1/18 - Sheena Gordon triples with US#1, US#3, US#4

Slippery Rock HS Invitational #1

Sheena Gordon triples with US#1 HJ 5-10, US# 3 18-8.50 LJ, and US#4 55H 7.9 (trials) 8.62 Finals) at Slippery Rock University, Friday 1/18 - Slippery Rock had one of the best shows of the season as McDowell sensation Sheena Gordon lit up the night with US Top 5 performances in three events. Her 5-10 High Jump is a US#1. Her 18-08.50 Long Jump is US#3, and her 7.9 h in the Trials of the 55 Hurdles is a US#4. She also went 8.62 in the Finals. Other elite peformances from the meet included an 8.5 h in the 55 Hurdles by Jasmine Rogers of Quaker Valley; a 10-6 Pole Vault by Waynesburg's Jocelyn Lindsay, and a 14-9 Pole Vault by Hickory's Andy Radamaker.