
Lower Dauphin MS 2.0

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-04-29 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Mechanicsburg HS
2025-04-23 Lower Dauphin MS vs. Milton Hershey MS
2025-04-22 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Hershey HS
2025-04-09 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Red Land HS
2025-03-31 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Susquehanna Township HS
2025-03-26 Lower Dauphin MS vs. Steel-High MS
2025-03-25 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Milton Hershey HS
2024-09-28 Race of Champions
2024-09-04 Lower Dauphin High School vs Red Land High School
2024-04-23 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Cedar Cliff HS
2024-04-18 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Red Land HS
2024-04-04 Lower Dauphin HS vs. Mechanicsburg HS
2023-10-03 Lower Dauphin vs Hershey
2023-09-23 Race of Champions
2023-09-20 Lower Dauphin vs Susquehanna Township
2023-08-26 Keystone Cup Meet @ Lower Dauphin
2022-10-01 Middle School Race of Champions
2022-09-13 LD versus Mechanicsburg and CC
2022-09-06 LD versus Red Land and Palmyra
2022-04-26 Lower Dauphin Vs Palmyra
2022-04-05 Lower Dauphin Vs Mechanicsburg Dual
2021-09-25 Middle School Race of Champions
2016-10-09 Middle School Race of Champions
2010-04-27 Gettysburg vs Lower Dauphin
2006-10-14 Lower Dauphin Middle School MOC
2006-05-04 Gettysburg @ Lower Dauphin
2005-10-15 Lower Dauphin Middle School MOC
2004-10-09 Lower Dauphin Middle School MOC

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00