Altoona Mt. Lion XC Invitational 2018

Altoona, PA

Altoona Mt. Lion XC Invitational 2018 vs Altoona Mt. Lion XC Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +84 459 375
Overall Average +6.25 24:41.34 24:35.08
1st-10th Place +9.00 17:18.32 17:09.32
1st-25th Place +17.62 18:02.49 17:44.87
1st-50th Place +20.03 18:44.60 18:24.58
1st-100th Place +7.66 19:36.15 19:28.48
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -14 13 27
Ran Season Best -2 3 5
Average Time +53.47 23:27.29 22:33.82
Median Time +24.29 22:52.88 22:28.59
Middle 80% Times +55.16 23:12.37 22:17.21
Top 10% Times +1:25.60 18:42.07 17:16.46
Top 25% Times +1:46.87 19:32.93 17:46.06
Top 50% Times +1:30.12 20:35.58 19:05.46
Bottom 50% Times +16.82 26:18.99 26:02.18
Bottom 25% Times +10.99 28:35.33 28:24.34
Bottom 10% Times +7.80 30:11.82 30:04.03
Average Difference +53.47 -- --
Median Difference -1:22.77 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +58.07 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:18.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:29.97 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:29.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:29.97 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +16.98 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3.09 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -8.29 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Aidan Kelley Altoona Area +1:39.57 18:46.17 17:06.60
Ben Love Hollidaysburg +1:15.16 18:26.85 17:11.69
Chris Love Hollidaysburg +2:03.46 19:15.76 17:12.30
Colton Walker Somerset Area +1:35.34 19:10.61 17:35.27
Gabe Ebersole Altoona Area +43.81 18:24.63 17:40.82
George Boutiller Altoona Area +2:10.65 20:13.20 18:02.55
Nate Scritchfield Bedford +3:18.66 21:22.54 18:03.88
Thompson Lau Shady Side Academy +3:20.29 21:26.55 18:06.26
Braeden Ferguson Altoona Area +1:40.85 19:53.33 18:12.48
Chase Brenneman Somerset Area +2:06.49 20:35.21 18:28.72
Brandt Patterson Penn Cambria +1:56.32 20:39.11 18:42.79
Evan Sigel Bedford +2:04.18 21:51.90 19:47.72
Trey Talko Penn Cambria +1:30.43 21:18.25 19:47.82
Noah Noel Penn Cambria +1:21.84 21:28.37 20:06.53
Max Pohar Hollidaysburg -13.78 20:19.94 20:33.72
Eric Jordan Bedford -1:02.52 20:23.61 21:26.13
Xavier Sibold Hollidaysburg +2:44.97 23:23.36 20:38.39
Rory Quigley Tyrone Area +1:46.80 22:39.40 20:52.60
Caedon Poe Bellwood Antis +1:05.80 22:06.40 21:00.60
Morgan Hess Juniata Valley +1:46.04 22:58.29 21:12.25
Katie Beyer Forest Hills -3:18.21 21:29.63 24:47.84
Payton McGough Forest Hills -1:22.77 22:00.13 23:22.90
Madison Blythe Saint Marys Area +3:12.81 25:41.40 22:28.59
Cole Jarvie Penns Manor +1:27.99 24:06.64 22:38.65
Jessica Dibert Bedford +55.35 23:41.63 22:46.28
Mackenzie Kelley Altoona Area -10.08 22:52.88 23:02.96
Nolen Tyndall Hollidaysburg +44.57 23:59.99 23:15.42
Ian Coyle Bishop McCort -55.65 24:08.15 25:03.80
Kyra Allison Windber Area +1:52.36 26:01.87 24:09.51
Brayden Faught Purchase Line -3:31.11 24:39.89 28:11.00
Avery Reid Altoona Area -12.81 24:54.40 25:07.21
Josh Platt Penn Cambria +3:38.62 28:42.82 25:04.20
Abby Painter Ligonier Valley +2:52.91 29:12.90 26:19.99
McKenna Muir United -28.57 26:27.63 26:56.20
Adelynn York Windber Area -2:50.47 27:08.80 29:59.27
Reese Zurybida Juniata Valley -1:26.65 27:33.61 29:00.26
Anna Kuntz Juniata Valley +2:12.04 30:24.65 28:12.61
Aaron Lowman Penns Manor -1.14 29:11.23 29:12.37
Sally Moore Windber Area +28.20 30:30.33 30:02.13
Jade Misko Purchase Line -22.92 30:39.41 31:02.33