, Sophia 20:55.40 Hollidaysburg
Jolley, Natalie 20:56.00 Bellefonte Area
Carney, Adalai 20:57.30 Hollidaysburg
Sheaffer, Lacey 20:57.70 State College
Adams, Brionna 20:58.00 Altoona Area
Jakubowski, Grace 21:00.10 Richland
Remillard, Ruth 21:00.40 Central Cambria
Watt, Josie 21:03.80 Hollidaysburg
Kraft, Julie 21:08.20 Bellwood Antis
Gornick, Sara 21:10.00 United
Ridenour, Abby 21:12.10 St. Joseph's Catholic
Sheehan, Alyson 21:12.40 Central Cambria
Hoover, Savannah 21:12.40 Cambria Heights
Snare, Emerson 21:21.79 Altoona Area
Kolarik, Payton 21:22.40 United
Miller, Macie 21:23.60 Marion Center
Hosley, Gabriella 21:27.20 Central Mountain
Wright, Brynn 21:29.90 St. Joseph's Catholic
Trafton, Emma 21:35.00 Shikellamy
Shaw, Ellie 21:36.12 Forest Hills
Myers, Avery 21:36.20 Bishop Carroll
Dixon, Ava 21:39.30 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Hood, Claire 21:44.90 Marion Center
Pelly, Johanna 21:48.60 Williamsport Area
Ronk, Charlotte 21:53.00 Shikellamy
Kratzer, Ava 21:54.00 Mifflin County
Andrews, Rylie 22:00.50 Bellwood Antis
Hammond, Peyton 22:06.10 Bellwood Antis
Murro, Benedetta 22:06.30 Penns Valley Area
Wright, Leah 22:07.20 St. Joseph's Catholic
Bomberger, Jessica 22:11.40 Juniata
Case, Samantha 22:11.50 Marion Center
Heidenreich, Carolyn 22:13.00 Juniata
Wagner, Ava 22:15.70 Mifflin County
Dixson, Caylynn 22:16.00 Bald Eagle Area
Warren, Bristol 22:20.00 Purchase Line
Pollock, Nora 22:20.81 Marion Center
Chappell, Seki 22:20.90 St. Joseph's Catholic
White, Josephine 22:25.00 Portage Area
Kase, Lily 22:28.50 Shikellamy
Reaugh, Callie 22:30.80 River Valley
Drumm, Eva 22:31.70 Altoona Area
Bobak, Lilli 22:39.70 Richland
Zeiders, Hannah 22:43.00 Juniata
Eiler, Aubrey 22:45.30 Central Mountain
Witkamp, Sophia 22:52.00 Tyrone Area
Carpenter, Bella 22:52.36 Forest Hills
Wannett, Payton 22:53.00 Purchase Line
Warlow, Lily 22:58.60 Philipsburg-Osceola
Burger, Emma 23:00.00 Bellefonte Area
Cardinal, Calienna 23:00.60 Central Mountain
Eckenrode, Megan 23:00.70 Cambria Heights
Kastner, Lola 23:00.80 Williamsport Area
Williams, Anastasia 23:08.17 River Valley
Higginbotham, Sydney 23:08.60 St. Joseph's Catholic
Stohon, Natalie 23:09.92 Forest Hills
Oleksa, Sierra 23:11.70 United
Burkett, Cassie 23:14.00 Portage Area
Wolfe, Emma 23:14.30 Central Mountain
Faight, Kennedy 23:15.00 Westmont Hilltop
Anderson, Alexis 23:16.00 Mifflin County
Desmond, Maya 23:18.51 Marion Center
Guenot, Rebekah 23:18.80 Bald Eagle Area
Tyson, Anna 23:20.00 Bellefonte Area
Harkins, Abigail 23:26.00 Altoona Area
Myers, Raigan 23:28.20 Bishop Carroll
Baker, Sophie 23:30.80 West Shamokin HS
Stoltzfus, Chloe 23:33.70 Bellwood Antis
Causer, Ashley 23:36.00 West Branch
Mather, Jayden 23:36.20 Shikellamy
Berger, Jane 23:37.00 Shikellamy
Miller, Reese 23:40.00 Martinsburg Central
Dill, Anne 23:43.60 Westmont Hilltop
Lowe, Emily 23:44.70 Cambria Heights
Haney, Lily 23:45.60 Portage Area
Kreisher, Rowen 23:46.30 Williamsport Area
Landeras-Ruiz, Leire 23:49.80 Penns Valley Area
Ridenour, Leah 23:55.90 St. Joseph's Catholic
Fischer, Hope 23:58.70 United
Hoover, Sierra 24:00.50 Cambria Heights
DiPaola, Sicilia 24:00.92 Forest Hills
Banks, Vada 24:02.40 Mount Union Area
Murdock, Brenna 24:04.00 Purchase Line
Baumgardner, Madison 24:11.00 Mifflin County
Berkheimer, Addasyn 24:11.50 Penn Cambria
Hoover, Miley 24:17.10 Penn Cambria
Wade, Laura 24:24.80 Williamsport Area
Lucko, Emily 24:24.80 Bishop Carroll
Dishong, Katerina 24:26.00 United
Matweecha, Katie 24:28.35 Philipsburg-Osceola
Harper, Katelyn 24:29.70 Southern Huntingdon
Book, Hannah 24:29.80 Juniata
Fravel, Alexis 24:30.00 Bellefonte Area
Raneri, Sophia 24:31.22 Tyrone Area
Hindman, Ava 24:31.40 Westmont Hilltop
Young, Kate 24:31.50 West Shamokin HS
Baumgardner, Delaney 24:35.30 Richland
Berry, Audrey 24:37.40 Shikellamy
Slovinsky, Brooklyn 24:39.50 Marion Center
Amenti, Alyssa 24:41.50 Richland
Hosley, Abrianna 24:42.70 Central Mountain
Myers, Kennedy 24:42.90 Portage Area
Solomon, Abby 24:43.40 Shikellamy
Conway, Delaney 24:43.43 Ferndale Area HS
Plummer, Sydney 24:45.00 Penn Cambria
Golden, Caroline 24:46.00 Bishop Carroll
Palopoli, Caroline 24:46.90 Mifflin County
Norris, Macy 24:53.70 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
McCrum, Eve 24:53.98 Juniata Valley
Nesmith, Jayma 24:57.60 Bald Eagle Area
Raker, Evelyn 25:01.00 Philipsburg-Osceola
Stancovich, Kendall 25:01.60 Portage Area
Grissinger, Hannalyn 25:02.30 Southern Huntingdon
Ingmire, Aubrey 25:03.10 River Valley
Ferguson, Katie 25:04.20 Penns Manor
Wisor, Emma 25:04.90 Philipsburg-Osceola
Franks, Ava 25:12.00 Bellwood Antis
Irvin, Jada 25:25.80 Portage Area
Dickinson, Karley 25:26.40 Bellwood Antis
Beyer, Hannah 25:28.60 Forest Hills
Ebert , Sienna 25:30.20 Philipsburg-Osceola
Roessler, Daveyanne 25:30.40 River Valley
Shuey, Cameran 25:33.00 Mifflin County
Condon, Alexis 25:33.00 West Branch
Olenchick, Kira 25:34.50 River Valley
Sheehan, Gracie 25:36.50 Penn Cambria
Shaw, Evelyn 25:42.60 Philipsburg-Osceola
Wingert, Lucy 25:52.00 Southern Huntingdon
Moore, Kendall 25:55.60 West Shamokin HS
Sunderland, Lilly 25:55.97 Juniata Valley
Schultz, Chasity 25:56.80 West Shamokin HS
Gardner, Kiana 26:02.18 Tyrone Area
Smoyer, Ruthann 26:09.00 Bellefonte Area
Eckenrode, Belle 26:13.00 Penn Cambria
McCloskey, Liz 26:17.10 Central Mountain
McAneny, Catherine 26:19.00 Richland
Kline, Lauren 26:19.24 Juniata Valley
Ramirez, Sofia 26:21.30 Homer Center
Elias, Margaret 26:35.10 Cambria Heights
Harper, Kara 26:38.60 Southern Huntingdon
Ammerman, Lillian 26:48.00 Tyrone Area
Farabaugh, Olivia 26:52.90 Cambria Heights
Coral, Grace 27:01.00 Tyrone Area
Wagner, Roxie 27:02.50 Moshannon Valley JSHS
Berkebile, Sarah 27:03.10 Westmont Hilltop
McCue, Hannah 27:04.50 West Shamokin HS
Bagrowski, Emma 27:13.60 Penns Valley Area
Reaugh, Kollyn 27:34.17 River Valley
Whitsel, Isabella 27:43.00 Southern Huntingdon
Shugarts, Miriam 28:00.00 Mount Union Area
Showers, Chloe 28:05.30 Penns Valley Area
Yoder, Alexis 28:08.00 Bald Eagle Area
Isenberg, Adilyn 28:15.00 Williamsburg Community JS/HS
Bennet, Kenly 28:25.48 Martinsburg Central
Simpson, Hayley 28:25.50 Bald Eagle Area
Smith, Sophia 28:27.30 West Shamokin HS
Baker, Skylah 28:29.70 West Branch
Hockenbury, Madison 28:48.00 Bald Eagle Area
Crouse, Kayleigh 28:54.00 Southern Huntingdon
Roan, Payton 29:02.10 Philipsburg-Osceola
Pedersen, Rachel 29:05.00 Tyrone Area
Chislow, Andrea 29:10.00 Penn Cambria
Bishop, Caitlyn 30:04.20 Bishop Carroll
Spotts, Alivia 30:20.00 Bald Eagle Area
Passmore, Alexis 30:21.90 Moshannon Valley JSHS
Chuklochak, Izabel 30:24.98 Ferndale Area HS
Fetzer, Alexis 30:28.00 Martinsburg Central
Amores, Jamille 30:39.42 River Valley
Smith, Avery 30:52.00 Portage Area
Coral, Laney 31:26.00 Tyrone Area
Mumau, Alexis 31:33.10 Penns Manor
Knappenberger, Faith 31:58.00 St. Joseph's Catholic
Price, Bella 36:21.80 Southern Huntingdon
Morrison, Hannah 41:18.00 Juniata Valley
Spewock, Viktoria 45:00.00 Moshannon Valley JSHS
Schonvisky, Kylee 45:00.00 Ferndale Area HS
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Unseeded Boys 5,000 Meter Run 126 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Tyler Cambria Heights
LaFrazza-Schwartz, Vincent 17:13.00 State College
Webster, Kody 17:22.34 Altoona Area
Viglione, Owen 17:32.20 State College
Ruffing, Thomas 17:38.70 State College
Sohn, Schaffer 17:44.30 State College
Alexander, Benjamin 17:47.00 State College
Drohan, Eamon 17:52.50 State College
Caldwell, Ryan 17:53.00 State College
Ballard, Miles 17:53.80 State College
Oden, Styers 18:00.20 Mifflin County
Watt, Isaac 18:01.60 Hollidaysburg
Doran, Adrian 18:08.00 State College
Walker, Dexter 18:09.50 State College
Van Egdom, Enoch 18:10.00 Altoona Area
Selber, Avery 18:19.00 State College
Eveleth, Caleb 18:22.00 State College
Cafazza, Max 18:29.30 Central Cambria
Morningstar, Matt 18:31.90 State College
Shanafelt, Andrew 18:45.00 Hollidaysburg
Guante, Ricardo 18:46.20 Juniata
Krupka, Landon 18:50.50 Hollidaysburg
Kidd, Teon 18:50.50 State College
Haris, Austin 18:52.60 State College
Moeny, Jonathan 18:56.80 State College
Batchelder, Gordon 18:58.20 Hollidaysburg
Wissemann, Jonathan 19:02.50 State College
Westrick, Giles 19:04.70 Central Cambria
Allmaras, Cooper 19:06.00 Williamsport Area
Bailey, Remmington 19:09.40 State College
Lian, Roy 19:12.80 Central Cambria
Breneman, Logan 19:14.00 Mifflin County
Krupka, Logan 19:14.70 Hollidaysburg
Treaster, Camryn 19:15.00 Mifflin County
Daum, Evan 19:16.80 Hollidaysburg
Horgas, Marek 19:21.00 State College
Lucio, Elijah 19:21.50 Altoona Area
Snyder, David 19:29.00 Mifflin County
Bradley, Max 19:30.60 Central Cambria
Kanish, Nathan 19:32.80 Hollidaysburg
Dunkle, T.J. 19:35.73 Altoona Area
VanEgdom, Chase 19:39.00 Altoona Area
Etters, Cody 20:04.80 Central Mountain
Stock, Joel 20:05.00 Hollidaysburg
Petrick, Luke 20:08.40 Central Cambria
Jandrisavitz, Colyn 20:12.50 Williamsport Area
Pisarcik, Noah 20:16.30 United
Bialo, James 20:23.70 Hollidaysburg
Houser, Gabriel 20:29.10 Central Mountain
Tryninewski, Isaac 20:30.00 Hollidaysburg
Ricthey, Jayden 20:31.50 Central Cambria
Jolin, David 20:32.90 State College
Burns, Logan 20:40.60 Hollidaysburg
Cannarsa, Liam 20:40.80 Hollidaysburg
Patel, Swayam 20:40.90 Hollidaysburg
Hardy, Jaxon 20:41.80 Central Mountain
McKee, Ben 20:43.70 Altoona Area
Hardin, Joel 20:53.60 Juniata
Thompson, Justin 21:00.50 Philipsburg-Osceola
Horn, Alex 21:00.90 Mifflin County
Hutchinson, Cole 21:03.10 State College
Brooks, Ethan 21:06.80 Marion Center
Evans, Connor 21:07.00 Marion Center
Weyant, Eric 21:12.00 Altoona Area
Oleksa, Syson 21:13.42 United
Shura, Hunter 21:21.31 Bellwood Antis
Herickoff, Ben 21:27.70 State College
Mayall-Marker, David 21:28.90 Juniata
Cunningham, Kale 21:31.10 State College
Zhdanov, Sergei 21:32.00 State College
Li, Edmond 21:33.60 State College
Gurekovich, Luke 21:34.70 Bellwood Antis
Weil, Jacob 21:34.90 Marion Center
Helfen-Wood, Zach 21:37.10 State College
Getty, Evan 21:40.50 Altoona Area
Telfer, Sean 21:41.90 State College
Bickel, Johnny 21:42.05 Bellwood Antis
Cardinal, Cody 21:43.60 Central Mountain
Wilson, Cooper 21:44.40 State College
Morrissey, Lucas 21:45.00 Altoona Area
Brilhart, Christopher 21:47.30 United
Palopoli, Anthony 21:48.00 Mifflin County
Miller, Joseph 21:49.60 Bellwood Antis
Cockburn, Talon 21:50.50 State College
Meyers, Sean 21:59.00 Philipsburg-Osceola
Snyder, Simian 22:05.70 Hollidaysburg
Bird, Brayden 22:15.50 Central Mountain
Leister, Colton 22:15.57 Mifflin County
Cooper, Jack 22:15.94 Marion Center
Fowler, Luke 22:25.70 Juniata
Engle, Caleb 22:32.50 Hollidaysburg
Duncan, Kane 22:40.00 United
Pramuk, Isaac 22:48.30 Hollidaysburg
Ray, Adam 22:50.10 Tyrone Area
Birch, Nathanel 22:50.53 Forest Hills
Darwin, Liam 22:51.40 Central Mountain
Hord, James 22:52.00 Altoona Area
Swanson, Brian 22:53.75 Philipsburg-Osceola
Grove, Elijah 23:09.99 Bellwood Antis
Winslow, Myles 23:11.00 Central Mountain
Woomer, Nathan 23:15.70 Philipsburg-Osceola
Matthews, Collin 23:34.58 Bellwood Antis
Pollock, Charles 23:38.10 Hollidaysburg
Sacco, Colin 23:39.38 Marion Center
Peachey, Matt 23:58.36 Hollidaysburg
Matejovich, Cory 23:59.30 Central Mountain
Keen, Kirk 24:02.93 Bellwood Antis
Miller, Dylan 24:03.10 State College
Dicken, Ryan 24:16.60 Marion Center
Visnesky, Anthony 24:18.48 United
Swift, Rhys 24:23.00 Central Mountain
Frederick, Henry 24:23.60 State College
Scott, Cameron 24:35.70 Philipsburg-Osceola
Dicken, Gavin 24:50.69 Marion Center
McCloskey, Payton 24:53.64 Bellwood Antis
Luther, Aidan 25:06.00 Tyrone Area
Hammond, Lex 25:41.00 State College
Henderson, Ethan 25:55.22 Altoona Area
Farabaugh, Elliot 26:14.20 Hollidaysburg
Sutt, Nicholas 26:19.00 Tyrone Area
Shaffer, Kasin 27:00.50 Cambria Heights
Beck, Tyke 28:05.00 Tyrone Area
Chase, Cameron 29:40.00 Bald Eagle Area
Hodge, Alexander 30:02.80 State College
Yergin, Connor 30:31.60 Philipsburg-Osceola
Guante, Alejandro 38:47.60 Juniata
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Unseeded Girls 5,000 Meter Run 109 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brandis, Morgan 19:20.36 Central Cambria
Baylis, Sophie 19:55.70 State College
Hutchinson, Silvia 20:47.50 State College
Schellberg, Kristen 20:47.80 State College
Krumenacker, Kylee 20:49.00 Central Cambria
Petersen, Alexa 21:09.90 State College
Ruddek, Aubrey 21:17.60 Central Cambria
Swisher, Autumn 21:26.40 State College
George, Katie 21:34.50 Central Cambria
Raish, Emma 21:43.10 State College
Gatskie, Mikayla 21:46.07 Marion Center
Resig, Ryanne 21:47.80 Altoona Area
Bowersox, Leah 21:51.50 Central Cambria
Haggerty, Brynnley 21:56.67 Marion Center
Shellenberger, Brooke 22:03.40 State College
Statler, Nora 22:18.60 Hollidaysburg
Baylis, Kaitlyn 22:23.00 State College
Statler, Anna 22:28.00 Hollidaysburg
Raptosh, Makayla 22:30.50 State College
Peachey, Libby 22:32.60 State College
Knowles, Caitlin 22:40.80 State College
Mikesic, Sam 22:43.00 State College
Wilson, Jordyn 22:43.50 State College
Kirkwood, Taylor 22:52.10 State College
Craft, Lauren 22:52.80 State College
Ruth, Erin 23:05.70 State College
Ruddock, Averi 23:10.10 Marion Center
Gleason, Courtney 23:10.90 Central Cambria
Eveleth, Heidi 23:22.00 Bald Eagle Area
Azor Sanchez, Dana 23:36.10 State College
Ingalls, Kenley 23:40.10 United
Etters, Natalie 23:41.10 Altoona Area
Ruffing, Kaitlyn 23:48.70 State College
Embser, Ellie 24:03.00 State College
Peachey, Kamille 24:09.00 State College
Lipsie, Madison 24:09.70 Marion Center
Scott, Nicole 24:15.86 Marion Center
Sandoval, Hazel 24:17.19 State College
Harte, Lucia 24:18.00 State College
Walls, Jada 24:18.70 United
Long, Eva 24:23.60 Marion Center
Roe, Nora 24:31.50 State College
Behe, Abby 24:32.50 State College
Branstetter, Natalie 24:38.50 State College
Muriceak, Claire 24:44.10 Hollidaysburg
Micheal, Cloe 24:44.40 State College
Kovalcik, Ava 24:55.10 United
Brennan, Hallie 24:58.20 State College
Kyle, Rowan 25:01.04 Bellwood Antis
Fry, Melina 25:04.70 United
Resig, Anna 25:11.10 Altoona Area
Diaz, Christine 25:25.00 Hollidaysburg
Evans, Hailey 25:28.10 Shikellamy
Morgan, Maya 25:33.00 Mifflin County
Hohlfeld, Zoe 25:43.70 State College
Anderson, Ateya 25:50.10 State College
Pollock, Clara 25:50.70 Marion Center
Poborsky, Alexis 25:56.80 Forest Hills
Manno, Grace 25:56.90 State College
Orr, Emma 25:57.40 West Shamokin HS
Mikita, Madison 26:06.90 State College
Earle, Hannah 26:17.00 State College
Billings, Haley 26:18.50 Philipsburg-Osceola
Clayton, Genavieve 26:22.10 State College
Hale, Faith 26:39.30 Williamsport Area
Dunkelberger, Grace 26:42.50 Shikellamy
Roe, Mia 26:52.00 State College
Banker, Clare 26:56.10 State College
Ferguson, Riley 26:56.80 Altoona Area
Maines, Trinity 27:05.91 Bellwood Antis
Kehn, Mya 27:25.40 Forest Hills
Samaniego, Adrian 27:39.50 Central Mountain
Andrews, Sena 27:49.90 Bald Eagle Area
Caballero, Lilliana 27:55.70 Marion Center
Jabr, Lana 27:57.70 State College
Seese, McKenzie 28:27.00 Bald Eagle Area
Barger, Alexis 28:44.72 Hollidaysburg
Hill, Addison 28:59.30 United
Maines, Jayden 29:05.70 Bellwood Antis
Rippey, Sage 29:06.80 Central Mountain
Stivason, Addison 29:12.90 West Shamokin HS
Miller, Charlee 29:22.40 West Shamokin HS
Owens, Macia 29:50.70 Central Mountain
Cower, Sophia 29:55.50 Tyrone Area
Sloey, Isabella 29:59.90 Bellwood Antis
Chronister, Maci 30:35.00 Bellwood Antis
Metzger, Kennedy 30:35.40 Central Mountain
Zellman, Gabrielle 30:47.20 Marion Center
Fatzinger, Sophia 30:57.60 Bellwood Antis
Burkett, Brynn 31:05.00 Portage Area
Coral, Laney 31:26.00 Tyrone Area
Arbuckle, Alaina 31:30.50 West Shamokin HS
Patterson, Anna 31:35.70 State College
Scrips, Makayla 31:51.10 West Shamokin HS
Waite, Hannah 31:54.00 Bellwood Antis
Beiswenger, Sophia 31:59.00 Hollidaysburg
Myers, Eden 32:01.00 Portage Area
Bennett, Zoe 35:16.40 West Shamokin HS
Williams, Saphira 35:27.00 Tyrone Area
Hart, Skyler 35:49.00 Tyrone Area
Newberry, Josie 36:11.00 Bald Eagle Area
Lidwell, Jemma 37:14.00 Portage Area
Rhoades, Sophia 40:18.00 Bald Eagle Area
Gray, Hannah 44:09.70 Bald Eagle Area
Heckman, Lydia 45:00.00 West Shamokin HS
Patel, Nisi 45:00.00 State College
Dayrat, Anna 45:00.00 State College
Hanks, Ellen 45:00.00 State College
Hamlin, Finn 45:00.00 State College
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